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The Elusive Quest for Middle East Peace: Mission Impossible? Two Tribes One Land Religion and Conflict Special Status of Jerusalem.

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Presentation on theme: "The Elusive Quest for Middle East Peace: Mission Impossible? Two Tribes One Land Religion and Conflict Special Status of Jerusalem."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Elusive Quest for Middle East Peace: Mission Impossible? Two Tribes One Land Religion and Conflict Special Status of Jerusalem

2 Jerusalem’s Old City: Dome of the Rock and the Remnants of the Jewish Temple

3 Israel/Palestine

4 Anti-Semitism: The Longest Hatred? Origins of Anti-Jewish Sentiment Origins of Anti-Jewish Sentiment Rejection of Jesus and Allegation of Christ Killing Rejection of Jesus and Allegation of Christ Killing Early Christians and the Identity Problem Early Christians and the Identity Problem Christian Church repudiates its Judaic roots and Represses the Jews Christian Church repudiates its Judaic roots and Represses the Jews The Jew is the Spawn of Satan The Jew is the Spawn of Satan

5 Jews as Spawn of Satan: Blood Libel Charge

6 Jews in Gemany the Devil Incarnate

7 Islamist Appropriation of Christian Anti-Semitism

8 History of Christian Anti-Semitism First Crusade (1096-1099): The War Against Muslims turns into a war against Jews First Crusade (1096-1099): The War Against Muslims turns into a war against Jews Blood Libel: England 1144: Satanic Sacrifices of Christian Children Blood Libel: England 1144: Satanic Sacrifices of Christian Children Black Death (1348): Jews poisoned the wells Black Death (1348): Jews poisoned the wells Spanish Inquisition (1492) and the Jews as a Separate Race Spanish Inquisition (1492) and the Jews as a Separate Race Martin Luther’s Reformation turns ugly and lays the basis for Nazism (1512) Martin Luther’s Reformation turns ugly and lays the basis for Nazism (1512) Progroms: Poland and Russia 19 th Century Progroms: Poland and Russia 19 th Century Dreyfus 1895: French Anti-Semitism Dreyfus 1895: French Anti-Semitism

9 Hertzl, Zionism and the Return Movement of the 19 th Century Fall out of the Dreyfus Case Fall out of the Dreyfus Case A Jewish State 1896 A Jewish State 1896 World Zionist Congress World Zionist Congress Early Jewish Settlers in Ottoman Palestine Early Jewish Settlers in Ottoman Palestine Balfour Declaration of 1917 Balfour Declaration of 1917 Jewish-Arab Violence 1910-1946 Jewish-Arab Violence 1910-1946 British caught between a rock and a hard place 1919-1946 British caught between a rock and a hard place 1919-1946

10 Holocaust and its Impact Like lambs to the Slaughter House (6 million dead) Like lambs to the Slaughter House (6 million dead) Cry of Never Again! Judaic Warrior Mentality Returns! Cry of Never Again! Judaic Warrior Mentality Returns! Refugee Crisis: to Palestine or America? Refugee Crisis: to Palestine or America? British Capitulate and UN Governance British Capitulate and UN Governance Arab/Jewish Claims Arab/Jewish Claims Compensation? Compensation? UN Partition: Two States and One International Unified Jerusalem UN Partition: Two States and One International Unified Jerusalem Jewish acceptance/Arab rejection Jewish acceptance/Arab rejection War of Independence May 1948/Palestinian Catastrophe War of Independence May 1948/Palestinian Catastrophe

11 The Holocaust

12 War and Palestinian Diaspora Palestinian Refugee Crisis: 500, 000 with no place to go! Palestinian Refugee Crisis: 500, 000 with no place to go! Israel’s Dual Security Crisis: Internal and External Israel’s Dual Security Crisis: Internal and External Front Line Arab States Defeated but Vigilant to throw the Jews into the Sea Front Line Arab States Defeated but Vigilant to throw the Jews into the Sea Six Day War 1967 and Arab Defeat Six Day War 1967 and Arab Defeat Occupied Territories: Golan, West Bank, Sinai and Gaza Occupied Territories: Golan, West Bank, Sinai and Gaza Jerusalem a Unified City and Jewish Capital Jerusalem a Unified City and Jewish Capital Resolution 242: Land for Peace Resolution 242: Land for Peace

13 Middle East Peace Negotiations: Chronology of Success and Failure Yom Kippur War: October 1973 Jews get a scare and the Arabs are partially redeemed Yom Kippur War: October 1973 Jews get a scare and the Arabs are partially redeemed Camp David 1978: Egypt and Israel tie the Knot Camp David 1978: Egypt and Israel tie the Knot Lebanon and the Israeli invasion: PLO Crushed but not eliminated 1982 Lebanon and the Israeli invasion: PLO Crushed but not eliminated 1982 Intifada I: 1987-1993 Intifada I: 1987-1993 Oslo Accords 1993-2000: Arafat’s “conversion” Oslo Accords 1993-2000: Arafat’s “conversion” Failure of Camp David 2000 and Intifada II Failure of Camp David 2000 and Intifada II Rise of Hamas Rise of Hamas Sharon’s electoral victory 2001 Sharon’s electoral victory 2001

14 Palestinian Catastrophe and Refugee Camps

15 Obstacles to Comprehensive Peace Isreali Extremism: Settlers, Baruch Goldstein, and Rabin’s assassination in 1995 Isreali Extremism: Settlers, Baruch Goldstein, and Rabin’s assassination in 1995 Islamist Rejection:Sadat killed in 1981: Zawahiri celebrates Islamist Rejection:Sadat killed in 1981: Zawahiri celebrates Hamas, Iran and Syria as Premier Rejectionist Front Hamas, Iran and Syria as Premier Rejectionist Front America’s Arab allies under pressure America’s Arab allies under pressure A Weakened America and the Question of being a Honest Broker A Weakened America and the Question of being a Honest Broker AIPAC and the Jewish Lobby AIPAC and the Jewish Lobby

16 The Future of the Middle East

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