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Why does AIR have matter? Observe Matter Questions  Was anything in the cup besides the paper? If so, what was it?  Feel the paper towel, is it dry.

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Presentation on theme: "Why does AIR have matter? Observe Matter Questions  Was anything in the cup besides the paper? If so, what was it?  Feel the paper towel, is it dry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why does AIR have matter? Observe Matter Questions  Was anything in the cup besides the paper? If so, what was it?  Feel the paper towel, is it dry or wet?

2 Matter What is it?

3 Matter is … The amount of MASS in an object and the amount of space an object takes up (VOLUME).

4 What Matter is not… Light & Heat Anything that does not take up space.

5 Physical States of Matte r

6 Solid Has definite shape and definite volume Examples …

7 Liquid It will fill up the shape of a container and has definite volume. Example …

8 Gas Fills a container of any size or shape. Example …

9 What about Plasma? Not normally found on Earth; similar to gas Example Northern Lights Ball Lightning Fluorescent light bulb

10 Physical Properties What are they?

11 5 Senses Anything that we can identify with our five senses – except SMELL & TASTE WHY? Smell and taste use chemical receptors in the mouth and nose

12 Measurements Any size or shape… Size, Volume, Area, Diameter, Radius, Mass, Density, Length, Shape, Temperature, …

13 More Properties… Melting Point– point at which matter melts. Freezing Point. – the point at which matter freezes. Boiling Point. – the point at which matter boils.

14 Metallic Properties Magnetic attraction – the attractions between metals. Malleability – ability TO BE hammered into thin sheets. Ductility – ability TO BE drawn into thin wires. Luster - shiny ; reflective

15 Chemical Properties Any characteristic that gives a substance the ability to undergo a change that results in a new substance

16 Chemical Properties  Flammability (able to burn)  Ability to react with oxygen  Ability to react with acids

17 Law of Conservation of Matter Matter is neither created nor destroyed. It only TRANSFORMS. For Example

18 Wood + Oxygen Ash + Gases + Water

19 Physical Change When a physical property is changed but the matter remains the same

20 It’s a physical change if…  It changes shape or size  It dissolves.  Some can be changed back

21 Examples Water boiling Glass broken Sandpaper on a piece of wood Etc…

22  Change in the identity of the substance Chemical Change

23 NaHCO 3 + CH 3 COOH CH 3 COO - Na + + H 2 O + CO 2 Sodium bicarbonate and vinegar => Sodium acetate and water and carbon dioxide Heat is released Baking Soda + Vinegar

24 It’s a chemical change if….  It burns  Temperature changes without heating/cooling

25 It’s a chemical change if...  It bubbles (makes a gas)  Reacts with acid

26 It’s a chemical change if...  It changes color  It forms a precipitate (a solid)

27 It’s a chemical change if...  Corrosion (Rust or Oxidation)

28 What kind of change is it if someone...  Tears up paper?  Physical change  Mixes salt and water?  Physical change

29 What kind of change is it if someone...  Burns paper?  Chemical change  Evaporates salt water?  Physical change

30 How is a burning candle both?

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