Introduction to Frisbee Golf by Ms. Aurand. Object of the Game: Toss or throw frisbee until you make a goal, get it into the basket. Each throw counts.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Frisbee Golf by Ms. Aurand. Object of the Game: Toss or throw frisbee until you make a goal, get it into the basket. Each throw counts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Frisbee Golf by Ms. Aurand

2 Object of the Game: Toss or throw frisbee until you make a goal, get it into the basket. Each throw counts as a stroke, similar to “ball golf”. There are penalty throws in this golf too! There are 3 parts of a hole: tee pad, fairway, and basket. Each hole has a designated par. Goal baskets can be near water, under trees, in the woods, to make the course more competitive.

3 Frisbee’s Not the same as a “Whamo” frisbee. Driver-Thin edge to cut through the air. Mid-range-2 nd shot Putter-10 yards of hole Each has a different weight in grams, and thickness to the edge of the frisbee. Numbers on the bottom of frisbee: Speed, Glide, Turn, Fade

4 Types of Frisbee’s Top of frisbee vs. bottom- 1 st hole the flip of the frisbee determines who goes first.

5 Numbers: Speed: The ability of the disc to cut through the air. Speed ratings are listed from 1-13. Higher the number the faster the disc. Slower disc’s however; have a far less chance of flying past the basket.

6 Numbers Continued: Glide-Discs ability to maintain lift during flight. Discs with more glide are best for new players. Glide is rated from 1-7. Beginners should choose discs with more glide. Turn- Tendency of a disc to turn or bank to the right for. Discs are ranked from +1, which is resistant to turning right. -5 rating will turn the most.

7 Numbers continued: Fade- Frisbee hooks left. Fade is rated from 0-5. Zero equals straightest, and 5 equals a hard left turn.

8 4 parts of a throw: Grip- How the disc should be held. For each throw the grip varies.

9 Step 2 and 3 Stance- Placement of your feet. Wind up- Physical motion of your body.

10 Step 4 Release- The position of your wrist, hand, fingers when releasing the disc

11 Types of throws: Backhand grip and throw. (X) step and release of the backhand throw:

12 Sidearm Throw: Grip is held differently: =1&feature=endscreen =1&feature=endscreen

13 Tomahawk: Overhand Throw: This is used to throw the frisbee through dense shrubbery or over a tall bush.

14 Terms: Lie-The spot where the disc comes to rest. (A player’s next throw starts behind this lie). Ace- Occurs when a player makes their first shot into the basket. Circle- On a true course, there is a 10 meter circle around the basket goal. Throw: A player has 30 sec. to make their throw.

15 Ace: +on+you+tube&mid=74E2CD7092D3102AF53574E2CD 7092D3102AF535&

16 Putting: Short throws performed within a 30 ft. area. Putting in “frisbee golf” is as important as in “ball golf”. 1&feature=endscreen 1&feature=endscreen

17 Putting Activity: 7 8 9 6 5 4 3 1 2

18 Roller: Used to go under vegetation:

19 Lifetime Activity and it is FREE! Improvement_c_94.html

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