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Jackie Robinson & the Civil Rights Movement, or, How Would YOUR life be different had it not been for Jackie Robinson? Drew KaufmanHill Campus of Arts.

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Presentation on theme: "Jackie Robinson & the Civil Rights Movement, or, How Would YOUR life be different had it not been for Jackie Robinson? Drew KaufmanHill Campus of Arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jackie Robinson & the Civil Rights Movement, or, How Would YOUR life be different had it not been for Jackie Robinson? Drew KaufmanHill Campus of Arts and Science

2 Did Jackie Robinson Have More of an Effect on Civil Rights as an Athlete or as a Political Activist? Before Rosa Parks, Jackie refused to go to the back of the bus =KLnP3fWh1tE&noredirect=1

3 Jackie’s Youth Born: January 31, 1919 Cairo Georgia Jerry Robinson (Father) was making $12 a month as a sharecropper Jerry Robinson asked his boss, Jim Sasser, for more money  Sasser allowed Jerry to work as a half-cropper. Half-cropping- receiving half the crops to sell in market Jackie’s father simply walked away from the family when Jackie was 6 months old, never to be heard from again

4 “Even before I went to high school and college I resolve not to take insults without retaliating. Growing up in Pasadena, I encountered many situations which I considered unjust. I remember going to the YMCA and being told that Negroes were allowed to use the facilities of the Y only on a certain day of the week…” - Jackie Robinson

5 Pepper Street in the 20 th Cetury There were restrictive rules that banned black people from Pepper Street. Mallie got a light skinned black man to act like he was buying their house at 121 Pepper Street.  White residents petitioned and threatened to burn the house down. Though the threats were there for all blacks, the Robinson’s remained in Pasadena

6 Jackie was determined to do well in High School Jackie was a four sport athletic star  Football  Basketball  Track  Baseball

7 Jackie was able to combine athletics and academics to get into UCLA 1939: enters UCLA on athletic scholarship First student to earn 4 varsity letters in one year  National champion in long jump  Highest scorer in the pacific coast conference in basketball  All-American football running back until his eligibility expired Performed better in track, basketball, and football than in baseball

8 After UCLA 1941: Joined an intergraded semi-pro football league  He played a game at Pearl Harbor and left 2 days before the Japanese attacked 1942: Drafted to the Army  Stationed at fort Riley in Kansas  The Army was still segregated

9 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin Older brother, Mack, went to the 1936 Olympic games in Berlin as part of the US track team  200-meter dash Silver Medal Hitler congratulated all the medalists, but when the black US athletes got up on the podium, Hitler left the stadium.  This made a strong statement Jackie was so proud of his brother  “Jackie dreamed that someday he too might use his athletic ability to accomplish something so wonderful and powerful.” -Herb Dunn

10 As a Professional Athlete

11 The Negro Leagues Established on February 13, 1920  Kansas City, Missouri YMCA President: Andrew Foster  “Father of black baseball” By 1923 there were two leagues  NNL had teams in the South and Midwest  ECL had teams on the East coast 1924: First Negro World Series 1945: Robinson released from the Army and joined the Negro Baseball league

12 Kansas City Monarchs Negro League Team in the NNL Robinson made $400 a month Jackie played 47 games (1 season):  163 at bats  5 home runs .387 batting average  13 stolen bases

13 The Major Leagues Branch Rickey: President of the Brooklyn Dodgers  Wanted to bring the “ideal” black player into the MLB August 28,1945: Jackie Robinson was interviewed by Branch Rickey Jackie showed that he had the character along with his baseball talent  Rickey wanted a player who was strong enough not to fight back October 23,1945: Signs with Montreal Royals, a Dodgers farm team “I cannot face my God much longer knowing that his black creatures are held separate and distinct from his white creatures in the game that has given me all that I can call my own ” -Branch Rickey

14 Robinson is seen with Branch Rickey signing a contract with the Brooklyn Dodgers farm team.

15 Breaking the Color Barrier April 1947: Major League debut as Dodgers first baseman wearing #42

16 Being Bigger Than Life Received racial threats from white fans and players  Fans threw trash on him  Opposing pitchers hit him purposely while players spiked him with their cleats  Teammates petitioned to get Jackie off the Dodgers  Players expected him to carry their bags and shine their shoes Robinson family received many death threats Had to obey segregation laws  Rode in back of team bus  Had to enter restaurants through black entrances while rest of team went through the front

17 Threats Target Robinson

18 Spring Training with the Dodgers Spring 1947: Jackie goes to Cuba with the rest of the Brooklyn Dodgers  Several Dodger players signed a petition refusing to play This petition was quickly put down by Branch Rickey who threatened to fire all protesting players. Some players were let go from the Dodgers because of the petition

19 Becoming an Idol using BASEBALL to change America Jackie excelled for the Dodgers Never started any fights or said anything about all the abuse he received Blacks saw Jackie as a hero  Eventually, even whites began to see Jackie as a heroic figure Became a symbol in American society Allowed whites to see black players as equal

20 Respect from his Teammates I started the season as a lonely man, often feeling like a black Don Quixote tilting at a lot of white windmills. I ended it feeling like a member of a solid team. -- Jackie Robinson

21 Jackie’s Popularity Rises Life Magazine 1951

22 Gaining Respect from Whites

23 Jackie Gains Respect

24 Jackie Steals Home in World Series

25 Black Arts Jackie Robinson’s popularity and success in Baseball started to become a major influence in black music, art, and the press!

