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PA Dutch 101 Video 2: Greetings and Introductions Griesse un Bekanntmachinge.

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Presentation on theme: "PA Dutch 101 Video 2: Greetings and Introductions Griesse un Bekanntmachinge."— Presentation transcript:

1 PA Dutch 101 Video 2: Greetings and Introductions Griesse un Bekanntmachinge

2 Griesse - Greetings Guder Daag. – Hello, Good day. Guder Mariye. – Good morning. Guder Nummidaag. – Good afternoon. Guder Owed. – Good evening. Guti Nacht. – Good night. Machs gut. – Good-bye. Sehn dich schpeeder. – See you later.

3 Mach dich bekannt! - Introducing yourself! Was iss dei Naame? – What is your name? Mei Naame iss ____. – My name is ___. Familyenaame. – Last name. Was iss sei/ihr Naame? – What is his/her name? Sei/Ihr Naame iss ____. Wer iss sell? – Who is that? Sell iss _____.

4 Wie bischt? – How is it going? Wie bischt du? – How is it going? Ich bin gut. – I am well. Ich bin schlecht. – I am not doing well. Ich bin zimmlich gut. – I am doing pretty well. Ich bin zimmlich schlecht. – I am doing not very well. arrig - very

5 Iewing! – Practice! Say good morning to someone. Tell someone that you will see them later. Ask someone their name. Tell someone your name. Ask someone how they are doing. Tell someone that you are doing pretty well.

6 Bis die naegschde Video, Machts gut un schwetzt Deitsch! E-Poscht schreiwe:

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