Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 1 Radiation Protection   Objectives and standards Benefits and risks   Occupational (onsite) vs. Non-occupational.

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Presentation on theme: "Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 1 Radiation Protection   Objectives and standards Benefits and risks   Occupational (onsite) vs. Non-occupational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 1 Radiation Protection   Objectives and standards Benefits and risks   Occupational (onsite) vs. Non-occupational (offsite) Number of exposed people   ALARA principle

2 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 2 Radiation Protection   National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)   International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)

3 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 3 Radiation Protection   Equivalent Dose: H T,R = w R D T,R

4 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 4 Radiation Protection   Effective Dose: E = Σ w T H T   Risk estimates   Dose constraints

5 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 5 Radiation Protection   Intake limits   Transfer models

6 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 6 Radiation Protection   Organ and tissue activity over time   Short term and long term doses

7 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 7 Radiation Protection   Time, distance and shielding   Buildup factor (B) used for gamma rays: I = BI o e -μx

8 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 8 Radiation Protection   Calculating the shielding thickness (x)   Narrow beam of gamma rays (B = 1)

9 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 9 Radiation Protection   X ray machines   Lead lining   Controlled and uncontrolled areas   Dose/year

10 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 10 Radiation Protection   Experimental data   Application of Q in shielding design

11 Radiation Protection and Safety 12/18/2015 11 Radiation Protection   Beta & Bremmstrahlung   Neutrons

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