Dirk Baron Department of Geology California State University, Bakersfield Dual-Credit Geology Classes at High Schools as a Recruiting Tool for University.

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Presentation on theme: "Dirk Baron Department of Geology California State University, Bakersfield Dual-Credit Geology Classes at High Schools as a Recruiting Tool for University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dirk Baron Department of Geology California State University, Bakersfield Dual-Credit Geology Classes at High Schools as a Recruiting Tool for University Geoscience Programs

2 The Problem  Due to the lack of Geology or Earth Science AP classes, few rigorous classes in these fields are taught at high schools.  If Earth Science is taught, it is usually not taken by college-bound students.  High school students are therefore rarely aware of the geosciences and the career opportunities in the field.

3 One Solution – Dual-Credit Classes  Universities support geology classes at high schools and give students university credit.  The opportunity to earn university credit attracts college-bound seniors.  Schools benefit through expanded opportunities for students and professional development for teachers.  Students benefit through exposure to a field that offers excellent career opportunities and through transferable college credit.  Universities benefit through increased enrollment and recruiting opportunities.

4 CSU Bakersfield – Kern High School District– Dual-Credit Geology Program  Started 15 years ago with one school, entirely on a volunteer basis.  Expanded to six schools in 2012 with funding from the NSF and Chevron. About 350 high school seniors now complete the classes annually.  Cost for students is $21 for 5 units of transferable college credit for our introductory Physical Geology class.

5 Enrollment Growth in CSUB Geology Programs 2006 - Present

6 Lower Division FTES

7 More Information: Topical Session at 2013 GSA Meeting

8 Acknowledgements  National Science Foundation, Opportunities for Enhancing Diversity in the Geosciences program  Chevron  Kern High School District

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