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Literary rhetorical devices OCD 6 th period. Antimetabole The repetition of words in reverse order for emphasis ‘I want what I need and I need what I.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary rhetorical devices OCD 6 th period. Antimetabole The repetition of words in reverse order for emphasis ‘I want what I need and I need what I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary rhetorical devices OCD 6 th period

2 Antimetabole The repetition of words in reverse order for emphasis ‘I want what I need and I need what I want’ ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’

3 Antithesis A person or thing that is the direct opposite of something else. Changing the position of sharply contrasting words or phrases. ‘You’re hot then you’re cold, you’re yes then you’re no...’ ‘When hell freezes over!’

4 Gradualism Passing on to the strongest word after passing through milder ones. The continuance of anger is hatred; the continuance of hatred turns to malice He was having a good day, then his girlfriend kissed him on the cheek; then he found $100 and his day got even better.

5 Oxymoron A figure of speech where two words contradict each other. ‘She was a little big.’ ‘Military intelligence’ ‘Jumbo Shrimp’ ‘Civil War’

6 Anadiplosis When a word is used at the end of a sentence and then again at the beginning of the next sentence. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. Beware the dark side.

7 Anaphora A term for the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive sentences. Good food. Good cheer. Good times. We shall not fail. We shall go to the end. We shall fight until the end. Veni vidi vici

8 Antonomasia The use of a nickname in place of a proper name. Many people call Mr. Holbein, J.Ho. Go get the water, squirt. He’s such a scrooge. When I actually met “Mr. Right”, I had no idea his first name was “Always.”

9 Apostrophe Talking about someone or personifying an idea for someone not present. Directly address an abstract quality or nonexistent person. ‘Oh my god.’ Hello darkness, my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again.’ ‘Blue Moon’ (the song)

10 Asyndeton Veni vidi venci listing words or phrases as examples. They dove, splashed, squished, flew. I like bread. For example, I like wheat, white, cinnamon, toast, potato, etc…

11 Climax Phrases or sentence arranged in rising action. No, no, no I don’t want to get up! I was sitting in a chair, then I was driving a car, then “BAM”; I was flying a space ship. You were born, did stupid stuff, then died. We were sad.


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