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Safety in Small Animal Industry Objective 8.01: Discuss techniques and risks involved in working with small animals.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety in Small Animal Industry Objective 8.01: Discuss techniques and risks involved in working with small animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety in Small Animal Industry Objective 8.01: Discuss techniques and risks involved in working with small animals.

2 Diseases that may be transmitted from animals are zoonoses.  Examples –Rabies –Toxoplasmosis –Ringworm –Psittacosis –Cat-Scratch Fever –Salmonellosis –Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever –Lyme Disease –Leptospirosis

3 Rabies   Rabies – A viral disease that affects the nervous system and is contracted from bites and scratches of infected animals such as dogs and cats. – –a. Immunization is recommended if there is doubt about whether the animal is infected with rabies. – –b. Ninety-three percent (93%) of the reported rabies cases were in wild animals. – –c. Children 5 – 9 years of age make up less than 9% of the population but receive almost 30% of animal bites. – –d. Most domestic animals are not likely to be infected with rabies as long as they are vaccinated on a regular basis.

4 Toxoplasmosis   Toxoplasmosis – disease produced by infection of Toxoplasma gondii parasite and spread through contaminated litter or cat feces. – –a. Does not show up as long as the human immune system is working properly. – –b. Particularly of concern for pregnant women, as it may result in miscarriage, babies born prematurely or blind. – –c. Prevent by wearing rubber, disposable gloves to daily clean litter boxes and thoroughly wash hands after cleaning litter box.

5 Ringworm   Ringworm – –is a fungal skin disease that shows up as round, scaly, encrusted lesions on the skin and a loss of hair where lesions occur.

6 Psittacosis – Parrot Fever   Psittacosis (parrot fever) is a disease contracted by caged birds such as parrots, budgerigars, and related birds. – –a. Humans infection through bird’s contaminated feces or fecal dust; wear dusk mask and a face shield for cleaning cages if danger of infection. – –b. Parrot fever can be prevented by eliminating lice and mites by spraying disinfectants on the feathers of birds.

7 Cat Scratch Fever   Cat-scratch fever – –is a non-serious disease associated with cat bites and scratches   Can cause swelling and soreness around the bite or scratch.

8 Salmonellosis   Salmonellosis is a disease that results from an infection of Salmonella bacteria and may be transmitted to humans and animals. – –a. Children and elderly are most at risk. – –b. Pet turtles and reptiles are a common source of infection in humans.

9 Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever   Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever causes coagulation of the blood. – –a. Symptoms include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, skin rash and death if not treated with proper antibodies. – –b. Caused by bite of American dog tick and six other tick species.

10 Lyme Disease   Lyme disease – –is a tick-transmitted bacterial disease that results in a rash, distinctive skin lesion, hives and flu-like symptoms such as aching muscles, stiff neck, fatigue, fever, chills, painful joints, etc.

11 Leptospirosis   Leptospirosis – –is a disease that humans contract by water, food, or soil that has been contaminated by urine from small animals.

12 Parasites   Parasites are organisms that live on or within a host organism.   Parasites gain their sustenance (nourishment) from the host organism. Children are most at risk because they play with dogs and cats and in the area where animals have been. – –Ticks – –Ascarids   Toxocara species - roundworms   Ancylostoma species - hookworms – –Tapeworm

13 Ticks   Ticks – – –Seven species carry Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever – –five species most often carry Zysore disease. – –Daily personal hygiene is especially important for those working with pets to remove small larvae that may go undetected by visual inspection.

14 Worms   Ascarids – –(Toxocara species), hookworms (Ancylostoma species and Uncinaria stenocephala) are round worms – –affect dogs and cats may be passed on to humans causing fever, headache, cough and poor appetite.   a. Children who play with dogs and cats are most at risk.   b. Deworming of cats and dogs is the most effective prevention measure and keeping areas clean from feces.

15 Tapeworm   Tapeworm – –(Echinococus species)   Usually carried by dogs and cats and may cause AHD (Alveolar Hydatid Disease) – –which can be fatal or produce parasitic tumors or cysts in the liver of humans that may go unnoticed for years.

16 Safety in Small Animal Industry Objective 8.02: Demonstrate safe work habits

17 Contamination   Avoiding contamination in clinics and when working with multiple animals – –1. Avoid contamination by frequent washing of hands and protective clothing. – –2. Separate sick animals and treat in separate areas. – –3. Do not eat or drink or store food and drink in treatment areas or where contamination can occur. – –4. Never wash lab coats and protective clothing with regular clothes.

18 Contamination   Protective clothing for working with small animals – –1. Wear protective clothing and equipment when the job performed with a small animal requires it. – –2. Rubber unlined gloves, rubber boots, and face shield or goggles with anti fog lenses should be worn when handling chemicals or applying pesticides. – –3. Leather gloves help protect from bites and scratches. – –4. Coveralls and lab coats offer some additional protection from minor bites and scratches. – –5. Respirators should be worn when there is a danger of inhaling toxic dust and other substances.

19 Contamination   Chemical safety when working with small animals – –1. Use chemicals according to label instructions. – –2. Store chemicals in the original container whenever possible. – –3. Avoid over mixing and storing chemicals, but if chemicals must be stored, make certain they are in 1) a locked location and 2) clearly labeled. – –4. Dispose of all chemicals and their containers according to label instructions. – –5. Frequently wash hands and exposed area after using chemicals.

20 Proper Handling   1. Learn proper and safe handling techniques that prevent injury to the animal and handler.   2. Keep a first-aid kit available for workers who do suffer bites or scratches.   3. Briefly restrain animals when needed for examination or treatment.   4. To work around the head of a cat, the animal can be wrapped in a blanket and placed in a zippered canvas bag so that the handler can grasp the back of the head and hold the head between the thumb and fingers.   5. Dogs are briefly restrained by placing one arm under the dog’s neck with the forearm holding the head while the other arm is placed around the animal’s body to pull it close to the handler.

21 Proper Handling   6. Muzzles for dogs prevent biting and can be a simple narrow strip of gauze or cloth made by making a loop in the material. The loop is slipped over the dog’s nose and mouth and the ends are crossed under the jaw to bring them up behind the ears for tying in a bow.   7. Rabbits can be picked up by grabbing the scruff of the neck with one hand and lifting up while placing the other hand under the rump for support. To hold, simply use the same technique but the hand under the rump is moved to support the abdomen.   8. Rabbits seldom bite but many cause injury with their hind legs or may be injured if placed on a smooth surface. A rabbit’s foot pads are covered with fur which cause a lack of traction if they are placed on a smooth or slick surface and may result in dislocation of their hip or spine when they try to move or hop.   9. Rats and mice that are use to being handled, can be picked up by grasping the tail close to the body with one hand and using the other hand to grasp loose skin in the neck and shoulder area.

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