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HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Communications Campaign Health Communication Science Office National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

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Presentation on theme: "HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Communications Campaign Health Communication Science Office National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases."— Presentation transcript:

1 HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Communications Campaign Health Communication Science Office National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


3 Healthy People 2020 Goal Increase the vaccination coverage level to 80% for HPV vaccine series completion by age 13 to 15 years


5 Communications

6 Strategy 1. Establish CDC as the leader of the national campaign for HPV vaccine communication 2. Tailor HPV vaccination communication for primary audiences 3. Adjust messaging and/or channels for message delivery by conducting target audience research 4. Work through professional partner organizations to reach target audiences with campaign messages

7 Communication Objectives 1. Increase clinician knowledge of their coverage rates and improve the quality of HPV vaccination recommendations to 11-12 year old patients. 2. Increase parent understanding to improve HPV vaccine recommendation acceptance. 3. Facilitate state programs working with clinicians to know their rates and provide effective recommendations. 4. Facilitate partner organizations working together on state-wide plans to improve rates.

8 OBJECTIVE 1 Improve clinician knowledge regarding cancer prevention benefits, the quality of clinician’s HPV vaccination recommendation (i.e., strength, timeliness, consistency and urgency) to the patients in their practice/clinic who are age 11 or 12 years, and ability to answer questions regarding HPV vaccination. MEASURE 1 Increase in self-reported clinician knowledge and quality (i.e., strength, timeliness, consistency and urgency) of the HPV vaccination recommendation. Rationale Because clinicians’ recommendation is a strong predictor of vaccine uptake, it is important to assess clinicians’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, and self-efficacy related to the HPV vaccination recommendation. Data Source National survey (e.g., HealthStyles, DocStyles); HS Physician research (qualitative and quantitative) Data Frequency Annual; Biannual Data Validation Mixed method: Qualitative and survey data Measure Methodology Multiple sources, Inter-coder reliability of coding sources

9 OBJECTIVE 2 Increase parent knowledge regarding cancer prevention benefits and the need to vaccinate both females and males in order to improve acceptance of clinician recommendation of HPV vaccination for their preteen children. MEASURE 2 Increase in self-reported parental knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, regarding cancer prevention benefits, for both females and males, of the HPV vaccine. RationaleEven though parents’ immunizations decisions are influenced by clinicians, ultimately vaccination decisions rest with parents, so it is important to examine parents’ knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, efficacy and safety of the HPV vaccine. Data SourceNational survey (e.g., HealthStyles); HS Parent research (qualitative and quantitative) Data Frequency Annual; Biannual Data ValidationMixed method: Qualitative and survey data Measure Methodology Multiple sources, Inter-coder reliability of coding sources

10 OBJECTIVE 3 Improve national- and state-funded public health programs’ knowledge of tools and resources available to help clinicians in their jurisdiction offer effective HPV vaccination recommendations. MEASURE 3 Uptake of CDC objectives among national- and state-funded public health programs RationaleObjective to strengthen partnerships to advance HPV awareness, knowledge and use of CDC’s tools and resources, evidence that national- and state-funded public health programs have shared CDC-led objectives or are accessing, downloading, distributing, etc. CDC HPV vaccination materials will verify their engagement with the CDC’s HPV vaccination goals. Data SourceNumber of click through and/or download metrics; Number of webinar participants; Number of presentations Data FrequencyMonthly; Annually Data ValidationMultiple sources, Inter-coder reliability of coding of sources; Survey national- and state-funded public health programs Measure Methodology # of items that report on CDC’s leadership in either research or application of CDC (as a) resource(s) to understand HPV, HPV vaccine, information for healthcare providers and/or parents

