6 th Grade District PLC December 14, 2011. Marzano Books – Status Update  McCombs – the information was forwarded to Chris Murphy  Hiatt – books will.

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Presentation on theme: "6 th Grade District PLC December 14, 2011. Marzano Books – Status Update  McCombs – the information was forwarded to Chris Murphy  Hiatt – books will."— Presentation transcript:

1 6 th Grade District PLC December 14, 2011

2 Marzano Books – Status Update  McCombs – the information was forwarded to Chris Murphy  Hiatt – books will not be purchased  Weeks – books will be ordered  Merrill – books should be in – do you have them?  Meredith – ordered five copies Online Version of Classroom Instruction that Works: http://www.mcrel.org/pdf/instruction/5992tg_what_works.pdf

3 Learning Outcomes  To deepen our understanding of the Priority Standards; to identify learning opportunities that best align with the curriculum in unit 3.  To collaboratively plan a lesson with your PLC, implementing one Marzano, Writing to Learn, or engagement strategy during Unit 3.

4 Celebrations!  Congratulations to Beth Hageboeck for serving on the Writing to Learn lead team at Callanan – great presentation last Wednesday!  Petra Lange

5 Celebrations!  6 th grade teachers at McCombs and 6 th grade teachers at Hiatt are doing some great data teaming and planning based on assessment results!  Building Leaders

6 Celebrations!  6 th Grade teachers at Goodrell have done a great job of having small group instruction in place based on formative and summative assessments!

7 Celebrations!  Quick Whip – What great things/ideas do you have to celebrate?

8 Celebrations!  Email pictures or other celebrations prior to our meeting each month to have them highlighted in our presentation!  Email celebrations to your Literacy Coach:  Emily Arnold  Ben Buchan  Sara Curto  Brooke Hakert  Peggy Krentz  Petra Lange  Erin Newendorp

9 Strategy Sharing The Unknowns  Fact and Opinion

10 Benchmark Assessment Feedback Forms

11 LR Credit from AEA Title: Teaching the Standards in English/Language Arts, Grades 6-8 Heartland Activity #: CA013499991201 Must attend all sessions

12 Iowa Assessments If you would like more information go to: http://www.riversidepublishing.com/products/ia/learnmore.html

13 If you would like to share materials and lesson plans…  http://dmpsmsliteracy.wikispaces.com/

14 For Next Time - January 11 th  Please bring:  A pencil is all you’ll need!  Collaborative scoring of writing assessments.  Meeting will be held at Plymouth Church (42 nd and Ingersoll)  6 th – 8 th Grade teachers will all meet together.

15 Exit Slip (one per PLC)  Student work reflection  Identify chosen Marzano, Engagement, or Writing to Learn strategy  Short description of planned lesson  Identify student work piece

16 Review Student Work  What were you wanting this piece to demonstrate?  Did students accomplish or demonstrate what you had intended them to?  Did it align to the standard being taught?  Would you use it again, how can it be modified to use with other lessons?

17 Collaboration Time  Review the Priority Standards for unit three. As a PLC, select one Marzano, Writing to Learn, or engagement strategy that aligns with your selected standard.  Craft a lesson to implement in each of your classrooms.  Decide which work sample to bring for next time (one each: high, medium, low).  Plan and practice with your peers.  January Presenters: NONE

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