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IS… Carol Tamaklo, RN BSN Health Sciences Instructor

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Presentation on theme: "IS… Carol Tamaklo, RN BSN Health Sciences Instructor"— Presentation transcript:

1 IS… Carol Tamaklo, RN BSN Health Sciences Instructor
Clinical Instructor, HOSA Advisor

2 HOSA Health Occupations Students of America
HOSA Executive Council

3 HOSA IS… A national career and technical student organization
Endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education and the Health Occupations Division of the American Vocational Association to be an integral part of career and technical education instructional programs A unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for secondary and postsecondary/collegiate students enrolled in health science technology programs

4 HOSA History At the 1971 American Vocational Association a task force was appointed to study student organizations In November 1975, 18 representatives from Alabama, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma and Texas voted to form the American Health Occupations Education Student Organization (AHOESO). A Constitutional Convention was held in Arlington, Texas in November 1976.

5 The delegates and advisors:
(1) adopted bylaws which changed the name of the organization to Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) (2) elected national officers (3) selected national colors and a motto (4) made plans for HOSA emblem competition (5) set the first National Leadership Conference for spring 1978 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. At that National Leadership Conference charters were presented to six states, including Kentucky.

6 HOSA Mission To promote career opportunities in the health care industry, and To enhance the delivery of quality health care to all people

7 Purpose and Goals of HOSA
To serve the needs of its members and strengthen the HSTE-HOSA Partnership in the following ways: Foster programs and activities which will develop 1. Physical, mental, and social well-being 2. Leadership, character, and citizenship 3. Ethical practices and respect for the dignity of work

8 Foster self-actualization which leads to meeting psychological, social, and economic needs
Build confidence in student which leads to realistic career choices and successful employment in the health care field Promote inter- organizational relationships

9 Recognize individual achievement
Promote involvement in current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival need of community, nation, and the world Establish and maintain state associations in good standing with HOSA

10 HOSA Opportunities “What’s in it for Me?”
INVOLVMENT – in a variety of chapter activities RECOGNITION – through participation in competitive events SCHOLARSHIPS TRAVEL – regional, state and national activities NETWORKING – with health care professionals, industry leaders, organizations, and associations

11 HOSA Opportunities COMMUNICATIONS – through a series of publications
LEADERSHIP – opportunities for learning how to work effectively with others CONFIDENCE - from active participation in HOSA activities

12 HOSA Conferences Participate in competitive events that test competencies and related skills in chosen occupation on local, regional, state and national levels

13 HOSA Emblem The Circle represents the continuity of health care
The Triangle represents the three aspects of humankind well-being; social, physical, and mental The Hands represent the caring of each HOSA member

14 HOSA Colors Navy Blue represents loyalty to the health care profession
Medical White represents purity of purpose Maroon represents compassion of HOSA members


16 HOSA Creed I Believe in the Health Care Profession.
I believe in the profession for which I am being trained; and in the opportunities that my training offers. I Believe in education. I believe that through education I will be able to make the greatest use of my skills, knowledge, and experience in order to become a contributing member of the health care team of my community. I Believe in myself. I believe that by using the knowledge and skills of my profession I will become more aware of myself. Through fulfilling these goals, I will become a more responsible person. I Believe that each individual is important in his or her own right; therefore I will treat each person with respect and love. To this end I dedicate my training, my skills and my self to serve others through HOSA.

17 Membership Categories
Active Membership Secondary Postsecondary Collegiate Professional Alumni Honorary

18 Program of Work The Program of Work (POW) is a plan of activities for the year. It doesn’t need to be elaborate. Activities can be added or revised during the year. HOSA student members should take ownership of the Program of Work.

19 Types of Activities for POW
Career Related Activities Alumni Involvement Community Activities Benevolent Activities Social/Leadership Activities Fundraising

20 POW Planning Sheet Prepare one sheet per goal Goal 1: Objectives -
Activities - Resources - Time - Cost - Beginning/Completion Date - Product -

21 Membership Info… Membership year is September thru August
Total dues - $40.00/year National affiliation fee (dues) is $10 State affiliation fee (dues) is $10 SC HOSA officers include: President----Vice President Secretary—-Treasurer & Various Committee Chairs

22 Membership Info… "HOSA: Innovate, Inspire & Ignite!“
HOSA Fall Leadership Conference – October 15 HOSA State Conference – March National HOSA Conference – June

23 What’s the $40 cover? State & National Membership HOSA T-shirt
Eligibility to attend Fall Leadership Newberry College in October Eligibility to attend 2-day State Leadership Conference in Charleston Scholarship opportunities

24 Talk to me about State Leadership
Students will plan and prepare to compete in a health-related event of their choice Events may be individual , pairs, or group events Event categories can be

25 Sign me up… Contact: Ms. Tamaklo- Advisor
Sign up for Remind Text avcc” to 81010

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