KNR 273.  Health and human service profession  A quality of life profession  Therapeutic Recreation (TR)  Recreational Therapy (RT)

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Presentation on theme: "KNR 273.  Health and human service profession  A quality of life profession  Therapeutic Recreation (TR)  Recreational Therapy (RT)"— Presentation transcript:

1 KNR 273

2  Health and human service profession  A quality of life profession  Therapeutic Recreation (TR)  Recreational Therapy (RT)

3  Recreation Therapy is #4 best college major for a career  Kiplinger 2012  Recreation Therapist is #9 best profession for saving the world  CNN May 2011

4  30,000 positions in U.S. & Canada  Variety of titles: Recreational Therapist, Activity Therapist, Inclusion Specials, Therapeutic Recreation Specialist, etc.  12,000 certified in U.S. & Canada  NCTRC, 2009  2,000 members of ATRA  ATRA, 2012


6  Any individual with a physical, mental, social, or emotional condition that limits leisure functioning  Individuals with illnesses, disabilities, or conditions acknowledged by health and human services classification systems  Medical & psychiatric classification schemes  DSM 5  WHO, ICF  Healthy People 2020  Also includes legal offenders, at-risk youth  Deviation from social norms & become recipients of specialized services





11  Long term care facilities  Residential facilities  Mental health facilities  Special recreation associations  Veteran hospitals  Hospitals  Substance abuse facilities  And more..!

12  Any agency or center that serves the clients we discussed  Health care (clinical), residential, community

13  NCTRC Primary Sector:  40% Hospital  18% Skilled Nursing Facility  9% Residential/Transitional  8% Community Parks & Rec.  7% Other  5% Outpatient/Day Treatment  4% Human Services  Higher number in community settings in IL due to SRAs


15  Games  Cooking  Puzzles  Arts and crafts  Dancing  Aquatics  Computer games  Sewing/knitting  Pets  Community Reintegration  Music  Sports  Art  Writing  Special Olympics  Outdoor activities  Traveling  Card games  And more!


17  Develop friendships  Improve physical health  Improve cognitive functioning  Decrease stress  Increase self-esteem  Independence  Develop new social skills  Learn how to cope  Overcome barriers  And more!  You Tube Clip  om/watch?v=RGY16Ms sBw0 om/watch?v=RGY16Ms sBw0

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