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The Poor And Poverty In Jesus’ Teaching. A. The Servant Among the Poor Foretold 1. Four Servant Songs (3:22 = Isa. 42:1)

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Presentation on theme: "The Poor And Poverty In Jesus’ Teaching. A. The Servant Among the Poor Foretold 1. Four Servant Songs (3:22 = Isa. 42:1)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Poor And Poverty In Jesus’ Teaching

2 A. The Servant Among the Poor Foretold 1. Four Servant Songs (3:22 = Isa. 42:1)

3 B. The Servant Among the Poor Foretold 2. The Magnificat 3. John The Baptist – Clean Up Your Act (3:11-14)

4 C. The Incarnation: Act That Changed History (2:6-7) 1. Down From His Glory… 2. O The Joy Of Following Jesus! 3. Incarnation As A Profound Economic Act 4. Incarnation As A Profound Political Act 5. Incarnation As A Profound Historical Symbol 6. Incarnation As the Beginning Of A New Social Ethic.

5 D. The Empowering Spirit: Compelling Us To The Poor (4:18) 1. The Power Of The Proclaimed Kingdom 2. The Godly Poor Of Yahweh 3. O The Joy Of Following Jesus!

6 E. Jesus Confronted With The Needy 1. A Mother In-Law’s Fever (4:38,39) 2. A Man With Leprosy (5:12-13) 3. A Paralytic (5:17-26) 4. Jairus Daughter (8:10-36) 5. A Women With A Flow Of Blood.

7 F. The Blessed Poor In The Horror poverty (Luke 6:20-27) 1. Jesus Speaking As a Poor Man 2. Blessing Is Not Poverty But For The Poor 3. The Terror Of Riches

8 G. Validation Of Our Ministry: Impact On The Poor (7:22-23) 1. Miraculous Among The Poor 2. Social Ministry Among The Poor 3. Good New Is Preached To The Poor 4. Righteousness Is Related To Involvement With The Poor 5. Teaching The Poor By Parables

9 H.Apostolic Poverty: Dependent On The Poor, Dependent On God 1. Mission Is By The Poor To The Poor (9:1-3,10:7) 2. Foxes Have Holes (9:58) 3. God’s Provision (12:32-34)

10 I.Almsgiving 1. Parable Of Neighbors (10:25-37) 2. Hospitality For The Poor (Luke 14:13,14)

11 J.The Call To The Rich For Radical Repentance 1. Analysis Of Poverty => Analysis Of Riches 2. Jesus Loved The Rich 3. Parable Of the Rich Fool (12:13-21) 4. Give Up Unconditionally Your Attachment To Riches (Luke 12:33, 14:33) 5. You Cannot Serve God And Money (16:13-15) 6. The Rich Man And Lazarus (16:19-31) 7. Gaining The World, Losing Your Soul (9:25)

12 K. Finale: Which Would You Choose? 1. The Road We Must Follow 2. Choice: Junk Or Jesus

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