11 OBJECTIVE 4Improve partner organizations’ knowledge of tools and resources available to facilitate partnerships with state immunization programs to improve HPV vaccine uptake. MEASURE 4Uptake of CDC objectives among partners RationaleObjective to strengthen partnerships to advance HPV awareness, knowledge and use of CDC’s tools and resources, evidence that partners have shared CDC-led objectives or are accessing, downloading, distributing, etc. CDC HPV vaccination materials will verify their engagement with the CDC’s HPV vaccination goals. Data SourceNumber of click through and/or download metrics; Number of webinar participants; Number of presentations Data FrequencyMonthly; Annually Data ValidationMultiple sources, Inter-coder reliability of coding of sources; Survey national- and state-funded public health programs Measure Methodology # of items that report on CDC’s leadership in either research or application of CDC (as a) resource(s) to understand HPV, HPV vaccine, information for healthcare providers and/or parents

12 Research to Practice At-A-Glance Research ActivityResearch FindingNew MessageProduct/Tool IDIs with doctors (2/2012)Need specific language to use when talking about HPV vaccine Make a strong recommendtion; bundle recommendations Tip Sheet (9/2013) Palm Card (9/2014) IDIs with doctors (2/2012) IDIs with nurses (2/2013) Want info all in one place Docs as clipping service You Are The KeyProvider Portal (9/2013) Online survey with moms watching videos (1/2013) Moms want to hear about cancer prevention, not sex HPV Vaccine is Cancer Prevention Tip Sheet (9/2013) PSA (9/2013) Palm Card (9/2014) IDIs with nurses (2/2013)Need specific language to answer questions We know HPV vaccine is safe because… Safety Factsheet (6/2014) Focus groups with moms (7/2013) Need more info on safety and effectiveness We know HPV vaccine is safe and works well because… Safety Factsheet (6/2014) Focus groups with moms (7/2013) Concerns about HPV vx as green light to have sex You’re not opening the door to sex, you’re closing the door to cancer Conf booth (‘13/’14) posters/ads (‘13/’14) IDIs with doctors (2/2012) IDIs with nurses (2/2013) Unable to give recommended ages 11 and 12 is the right age for HPV vaccine Digital ads (‘13/’14) All research activitiesSome parents only want “required” vaccines Three vaccines are recommended at 11-12 Letter from school nurses (7/2014)

13 Communication Channels & Methods AUDIENCE Paid Media CliniciansParents METHOD Digital Banner Ads on Websites Digital Ads in Apps Video PSAs on YouTube Audio PSAs on Music Apps Audio PSAs on Radio Print Ads in Medical Conference Materials Digital Ads on Medical Conference Websites Print Ads in Medical Publications Digital Ads in [online] Medical Publications Print Ads in Popular Magazines Social Media CDC Twitter Feeds Posts on Medical Blogs & Sites CDC Facebook Account Posts Other Social Media Outlets Outreach Thru Partners Continuing Education Activities Medical Conference Presentations Speakers Bureau Information distributed to membersEarned Media Placements Clinician-Facing Web ContentConsumer-Facing Web Content

14 Products/Tools Key Messages files for external partners - You Are the Key presentation - Key Points, Social Media, FAQs Cleared Content document for CDC content - Factsheet and Web content Short videos Fact sheets Tip Sheets Posters Digital press kit Webinars Continuing Education Newsletters Medical professional society conference presentations Medical professional society conference exhibitions Drop-in content for partners - Presentation slides - Matte articles - Newsletter articles - Factsheets - Tip Sheets

15 Web Content CDC’S HPV RESOURCES HOME PAGE CLINICIANS You Are the Key PARENTS HPV Information PUBLIC HEALTH Championing HPV Vaccination HPV Portal for Clinicians:  Overview: Be a Champion for HPV Vaccine  Know the Facts: Continuing Education on the Burden of HPV Cancer  Commit to the Cause: Improving HPV Vaccination Coverage Rates  Lead the Conversation: Successful HPV Vaccine Recommendations HPV Portal for Parents and the Public:  Overview: What Parents Should Know About HPV  What is HPV?  HPV Cancer  HPV Vaccination  HPV Vaccine Safety  HPV Cancer Screening HPV Portal for Public Health Programs & Partners: Building a Programmatic Strategy: Assemble Key Players Review your data Assessing the Situation Explore Interventions Create a Plan Develop Partnerships Planning Your Communications: Creating a Plan Defining Challenges Utilizing Key Messages Using CDC Resources

