District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Doing Good in the World.

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Presentation on theme: "District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Doing Good in the World."— Presentation transcript:

1 District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar The Rotary Foundation (TRF) Doing Good in the World

2 District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar The Rotary Foundation (TRF) WHY DONATE?

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4 The Rotary Foundation Giving options Annual Fund - Capital returned for Member directed projects worldwide Endowment Fund - Income used for grants and projects worldwide PolioPlus Fund - Capital and income used for polio eradication Specific Causes - Rotary Foundation areas of focus ( Note: you can split your donations between the various funds) 4

5 Specific Causes Promoting Peace Fighting Diseases Providing Clean Water Saving Mothers and Children Supporting Education Growing Local Economies Full details www.rotary.org - GIVEwww.rotary.org 5

6 District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar District 5360 Fund Distribution Based on 2012-13 District-wide Projects Multiple use Economic Develop Maternal/Health Water Literacy Scholarships Travel Grant

7 The Multiplier Effect Of Donating to Annual Fund Share Leveraging - more bang for the buck! The Rotary Club of Calgary West Example (Honduras project Phase 2) $ Calgary West Funds 10,000 Other Club Funds 41,000 Private Donors 14,000 Alberta CIP Grant 15,000 District Designated Funds 18,000 TRF Global Grant 55,000 DFATD (GOC) Funds 150,000 Total Project Funds 303,000

8 When you give to the Annual Fund – Share: Donations remain in Foundation for 3 Years Income Pays TRF Foundation Expenses 50% of your donations Returned for District use (Referred to as DDF or District Designated Funds) Clubs apply to District for DDF funds for Projects 50% of your donations go to the World Fund which clubs can access for Global Grants Clubs apply to District for Global Grants which are approved by TRF Trustees Your Donations put to work by YOU! 8

9 Did your club participate in a project? If not this year then another BUT Does it matter as it’s really all about helping others 9

10 To qualify for a project grant Each club must have an average contribution per member to the Annual Fund - Share of US$50. Attend DGS Qualification seminar. Project must be sustainable For full details: rotary5360.carotary5360.ca Heading “Foundation” - “District Grants” 10

11 Sustainability Long-term solutions to community needs That beneficiaries can maintain after grant funding ends. 6 Steps: Assess community needs Use local materials Identify a local funding source Provide training, education and outreach Motivate beneficiaries to take ownership Monitor and evaluate 11

12 The Rotary Foundation Funded by Donations from members - Like You! Matching funds from outside sources ( an endorsement of the Foundation’s good standing) examples Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation The Government of Alberta Your Employer 12

13 The Rotary Foundation Evaluation Scores and Stars Financials 96.31 Accountability and Transparency 96.00 Stars out of 44Stars The highest rating: a further endorsement of the Rotary Foundation’s commitment to make every dollar work. (Charity Navigator 2015) 13

14 The Funding Model Overheads in round numbers are 10 cents on the dollar Funded by income on donations to the Annual Fund - Share over 3 years For full disclosure Google: Rotary Foundation Funding Model - “ Our Foundation's Funding Model presentation with slide n” Our Foundation's Funding Model presentation with slide n 14

15 The Rotary Foundation Your Donations “Doing Good in the World” - Transforming lives …….. 15

16 District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar Ugandan Children with guardian hoping for scholarships

17 District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar The difference a scholarship can make

18 District 5360 Rotary Foundation Seminar


20 If you are not a supporter of YOUR Rotary Foundation Please ask yourself WHY NOT? What is stopping you? 20

21 What do you need to know to become a donor? 21

22 The Rotary Foundation Donation recognition levels Sustaining Member - US$100 p.a. Paul Harris Fellow - US$1,000 Major Donor - US$10,000+ Paul Harris Society - US$1,000 p.a. Arch C Klumph Society US$250,000+ Benefactor/Bequest Society - Will ( Details at www.rotary.org - GIVE - Recognition)www.rotary.org 22

23 Sustaining Member What does it take to become a sustaining member? Minimum US$100 per year - 1 Coffee and Donut a week - 1 Beer a week - 2 Dollars on your weekly lunch bill - Club Matching Funds or Points 23

24 District 5360 Appreciation Members who sign on to the Recurring Payment Program Will be awarded 100 Rotary Foundation Recognition Points towards their Paul Harris Fellow ( Details at www.rotary.org - GIVE - Recognition)www.rotary.org 24

25 Larger Dollar Donors Consider donating shares - Donate at Market Value - Disposition at Cost Base - No Capital Gains Tax 25

26 The Rotary Foundation When to donate? Monthly by Direct Debit Annually (Maybe in Foundation Month, November, for tax benefit) Upon Death or All of the above 26

27 The Rotary Foundation Resources: Your Club Foundation Chair, Club President or Assistant Governor. www.rotary.orgwww.rotary.org – The Rotary Foundation www.rotary.orgwww.rotary.org – GIVE District Gifting Chair - Mike French mikefrench.rotary@gmail.com 27

28 Other clubs “Bright Ideas” Foundation buddies - create Foundation Teams Percentage of dollars per fundraiser or event are donated to TRF Wills and estate planning session re: charitable gifting Separate fundraiser for Polio 28

29 Please consider The Rotary Foundation (as one of) Your Charity of Choice Thank-you Your District Foundation Gifting Committee 29

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