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Meiosis Directed Reading

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1 Meiosis Directed Reading
Write and answer for the following questions. What is meiosis? Explain the difference between meiosis I and meiosis II. List the stages of meiosis in the order that they occur. What is crossing-over? What is independent assortment? During which phase(s) of meiosis does independent assortment occur and what is the significance of this process? For 6-13, Write the name of the stage of meiosis that is being described. The centromeres divide, and the chromatids move to opposite poles of the cell. The homologous chromosomes separate. The chromosomes of each pair are pulled to opposite poles of the cell by the spindle fibers. The chromatids do not separate at their centromeres. The chromosomes condense, and the nuclear envelope breaks down. Homologous chromosomes pair all along their length and then crossing-over occurs. After one division of the nucleus, a new spindle forms around each group of chromosomes. Individual chromosomes line up along the equator, attached at their centromeres to spindle fibers. A nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes. Two cells undergo cytokinesis, forming haploid offspring cells. Individual chromosomes gather at each of the two poles. In most organisms, the cytoplasm divides, forming two new cells. The pairs of homologous chromosomes are moved by the spindle to the equator of the cell. The homologous chromosomes, each made up of two chromatids, remain together.

2 Steps of meiosis Worksheets: Should be kept in your notebooks
Steps of meiosis Worksheets: Should be kept in your notebooks. I will check these off. Worth 50 pts = 2 homework assignments. Use the worksheet to guide your work but don’t write on it. 1-8 Draw the chromosomes in the cells. This organism is 2n=4 (meaning that the organism has _?_ sets of chromosomes with _?_ chromosomes per set. _?_ set from _?_, _?_ set from _?_)) Illustrate the major events in each stage’s cell by drawing the appropriate organelle and the correct position of the chromosomes/chromatids as well. Be careful on metaphase I & metaphase II… To the right of the cell, label the stage & summarize all the major events (2-3 each) for each stage. Leave enough room for extras. 9-17: Analyze the content. You may work together to make sure you learn the most. You have the rest of today and tomorrow to complete this assignment. Reference pgs

3 Warm Up… Are you Tracking?
D C B Diploid Haploid

4 Essential Question How does an organism produce gametes that will combine with the gamete of a mate to form genetically diverse offspring?

5 Formation of Gametes Meiosis: cell division that produces gametes with half the number of chromosomes that are in the parent cell. Basically, it’s the process that takes germ cells (aka sex cells) that have 2 sets of chromosomes and forms gametes that have 1 set of chromosomes & are capable of fusing with other opposite sex gametes. Before you learn the steps to meiosis it’s important to discuss chromosome numbers first to see why it occurs.

6 Read the statements below and do your best to fill in the blanks.
The cell on the left is the starting ______ cell. It is considered _______ because it has ____ sets of chromosomes. One set comes from _____ and one set comes from ____. The cell on the right is the product of meiosis called a __________. It is considered ________ because it has ____ set of chromosomes. germ diploid two mom dad gamete haploid one

7 Objectives Discussion:
Compare the number of sets of chromosomes between a haploid cell and a diploid cell. Discovery: Summarize the different phases of meiosis. Explain how the function of meiosis differs from the function of mitosis. Describe three mechanisms of genetic variation.

8 Stages of Meiosis: Summarized
In summary, meiosis forms haploid gametes from diploid germ cells but it’s a little more complicated. During meiosis, the original diploid cell goes through two divisions to form four haploid cells. In the first stage, meiosis I, homologous chromosomes are separated. In the second stage, meiosis II, the sister chromatids of each homologue are separated.

9 Stages of Meiosis, continued
Meiosis I Meiosis begins with a diploid cell that has copied its chromosomes. During prophase I, the chromosomes condense the nuclear envelope breaks down homologous chromosomes pair chromatids exchange genetic material in a process called crossing-over. This is a very important step in the process and the one that results in the genetic variation among siblings.

