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1 The Parable of the Sower. 2 The Sower The Seed The Field of Endeavor – Only One Field With Four Types of Soil Wayside Stony Thorny Good Ground.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Parable of the Sower. 2 The Sower The Seed The Field of Endeavor – Only One Field With Four Types of Soil Wayside Stony Thorny Good Ground."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Parable of the Sower

2 2 The Sower The Seed The Field of Endeavor – Only One Field With Four Types of Soil Wayside Stony Thorny Good Ground

3 3 “Public Variety” Never has GREATER than 85% germination rate. No guarantee of productivity. No tested protection against pests, drought, overmuch moisture or any other types of concern for an abundant harvest.

4 4 “Certified Seed” –Nothing LESS than 85% germination rate! –Tested protection AGAINST pests, drought, overmuch moisture – every concern regarding assurance of an abundant harvest! –It has a PROVEN RECORD OF PRODUCTIVITY!

5 5 Luke 8:11 – The seed is the word of God. Galatians 1: 6 - 11 2 Timothy 4:1-8

6 6 The immediate conclusion is the Sower is Jesus Christ (vs. 11 – 15). However …The immediate conclusion is the Sower is Jesus Christ (vs. 11 – 15). However … MATTHEW 28:18 – 20MATTHEW 28:18 – 20 2 CORINTHIANS 4:62 CORINTHIANS 4:6 Since the deprivation of the SEED results in lost souls, what will God do with the souls who have this SEED and fail to use it as He commanded? We MUST be Sowers of the Seed!

7 7 The Field of Endeavor Wayside –Luke 8:5; 12 Sometimes, it is not WHAT we say, but HOW WE SAY IT! It is GOD’S WORD, and we are but His servants in sowing the seed.

8 8 The Field of Endeavor Stony –Luke 8: 6; 13 –1 Corinthians 3: 5 - 7

9 9 The Field of Endeavor Thorny –Luke 8: 7; 14 –1 John 2:15 - 17

10 10 The Field of Endeavor FERTILE –Luke 8: 8; 15 –Notice: If YOU believe YOURSELF as being fertile ground, then remember the Lord said, “… and bare fruit a hundredfold”. The evidence is visible!

11 11 Conditions Required For A Bountiful Harvest Every field of endeavor has all four soil components. YOUR productivity determines the productivity of others! Galatians 5:22 – 23 Don’t forget the needed minerals! –2 Peter 3:18 –Colossians 3:16-17

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