26 Did You See Jackie Robinson Hit That Ball ? ( Words and music by Woodrow Buddy Johnson, June 1949) Did you see Jackie Robinson hit that ball? It went zoom in cross the left field wall. Yeah boy, yes, yes. Jackie hit that ball. And when he swung his bat, the crowd went wild, because he knocked that ball a solid mile. Yeah boy, yes, yes. Jackie hit that ball. Satchel Page [i.e., Paige] is mellow, So is Campanella, Newcombe and Doby, too. But it's a natural fact, when Jackie comes to bat, the other team is through. Did you see Jackie Robinson hit that ball? Did he hit it boy, and that ain't all. He stole home. Yes, yes, Jackie's real gone

27 The Hall of Fame 1962: Inducted into Hall of Fame Inducted on first ballot  124 votes out of 160 ballots (77.5%)

28 New Hopes for Black People Jackie Robinsons success in the major leagues:  Proved that blacks could succeed in America  Democracy became more meaningful to blacks  Increased respect for blacks

29 As a Political Activist

30 “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” -Jackie Robinson “I could not be doing my work had you not done what you did.” -Dr. Martin Luther King

31 Jackie’s Idols Though Jackie had similar views and looked up to these two civil rights leaders, he did not agree with their actions. Jackie went about fighting civil rights differently Martin Luther King Jr. Malcolm X

32 Standing up for Black Rights July 1944: While in the army, Jackie refuses an order to ride in the back of the bus  Fort Hood, Texas Robinson was court marshaled NAACP, black press, and black population were furious  Robinson was found innocent, and was released from the army

33 President Truman July 26, 1948: President Truman desegregates the Army  Executive order 9981 4 years after Jackie’s protest

34 For the Good of the People Jackie Robinson Construction Company  Built low income housing for the poor and underprivileged “Afternoon of Jazz”  Annual Concerts in which first year earnings went to the Southern Christian Leadership Conference Supported Civil Rights work and voter registration in the South Freedom National Bank  Founded as well as worked as chairman It was a minority-owned bank in Harlem, N.Y.

35 Civil Rights in Baseball 1972: Jackie Criticizes baseball for having no black manager  Two years later baseball has its first black manager 1974: Frank Robinson with the Cleveland Indians

36 Letter to the White House August 1957: Letter to Presidential Assistant Fred Morrow

37 Letter to President Eisenhower 1958: Letter to President Eisenhower 1954: Supreme Court said that all states must integrate schools (Brown v. Board of Education) Eisenhower ordered federal troops to protect black students in Little Rock Arkansas Jackie was elated with Eisenhower’s actions  But thought they were too late Robinson’s letter said that he was thankful for their support and reminded them that all black citizens deserve full federal support for all civil rights under the constitution

38 Integrated Schooling Youth march for integrated schools  Included popular figures such as Martin Luther King Jr., Ralph Bunche, A Phillip Randolph, Roy Wilkins, and Jackie Marched down Constitutional avenue to the Lincoln memorial  Asked all people to sign a petition and asked for speedy integration of schools

39 Politics I guess you'd call me an independent, since I've never identified myself with one party or another in politics... I always decide my vote by taking as careful a look as I can at the actual candidates and issues themselves, no matter what the party label. -Jackie Robinson

40 Nixon v. Kennedy 1960 election: Robinson supported Nixon over Kennedy  In private meetings with Robinson: Nixon seemed friendly, charming, a good leader, and a big supporter of African American Civil rights Kennedy did not seem as supportive and had trouble looking Robinson in the eyes. Jackie wondered if this had to do with a prejudice against him and other blacks.

41 Letter to President Kennedy 1961 Signified his growing trust in president Kennedy Robinson stated that he is happy in the way Kennedy's administration is going thus far However Jackie wanted Kennedy and his administration to help at a quicker pace.

42 Letter to President Johnson : 1967 Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders opposed the Vietnam war Jackie wrote letter to let President Johnson know that he had the support of many black Americans regarding the war  Wanted Johnson to remember and support black Americans

43 To President Lyndon B. Johnson Robinson, as well as many other Americans, were angry about protestors that were being clubbed in Selma Alabama.  This resulted in several deaths and a lot of injuries Robinsons letter urged him to stop this immediately

44 Letter to President Nixon’s Assistant: 1972 To Roland L. Elliot (Presidential Assistant) Expresses concern about blacks still not obtaining full rights Jackie warns Government to show more support towards blacks  Thinks blacks will become more aggressive and this could hurt America

45 Jackie’s Legacy

46 The Jackie Robinson Foundation Created in 1973 by Rachel Robinson Gives minority youth scholarships to attend college  Jackie Robinson Scholars Each scholar is also given:  $7,200 in financial support  Mentors  summer internships and permanent jobs 266 Scholars attending 93 colleges across the United States

47 The Jackie Robinson Award Rookie of the Year Award 1987: became known as The Jackie Robinson Award

48 60 th Anniversary April 15, 2007 Over 200 players wore #42 in honor of Jackie Robinson  Every member of the Dodgers wore #42

49 The right of every American to first-class citizenship is the most important issue of our time. -- Jackie Robinson

50 To Be Considered Although Jackie Robinson was more active and affective as a political activist, would he have been as successful if he was not a superior athlete? How?

51 The End

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