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Jeopardy Solving Equations Add and Subtract Multiply and Divide Multi-Step Variables on each side Grouping Symbols $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Solving Equations Add and Subtract Multiply and Divide Multi-Step Variables on each side Grouping Symbols $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200."— Presentation transcript:


2 Jeopardy Solving Equations Add and Subtract Multiply and Divide Multi-Step Variables on each side Grouping Symbols $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

3 Add and Subtract $100 Solve: x – 9 = 14

4 $100 Answer from Add and Subtract x = 23

5 Add and Subtract $200 Solve: c + 12 = 19

6 $200 Answer from Add and Subtract c = 7

7 Add and Subtract $300 Solve: p + (-26) = 16

8 $300 Answer from Add and Subtract p = 42

9 Add and Subtract $400 Solve: 18 – (-f) = 91

10 $400 Answer from Add and Subtract f = 73

11 Add and Subtract $500 Solve:

12 $500 Answer from Add and Subtract

13 Multiply and Divide $100 Solve:

14 $100 Answer from Multiply and Divide x = 90

15 Multiply and Divide $200 Solve: 8x = -48

16 $200 Answer from Multiply and Divide x = -6

17 Multiply and Divide $300 Solve:

18 $300 Answer from Multiply and Divide x = 225

19 Multiply and Divide $400 Solve: -58 = -29h

20 $400 Answer from Multiply and Divide h = 2

21 Multiply and Divide $500 Solve:

22 $500 Answer from Multiply and Divide g = -10

23 Multi-step $100 Solve: 5x + 6 = -4

24 $100 Answer from Multi-step x = -2

25 Multi-step $200 Solve:

26 $200 Answer from Multi-step y = -15

27 Multi-step $300 Solve: 7g – 14 = -63

28 $300 Answer from Multi-step g = -7

29 Multi-step $400 Solve:

30 $400 Answer from Multi-step c = -6

31 Multi-step $500 Solve:

32 $500 Answer from Multi-step m = -27

33 Variables on each side $100 Solve: 3k – 5 = 7k – 21

34 $100 Answer from Variables on each side k = 4

35 Variables on each side $200 Solve: 5t – 9 = -3t + 7

36 $200 Answer from Variables on each side t = 2

37 Variables on each side $300 Solve: 3 – 4q = 10q + 10

38 $300 Answer from Variables on each side q = -.5

39 Variables on each side $400 Solve: 8s + 9 = 7s + 6

40 $400 Answer from Variables on each side s = -3

41 Variables on each side $500 Solve:

42 $500 Answer from Variables on each side c = 1

43 Grouping Symbols $100 Solve: 3(a – 5) = -6

44 $100 Answer from Grouping Symbols a = 3

45 Grouping Symbols $200 Solve: 6 = 3 + 5(d – 2)

46 $200 Answer from Grouping Symbols d = 2.6

47 Grouping Symbols $300 Solve: 8 = 4(3c + 5)

48 $300 Answer from Grouping Symbols c = -1

49 Grouping Symbols $400 Solve: 6(r + 2) – 4 = -10

50 $400 Answer from Grouping Symbols r = -3

51 Grouping Symbols $500 Solve: 2(w – 3) + 5 = 3(w – 1)

52 $500 Answer from Grouping Symbols w = 2

53 Final Jeopardy Solve: 3(x – 8) – 5 = 9(x + 2) + 1

54 Final Jeopardy Answer x = -8

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