CCC’s Bi-Monthly Member Meeting GHP Operational Plan 2016 By: Soeung Saroeun, ED EL Sotheary, HOP 08 December 2015, KSSA, Phnom Penh Vision: Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "CCC’s Bi-Monthly Member Meeting GHP Operational Plan 2016 By: Soeung Saroeun, ED EL Sotheary, HOP 08 December 2015, KSSA, Phnom Penh Vision: Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCC’s Bi-Monthly Member Meeting GHP Operational Plan 2016 By: Soeung Saroeun, ED EL Sotheary, HOP 08 December 2015, KSSA, Phnom Penh Vision: Sustainable Development for Cambodia 1

2 1.GHP in summary 2.Key priorities for CCC in 2016 3.Key interventions by outcomes 4.Risks and mitigation strategies 5.Proposed budget 6.Implementation Structure 7.Group discussion Presentation Outlines:

3 GHP in Summary VALUES: 1.Integrity 2.Cooperation 3.Responsiveness 4.Quality 5.Inclusiveness MISSION: We provide high quality services to civil society and influence Cambodia’s development actors

4 Key Priorities for CCC in 2016  Strengthening CSO effectiveness: through GPP, Global Reference Standards, CBO Guideline….  Enabling environment: post LANGO strategies (development of implementation guidelines, build capacity of CSOs and M&E of LANGO)  Research and learning: CSO contribution, enabling environment at sub-national level, learning forum with catchy topics

5 Key Priorities for CCC… (Cont’d)  Promoting institutional effectiveness: promoting OGP and ISAF  Meaningfully participating in localization of SDGs in CSOs and government including partnership for development and financing for development  Promoting collaboration and coordination among CSOs at both national and sub-national levels

6 Key Interventions by Outcomes Outcome 1: Improved Quality Services of CSOs -Enhance and maintain GPP Database Management System. -Facilitate and conduct organizational assessment of at least 40 applicant CSOs. -Facilitate certified CSOs to maintain their compliance with the GPP standards. -Support applicant CSOs to implement recommendations of GPP. -Implement the project on “Culturing good practice and sustainability of Community- Based Organizations in Cambodia”. -Participate in development of global reference standards for CSO accountability. -Conduct eight learning forums on HR, FM, ICT and M&E. -Conduct two training courses on GPA. -Facilitate development of digital M&E and its expansion within CSOs.

7 Key Interventions by Outcomes Outcome 2: Improved Enabling Environment for CSOs -Conduct research studies on Enabling Environment, CSO contributions, CSO sustainability etc. -Facilitate CSOs participation in law and policy development processes, and implementation monitoring. -Play role as the secretariat for CSOs in promoting Open Government Partnership for a transparent, accountable, effective, innovative and responsible government. -Promote profile and work of CCC’s members and others CSOs to public. -Increase support and recognition from DP/Funding Partners on GPP. -Advocate the National Assembly of the Government of Cambodia to provide national budget /funds allocation and/or tax exemption for CSOs. -Initiate Business and Human Rights dialogue.

8 Key Interventions by Outcomes Outcome 3: Increased Collaboration among CSOs -Work closely with INGOs and LNGOs to develop long-term plans to better utilize and mobilize resources and labor forces. -Coordinate CSO engagement in the mechanisms of DCPS, TWGs, GDCC, CDF, Annual Gov’t-CSOs dialogue, ISAF. -Facilitate provincial CSO networks to develop and implement their strategic plan(s) -Facilitate Cambodian CSOs and CSOs of MCLV, especially in Cambodia to the implementation and monitoring of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). -Implement the consultant’s recommendation from a feasibility study on establishment of a CSOs Center for Sustainable Development. -Expand CCC membership in accordance with new revision of CCC's bylaws. -Facilitate and manage up-to-date information on CSOs operating in Cambodia.

9 Key Interventions by Outcomes Outcome 4: Increased Capacity of CCC -Develop and implement communications and fund raising unit and strategies. -Facilitate sound financial management. -Collect membership fee, GPP application and annual fee, and other initiative fees. -Review and update appropriate and relevant policies, guidelines, procedures, and performance management system. -Create a culture of professional practices. -Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation including reporting. -Maintain compliance with GPP standards and certificate. -Facilitate responses to CCC donor requirements and government regulations.

10 Risks and Mitigation Strategies NoPotential RisksMitigation Strategies 1Funding issue and financial sustainability -Join and/or merge activities -CSO national trust fund 2Implications of LANGO and Cybercrime Law -Request and advocate to have CSO space -Well prepared initiatives among CSOs for mutual support and improved capacity -Develop best strategies to ensure that GPP could respond to the requirements of LANGO. -Continue to promote common goal and mutual support within CSOs 3Lack of genuine and inclusive partnership within civil society and with government and other development actors -Promote the ownership, coordination and local initiatives -Conduct power analysis to identify key actors and have proper interventions -Promote collaboration with key development actors

11 Proposed Budget NoOutcomesProposed Budge 1Improved quality services for CSOs 2Improved enabling environment for CSOs 3 Increased collaboration among CSOs 4 Increased capacity of CCC in performing its roles Total ~1,000,000 USD

12 Implementation Structure  CCC members (160)  CCC Executive Committee (7)  Execution body (38): Senior Management Team Governance and Professional Practice (GPP) Research and Learning Coalition building, Advocacy and Networking Operations and Organizational Development Communication and Members Development

13 Thanks for your attention! 13

14 Group Discussion Comments and suggestions on the key priorities and key interventions by outcome -4 groups to work on Outcome 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively -Group activities (30 minutes) -Group presentation (5 minutes each)

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