16 Removing Barriers for Clinicians  Cost/reimbursement concerns  Hesitant to “go to the mat”  Overestimating parental concerns  Conducting patient risk assessments  Competing priorities  Think their rates are fine  Better vaccine business practices  Understand burden and need  Improve self-efficacy, outcome expectations  Follow the ACIP recommendation  Bundle recommendations  Knowing their actual rates

17 Removing Barriers for Parents  Lack of knowledge, not needed  Concerns about safety and side effects  Proof of effectiveness  Permission for sexual activity  11 or 12 too young  Don’t receive a recommendation  Needed for cancer prevention  Extensive safety research  Impact information  Not linked with sexual activity  Explaining why 11 or 12  Receive a bundled recommendation

18 Messages Topline messages that provide an umbrella for the campaign, to be tailored by audience, based on audience research 1. HPV vaccination is the best way to prevent many types of cancer. 2. HPV vaccination is reducing HPV disease. 3. Routine adolescent immunization at ages 11 or 12 includes HPV vaccination.


20 Reaching the Target Audience: Clinicians  Outreach to doctors and nurses in pediatrics, family practice, and obstetrics-gynecology  Collaborating with their medical societies and placing ads in their respective print and digital publications  Speakers bureau, webinars, grand rounds, national and regional conferences/meetings, as well as other continuing education events  Exhibiting at major medical society conferences  Providing web portal of tools and resources

21 “You Are The Key” Speakers Bureau  Presentations to doctors, nurses, and clinic staff in pediatrics and family practice  CDC-trained presenters in several states  Standard slides  Can present live at grand rounds, national and regional conferences/meetings, as well as other continuing education events  Available for online presentations/webinars

22 Example Slides from 30- 45- & 60-Minute Versions of “You Are The Key” Presentation

23 AAP News “Tip-In” Insert


25 Digital Ads on Medscape for Clinicians

26 Clinician-Focused Ads: Pediatrics and Family Medicine

27 Clinician-Focused Ads: Ob-Gyns

28 Action Steps Palm Cards: Ob-Gyns

29 Medical Society Meeting Exhibit Booth

30 AAP National Conference & Exhibition Foyer Bridge Banners



33 Continuing Education Modules CDC Web Video on Demand

34 Updated Tip Sheet for Clinicians CDC Web Video on Demand

35 Updated Action Card for Clinicians CDC Web Video on Demand

36 InfographicPosters

37 Reaching the Target Audience: Parents  Outreach to parents of 9-18 year olds  Maintaining web content with information and resources  Providing plain language factsheets, video and radio PSAs, infographics, posters  Placing digital ads on popular websites and print ads in popular publications  Developing video content for parents on YouTube

38 Patient and Parent Handouts

39 Vaccines for Preteens and Teens Website

40 Parent and General Public HPV Portal

41 Adolescent Immunization Schedule

42 Reaching the Target Audience: Programs & Partners  Outreach to public health programs and partners in immunization, cancer prevention, and STD prevention  Offering technical assistance to all immunization awardees (program & partner)  Providing web portal of tools and resources  Key Points  Presentations  Social Media Bank  Branding Guidelines

43 Partner communication  #PreteenVaxScene webinar series  Four webinars/year  Includes ACIP updates, HPV vaccine safety updates, HPV vaccination coverage improvement  #PreteenVaxNews  Monthly (as well as ad hoc) e-newsletter  New products  Upcoming event announcements  Partner and program spotlights

44 Program and Partner HPV Portal

45 CDC Collaboration Space for Partners

46 Materials Ordering

47 Online Resources

48 Video and Audio Resources

49 Matte Articles

50 #WeCanStopHPV Email questions or comments about CDC HPV Vaccine Communications, or to receive #PreteenVaxNews:

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