10 Stages of Meiosis, continued
Meiosis I In metaphase I the spindle moves the pairs of homologous chromosomes to the equator of the cell the homologous chromosomes remain together Homologous chromosomes Forms a “Tetrad”

11 Stages of Meiosis, continued
Meiosis I In anaphase I the homologous chromosomes separate the spindle fibers pull the chromosomes of each pair to opposite poles of the cell the chromatids do not separate at their centromeres. Each chromosome is still made of two chromatids. The genetic material, however, has recombined.

12 Stages of Meiosis, continued
Meiosis I During telophase I the cytoplasm divides (cytokinesis) two new cells are formed Both cells have one chromosome from each pair of homologous chromosomes.

13 Stages of Meiosis, continued
Meiosis II Meiosis II begins with the two cells formed at the end of telophase I of meiosis I. Note: The chromosomes are not copied between meiosis I and meiosis II. In prophase II 1. new spindles form. During metaphase II 1. the chromosomes line up along the equators and are attached at their centromeres to spindle fibers.

14 Stages of Meiosis, continued
Meiosis II In anaphase II the centromeres divide the chromatids, which are now called chromosomes, move to opposite poles of the cell. During telophase II a nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes the spindle breaks down, and the cell goes through cytokinesis. The result of meiosis is four haploid cells.

15 The Stages of Meiosis

16 The Summary of Meiosis One Diploid Germ Cell goes through 2 divisions and genetic shuffling to create 4 genetically different haploid cells. 2 Divisions & Genetic Shuffling

17 Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis
The processes of mitosis and meiosis are similar but meet different needs and have different results. It basically boils down to differences; one in purpose, one in product. Process Purpose Product Mitosis new cells that are used during growth, development, repair, and asexual reproduction of somatic (body) cells. two genetically identical diploid cells. Meiosis makes cells that enable an organism to reproduce sexually, happens only in reproductive structures (sexual reproductive organs). four genetically different haploid cells that contain half the genetic information of the parent cell.

18 Fact Check: Comparing Mitosis & Meiosis restate 2 main features that make mitosis and meiosis different, then restate the main difference between the processes. Mitosis Makes new cells that are used during growth, development, repair, and asexual reproduction Produces two genetically identical diploid cells Meiosis Makes cells that enable an organism to reproduce sexually and happens only in reproductive structures (sexual reproductive organs). Produces four genetically different haploid cells A main difference between meiosis and mitosis is that in meiosis, genetic information is rearranged leading to genetic variation in offspring

19 Genetic Variation You know that genetic variation is advantageous for a population. Genetic variation is made possible by sexual reproduction. The three key contributions to genetic variation are: crossing-over independent assortment random fertilization Leave space below each of these themes!

20 Genetic Variation Crossing-Over
During prophase I, homologous chromosomes line up next to each other. Each homologous chromosome is made of two sister chromatids attached at the centromere. Crossing-over happens when one arm of a chromatid crosses over the arm of the other chromatid.

21 Genetic Variation Crossing-Over
The chromosomes break at the point of the crossover, and each chromatid re-forms its full length with the piece from the other chromosome. Thus, the sister chromatids of a homologous chromosome no longer have identical genetic information.

22 Define Some Terms This is a set of homologous chromosomes.
Mom b a Dad B This is a set of homologous chromosomes. One is from mom and one is from dad. Being homologous means that the chromosomes are the same size and shape and most importantly have the same genes. They are also referred to as homologues. Both chromosomes make a tetrad. Remember that each chromosome that goes through meiosis exists as a pair of sister chromatids.

