Outcomes & Objectives Objectives To describe the arguments FOR slavery. To describe the arguments AGAINST slavery. To EXPLAIN the difference between economic.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes & Objectives Objectives To describe the arguments FOR slavery. To describe the arguments AGAINST slavery. To EXPLAIN the difference between economic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes & Objectives Objectives To describe the arguments FOR slavery. To describe the arguments AGAINST slavery. To EXPLAIN the difference between economic and humanitarian arguments. Outcomes 1. Study the three graphs, then EXPLAIN the correlation in cotton production and consumption between the UK and the USA 1790-1860 and how Britain caused slavery. 2. Use the sources to write a summary of the economic arguments in favour of slavery. 3. Colour code the information boxes into Economic reasons and Humanitarian reasons. 4. Categorise the boxes, by dragging them in the edit screen, into evidence and opinions FOR slavery evidence/opinions AGAINST slavery. Black Peoples of the USA (1): How have the experiences of Black Peoples in the USA changed from 1619 to 2003? History Key Stage 3 Black Peoples of the USA Task What were the arguments FOR and AGAINST slavery in the USA? Image Source http://www.gwu.edu/ ~ffcp/exhibit/p11/p11 _8Large.jpg

2 Cotton USED by Britain Statistics: Clare, J. D., The Black Peoples of America, Hodder & Stoughton : London, (2001), p12

3 Cotton PRODUCED by USA http://www.hodderheadline.co.uk/index.asp?url=bookdetails.asp&book=19483

4 Slave Population in USA http://www.hodderheadline.co.uk/index.asp?url=bookdetails.asp&book=19483

5 TASK: Explain the correlation between the UK and the USA regarding cotton between 1790 and 1860 – How did Britain cause slavery in America? Answer…

6 TASK: How does this information provide an economic argument for slavery? http://www.24hourmuseum.org.uk/chg/content/i mages/2005_5058.JPG http://www.britishempire.co.uk/images3/liverpool1.jpg http://www.antislavery.org/breakingthesilence/images/slave_route s/pictures/uk-liverpooltownhall2.jpg In the slaving ports many people were employed in the trade. Shipwrights, sailmakers, rope makers, provision makers, dockers and sailors were all needed. Nearby towns also profited. Iron forgers, gunsmiths, weavers, potters and glassmakers all found new demands for their products. Manchester grew into a large city of mills making cloth from slave-grown cotton. Rees, B. & Sherwood, M., Black Peoples of the Americas, Heinemann : Oxford, (1997), p33 http://www.hodderheadline.co.uk/index.asp ?url=bookdetails.asp&book=19483 Statistics: Kelly, N. et al, Living through History – Book 2, Heinemann : Oxford, (1998), p117

7 Answer (REMEMBER – use evidence in your writing!!) Although many people in Britain and the USA wanted to abolish slavery, many others thought it was great, particularly on economic grounds. They believed that…

8 Slaves are human beings and can not be owned like animals (Granville Sharp) God will judge people according to how they acted on earth, “He shall have judgement without mercy that showed no mercy” (John Wesley) People who do not agree with the slave trade will turn against Britain (William Beckford) Workers who are not paid (i.e. slaves), will not work very hard (Adam Smith) Putting down slave revolts costs money In 1800, 5% of UK national income came from the slave trade. Barclays Bank was founded with the profits of slavery. All the taxes and duties from sugar and cotton went to the government. The Africans are uneducated and many learn to read from their owners. Africans are turned into Christians when they become slaves. Freeing the slaves will make them grateful, loyal and hard-working. Slaves are fed well so that they can work hard in the fields. Slaves are housed and clothed. Information taken from: Rees, B. & Sherwood, M., Black Peoples of the Americas, Heinemann : Oxford, (1997)Rees, B. & Sherwood, M., Black Peoples of the Americas, Heinemann : Oxford, (1997)

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