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Second Grade, The elements of Living Systems and communication skills are integrated in the activities. We suggest that students keep a journal. It is.

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2 Second Grade, The elements of Living Systems and communication skills are integrated in the activities. We suggest that students keep a journal. It is critical for students to use writing skills to explain answers. When you see this symbol students should use their journals. Click to go to next screen Teacher Page

3 Writing Activity

4 Directions Read the prompt in the box. Imagine that your class is taking a field trip to the zoo. You spot an animal you’ve never seen before. Write a description of this animal to a friend. You can include a picture with your writing. You can use the following prewriting sample, or the prewriting activity you usually use in your class to help you with your rough draft.

5 Story Map Your animal Body parts gills lungs number of legs tail Body coverings feathers scales fur/hair skin shell Diet Meat-eater Plant-eater Size ColorMovementFamily fly hop swim slither crawlwalk bird amphibian mammalreptile fish

6 Final Copy Directions Revise your draft. Reread your draft and think about the Writer’s Checklist below. Make sure each of these statements is true about your draft. 4My paper has a beginning, middle, and end. 4My paper stays on the topic. 4My paper has complete sentences. 4My paper includes correct punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and spelling. Writer’s Checklist If any of these statements are not true about your paper, make the needed changes on your draft before you write your final copy. End of Activity

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