23 Define Some Terms Tetrad = 2 homologous chromosomes.
One is from mom and one is from dad. They are also referred to as homologues. Sister chromatids. Chromosome/homologue Centromere Mom Dad b b B B

24 Define Some Terms How many… …appear here? Options: Chromosomes
Centromere Chromatid Homologues Tetrads …appear here? Options: A: 1 B: 2 C: 3 D: 4 B. 2 D. 4 A. 1 Mom Dad b b B B

25 Crossing over. Not to be confused with a basketball move…
During prophase homologues cross over each other and exchange DNA. With this exchange of DNA is the exchange of genes. Mom Dad b b B B

26 Crossing over. A A a a The exchanged DNA contains different versions of the same gene. Say blond or black for the hair color gene. In most cases the cross-over event creates new chromatids that different combinations of versions of the gene than before. Mom Dad b B B

27 Crossing over. 1 2 3 4 A A a a Now there exists 4 chromatids with 4 different gene combinations. This is extremely important in creating variable gametes. What are the new combinations of genes? Ab AB ab aB Mom Dad b B B b

28 Crossing over. Compare the new chromatids with original chromatids.
Notice that each are slightly different. This cross over ultimately creates 4 possible gene combinations and genetic diversity. This is not that big of a deal with just two genes but imagine if this was happening with every chromosome and there were 50 genes swapped each time. This is why brothers and sisters (siblings) don’t look alike. Mom Dad Mom Dad b b B B b B B b

29 Each chromatid ends up in its own gamete A A a a Mom Dad b B
Anaphase II Anaphase I Anaphase II B b

30 Crossing-over Products
A A a a Now instead of having 2 of the exact same chromatids there are 4 and the genes versions are shuffled. For example. Gene A is black hair Gene a is blond hair Gene B is brown eyes Gene b is blue eyes. The possible gametes could be? Black hair, brown eyes (AB) Black hair, blue eyes (Ab) Blond hair, brown eyes (aB) Bond hair, blue eyes. (ab) Mom Dad b B B b

31 Genetic Variation 2. Independent Assortment
EQUATOR Genetic Variation 2. Independent Assortment During metaphase I, homologous pairs of chromosomes line up at the equator of the cell. There is no rule stating which “color” lines up on which side. The two pairs of chromosomes can line up in either of two equally probable ways. This random distribution of genes on different homologous chromosomes during metaphase I & metaphase II of meiosis is called independent assortment.

32 Independent Assortment
EQUATOR EQUATOR Independent Assortment Mom Dad When chromosomes line up along the equator during metaphase I there is NO law that makes them do it any particular way. It equally probable for the tetrad to line up like this. Or this. The chromosomes having the ability to assort themselves independently from one another creates another layer of even more genetic diversity. b B B b M m Mom Dad

33 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad What are the allele combinations for this arrangement? You look at each individual chromatid! This is one possible outcome for a gamete. b B B b Y M y m Mom Dad

34 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad This is another b B B b Y M m Mom Dad

35 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad This is another b B B b M m Mom Dad

36 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad This is another b B B b M m Mom Dad

37 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad And for the other chromatid. This can happen for each and every chromatid. The possibilities are very high and varied. b B B b M m Mom Dad

38 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad And what if the bottom tetrad switched arrangement. Now the possibilities for the arrangement become even more numerous. & this is for just 2 chromosomes. Humans have 23 in each set. That means that there exits 234 (279841) possible combinations for just one gene! b B B b M m Mom Dad

39 Independent Assortment
Mom Dad The key to this is that genes on different chromosomes can sort themselves out into different gametes independently of other genes. There is no rule to how they arrange themselves on the equator during metaphase I. b B B b M m Mom Dad

40 Genetic Variation, continued
Random Fertilization Fertilization is a random process that adds genetic variation. The zygote that forms is made by the random joining of two gametes. Women use just one egg per cycle but male product millions of genetically diverse sperm. Because fertilization of an egg by a sperm is random, the number of possible outcomes is squared.

