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Presidents Corner: At our first meeting of the new Legion year 11 July and after introduction of new Officers, the main item of general interest was the.

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Presentation on theme: "Presidents Corner: At our first meeting of the new Legion year 11 July and after introduction of new Officers, the main item of general interest was the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presidents Corner: At our first meeting of the new Legion year 11 July and after introduction of new Officers, the main item of general interest was the planning of a fund raiser. We plan on putting on a show in early October based on the Auxiliary theme song for the year Jimmy Buffets “IT’S 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE” Anyone interested in helping contact Tina Rogers or Skeet Gist. Also planning for a great October fest. Wanna help - come to the next planning meeting. DON’T FORGET OUR LOUNGE BINGO THE FIRST SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH SEE YA’LL THERE! Viola Eyerly, President Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 ADJUTANT Michael Munoz 292-1464 1ST VICE COMMANDER Michael Munoz 292-1464 2ND VICE COMMANDER Vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Bill Eastman 457-8419 FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly 944-7741 HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn 458-0530 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 CHAPLAIN Delbert Murray 429-9836 Cell 404-729-7972 SERVICE OFFICER vacant ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn 380-4814 SAL COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 HOUSE COMMITTEE Al Rogers 455-2741 Phil Gist 456-2914 Ron Woolsey 453-6969 Michael Holdener 291-6922 John Wyers 453-6735 LOUNGE MANAGER John Mille 455-6111 FOR GOD AND COUNTRY AUGUST 2011 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice Commander’s Corner Thanks to Jake and Mary Taffaro, D.J. Jones, Bill Eastman, Susan Oakes for staying up with me and cooking the pig for the July 4th Open House. Thanks to Marsha Martin for the Baked Beans. This will probably be the last pig I cook. It’s getting to hard to stay up late at night to ensure the pig is cooked correctly. We used to have big turn outs to help with the pig but people just don’t want to volunteer any longer. Anyway, the July 4th Open House was great. We had a big turn out and a lot of members showed up. Thanks to the Riders for their $50.00 donation and thanks to everyone for their support. Dignity Memorial Services has been endorsed by the Department of Florida to educate Veterans and their families on the options and benefits available to Veterans. At the General Membership meeting 7/12/11, 16 of the 18 members there wanted more details on this information. Dignity Memorial Services will hold an education lunch at Sonny’s Bar-B-Q on US 98 and Navy Blvd. on August 18, 2011 at 12:00PM. If you would like to attend please call me so I can give them a number of people for lunch. Call me at 850-982-1947. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Vi Eyerly 944-7741 CHAPLAIN Linda Mackin 455-5392 3rd Vice Commander Installation of the newly elected officers is over and I will be moving on to a new position within the Post. At this time I would like to congratulate and introduce Bill Eastman to you as our Third Vice Commander of Post 240. Bill has been with me the entire time on your fish fry staff and has been primarily responsible for those great tasting Jalapeno hushpuppies. So come on out and support your fish fry cooking family and enjoy the same quality of food that you have had over the past year. I would like to thank my support staff: Mr. Bob and Mr. Bill, my cook shack staff; Marsha, Tina, Skeet, Susan, D.J. and Mary, our kitchen staff; last but not least, Al and Phil who so gladly received you at the door for your food purchase. The next fish fry is August 7th where we all will be ready to serve you again. Serving starts at 2:00 pm until gone. For God and Country – Jake Taffaro Greetings Riders, I would like to thank all the riders that came out to show their support of the new officers at our first meeting. At present we are planning to have a Bike Night on the third Thursday of the month. Our first one will be held August 18th at 6:00PM and we will are planning to have a spaghetti dinner. So please come out and support the Riders and your Post. Don’t forget our Poker Run scheduled for September 3rd. Both the Navarre and Panama City runs were canceled and are to be rescheduled. I will put out the word when the dates are set. Don’t forget now is the time to renew your memberships with the Post, Auxiliary and Riders. Let’s keep the rubber on the road. For God and Country, Rich Raborn 1 st Vice Commander Membership cards are now available for 2012 ! I would like to extend a big WELCOME to all of our new members! When you renew please pay by check if at all possible. For those who prefer to pay by credit card – we cannot issue your membership card until the charge is approved at the Department level which takes approximately 6 weeks. We will be having our quarterly Membership Appreciation Day on 21 Aug 11 at 1400. Please come and join us and bring your favorite dish for the potluck. For God and Country Mike Munoz SAL - The SAL needs your involvement and support to keep us alive. This months meeting will be held on Aug 4th at 6:30PM. I will have the membership cards available for you to pay your 2012 Dues. Jimmy Lee Martin We gave $2000.00 to the Post at the July Membership meeting. We gave $2000.00 to the Post from Pull Tabs. We still need volunteers to help with Bingo. See the Commander for info.

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