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The Muscular System Ch. 10-11. Organization of Muscle fibers  Muscle fibers in skeletal muscle form bundles: fascicles  4 main muscle types: based off.

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Presentation on theme: "The Muscular System Ch. 10-11. Organization of Muscle fibers  Muscle fibers in skeletal muscle form bundles: fascicles  4 main muscle types: based off."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Muscular System Ch. 10-11

2 Organization of Muscle fibers  Muscle fibers in skeletal muscle form bundles: fascicles  4 main muscle types: based off of fascicle shapes  Parallel  Convergent  Pennate  Circular

3 Parallel Muscles  Fascicles run parallel  Tapered ends with broad mid-section Example: biceps brachii

4 Convergent Muscles  Fascicles are spread over broad area  All fibers taper together at one attachment site Example: pectoralis

5 Pennate Muscles  Fascicles form a common angle with a tendon  2 types: 1.Unipennate Example: extensor digitorum 2.Bipennate Example: rectus femoris

6 Circular Muscles  Fascicles form concentrically around an opening  Also known as sphincter  Change the diameter of the opening  Example: Orbicularis Oris

7 Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle  3 Layers of tissue in each muscle 1.Epimysium Surrounds the muscle, separates it from surrounding tissues 2.Perimysium Divide skeletal muscle into compartments, called fascicles Contains blood vessels and nerves 3.Endomysium Within each fascicle Surrounds individual muscle fibers At each end where the 3 layers come together form a bundle known as a tendon---attach muscle to bones.

8 Day 2



11 Micro-anatomy of Muscle tissue Skeletal Muscle bundle (covered by Epimysium)  Many Muscle Fascicles (covered by perimysium)  Many Muscle Fibers (covered by endomysium)  Many Myofibrils  Many Sarcomeres  Many Actin and Myosin Filaments

12 Myofibril & Sarcomere

13  I Band (Thin Filaments)  Actin  A Band (Thick Filaments)  Myosin

14 Muscle Contraction Terms  Tropomyosin (2 stranded, prevents actin-myosin interaction)  Troponin (protein, allows actin-myosin interaction by binding tropomyosin)  Ca++ ions bond to troponin molecule, tropomyosin changes, exposing active site of actin, thus allowing myosin to interact with actin, and initiating contraction.


16 Videos  Muscle Structure Muscle Structure

17 Sliding Filament Theory (Contraction Cycle )  1. Exposure of Active Sites (Ca++ ions bind with troponin, pulling tropomyosin away from actin)  2. Attachment of cross-bridges (myosin binds with actin)  3. Pivoting of myosin heads (contraction)  4. Detachment of cross-bridges (ATP breaks connection, so another attachment can be made-continuing contraction)  5. Reactivation of myosin (Myosin head splits ATP into ADP and P, energy released “recocks” myosin head so cycle can be repeated.

18 Rigor Mortis  Ca++ keeps pumping in, but no ATP is available to “recock” or pump Ca++ ions out.  Without ATP, cross bridges cannot detach from the active sites.  “Stiff as a board”

19 Energy Use  It takes a lot of ATP to sustain muscle contraction  Muscles store enough to start a contraction  To continue a contraction, ATP must be made by the muscle fiber with the help of creatine phosphate.

20 Aerobic Metabolism  Creates 17 ATP for every unit “fed” into it. (fatty acids)  95% of energy for resting muscles  Happens in mitochondria

21 Anaerobic Glycolysis  Creates 2 ATP/ glucose  Primary source during peak muscle activity  Lack of available oxygen  Happens in cytoplasm  Produces lactic acid  Lowers pH of blood  Can stop muscle contraction  But, once oxygen is available again, mitochondrial activity resumes, lactic acid is carried through blood to liver and converted back to glucose

22 Muscle Fatigue and Recovery  Muscle Fatique=cannot perform anymore  WHY: Muscle function requires: 1.Substantial intracellular energy reserves 2.Normal circulatory supply 3.Normal blood oxygen concentrations  Heat loss-because only about 30% of released energy is captured at ATP- the rest is lost as heat.

23 Muscle Fibers  Fast Twitch Fibers (White muscle)  Contract quickly and powerfully  Few mitochondria  Fatigue quickly  Slow Twitch Fibers (red muscle)  Contract slowly  Slow to fatigue  More mitochondria

24 What you don’t use, You’ll loose.  Skeletal muscles become smaller in diameter  Decreased blood supply  Smaller ATP  Skeletal muscles become less elastic  Increasing fibrous tissue  Tolerance decreases  Cannot eliminate heat generated  Fatigue greater  Ability to recover from injury decreases  Less tissues in muscle to help heal

25 Muscle Decline  The rate of decline is the same in all people regardless of exercise patterns  Therefore, to be in good shape later in life; you have to be in good shape earlier in life.

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