Trojan Rabbits. (10/31) Functional minimum: Tile/Grid-based Game "Engine" (Shaun & Michael) Game Objects Created (Timothy) User Interaction Movement (Yan)

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Presentation on theme: "Trojan Rabbits. (10/31) Functional minimum: Tile/Grid-based Game "Engine" (Shaun & Michael) Game Objects Created (Timothy) User Interaction Movement (Yan)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trojan Rabbits

2 (10/31) Functional minimum: Tile/Grid-based Game "Engine" (Shaun & Michael) Game Objects Created (Timothy) User Interaction Movement (Yan) Selection (Katie) (11/14) Low Target: Functional game objects (Shaun & Yan) Basic Menu System (Katie) Obstacles (Katie) Basic graphics (Timothy) Sound effects (Timothy) Level Development (Matthew) Xbox Deployment (Michael) (11/30) Desirable Target: Multiple Levels (Matthew) Full Menu System (Katie) Basic HUD (Michael) Split-screen Multiplayer (Yan & Shaun) Graphics (Timothy) Sound (Matthew) (12/12) High Target: Custom Sound (Timothy) Level creation (Matthew) User generated levels (Katie) Basic AI elements (Yan) Battle Mode in Multiplayer (Shaun & Michael) (12/14) Extras : Interaction/User control in battle mode AI to allow for player vs. computer in split screen and battle modes Difficulty level selection in single player Achievements Different types of power stations (changing color, changing directions, strengthening power) Different types of robots Networked game 2.5D Graphics

3 Google Code Interfaces XML Game Maker Prototype Single Player first

4 The owner of the board would be a GameScreen class or lacking a scene/screen manager simply the main Game class. A call to the BoardFactory.CreateBoard("LEVEL01") The BoardFactory would handle locating and loading the board layout which I'm assuming we will keep in a text file encoded with the tile set (if we have more then one), the location/types of tiles, and the starting positions of MOB's. For each tile encountered a call to the TileFactory.CreateTile is made with the tile texture type, collision type, and the position of the tile. A return of an initialized Tile object that can be inserted into the tiles array attribute on the Board. Once the Tiles are loaded the Robots and Player sprites can be loaded and set using a similar pattern. Game loop will call the Board Update and Draw loops which in turn call the child objects Draw and Update methods as appropriate.


6 Playtesting on Game Maker prototype Complete Low Target (a fully-functional single player game) for required playtesting night

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