41 Consider Even More Diversity
Why can there be so much diversity? Think about all the random combinations of genes in a completely planned mating. Imagine just one gene, color blindness let’s say. This is for just one gene That only has two versions. Think of all the possibilities if there were more genes or if there were more than 2 versions of the gene. Because fertilization is random, there exist x2 possibilities for each gamete combination. b b B b b B B B

42 Summary What is the point of meiosis? Examples:
Humans have 46 chromosomes in normal cells. If we have too many, we have serious problems. Down syndrome is a result of having 47 chromosomes (3 - #21 chromosomes). Meiosis produces gametes with how many chromosomes? What would happen if meiosis produced daughter cells like mitosis?

43 Summary During meiosis, a diploid cell goes through two divisions to form four haploid cells. Mitosis produces cells that are used during growth, development, repair, and asexual reproduction. Meiosis makes cells that enable an organism to reproduce sexually and it only happens in reproductive structures. Three key contributions to genetic variation are crossing-over, independent assortment, and random fertilization.

44 Practice Mom’s Germ Cell What do mom & dad look like? X Y Z X Y Z x y
Crossing Over Homework = 25pts. Key: Symbol = Trait X = Circle x = square Y = 4 straight hair y = 4 curly hair Z = 4 polka dots inside z = 4 square inside Practice Mom’s Germ Cell What do mom & dad look like? X Y Z X Y Z x y z x y z Dad’s Germ Cell X y Z X y Z X y z X y z

45 What could their babies look like?
Crossing Over Homework = 25pts. Key: Symbol = Trait X = Circle x = square Y = 4 straight hair y = 4 curly hair Z = 4 polka dots inside z = 4 square inside What could their babies look like? Mom’s Germ Cell X Y Z X Y Z x y z x y z Crossing Over Dad’s Germ Cell X y Z X y Z X y z X y z

46 Questions? Meiosis Practice
CW: Complete the cut-out/matching activity on the back of the crossing-over/random fertilization activity. You are not concerned with “dominant” or “recessive” yet. Check this off with me before starting (completing) the meiosis notes WS. Complete the Meiosis Notes WS. Due tomorrow at the end of class.

47 Worksheet Answers 9. Meiosis is the process that creates 4 haploid gametes diploid sex cell. 10. In the beginning of human meiosis the germ cell is diploid, containing 2 sets of 23 chromosomes. Another way to write this is 2n = 46. 11. In the end, 4 haploid gametes are formed. Another way to write these gametes is 1n = 23. 12. Male gametes are called sperm and female gametes are celled eggs or ovum. 13. In meiosis, genetic variation is caused by 2 events; Crossing-over in the prophase I stage of meiosis, and independent assortment in the metaphase I & metaphase II stages.

48 14. Independent assortment is: the random distribution of genes on different homologous chromosomes during metaphase I & metaphase II of meiosis 15. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis. 16. If one germ cell of a dog (2n = 78) undergoes meiosis and another cell undergoes mitosis, how many cells will result in each process and how many chromosomes will each resulting cell contain? Dog cell mitosis = 2 cells, 78 chromosomes Dog cell meiosis = 4 cells, 39 chromosomes

49 17. This is one sex cell that is about to enter metaphase I of meiosis I. This cell is (diploid or haploid). Label the following features, including the number of each in the cell: Set of homologous chromosomes. 2 Chromosomes: 4 Chromatid: 8 Tetrad: 2 Which set is from mom and which is from dad? 18. These are the resulting gametes that are formed from one sex cell going through meiosis in telophase II. These cells are (diploid or haploid). Label the following features, including the number of each in each cell: Homologous chromosomes. 0 Chromosomes: 2 Chromatid: 2 Tetrad: 0

50 19. Below, Draw One Tetrad Going Through The Cross-over Event
19. Below, Draw One Tetrad Going Through The Cross-over Event. In Three Separate Stages (Beginning, Middle, And End) Show How The DNA Is Exchanged, Resulting In 4 Unique Chromosome Banding Patterns. Illustrate Each Chromosome In A Different Shade To Show Which One Is Mom’s And Which One Is Dad’s Original DNA.

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