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10 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1000 $$20000 $400 $600 $800 $1000

11 This President won the election of 1920 and was better known for his scandals than politics.

12 Who was Warren G. Harding?

13 This President slowly but surely rebuilt the integrity of the presidency.

14 Who is Calvin Coolidge?

15 The nickname given to the controversial members of Harding’s cabinet.

16 What is The Ohio Gang?

17 This scandal over Oil Reserve Rights rocked Hardings Presidency.

18 What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?

19 San Francisco and a heart attack.

20 The cause and location of Hardings death?

21 An increase in immigration and raising tensions over job availability post WWI lead to a revival of this group.

22 What is the KKK, Ku Klux Klan?

23 These men were two Italian Immigrants accused of a Robbing a shoe factory and killing the paymaster and a guard There was not any real evidence against these men and the judge and jury were biased against them, they were found guilty, this case is important because the ACLU was formed to try to help save them also many other prominent figures supported them.

24 Who are Sacco and Vansetti?

25 This was a movement started by Marcus Garvey which encouraged African Americans to return to their roots.

26 Back to Africa Movement

27 This area became a center of African American Cultural Awakening.

28 What is the Harlem Renaissance?

29 Movement to live life strictly by the bible, the King James Version, Against Darwin’s theory of Evolution.

30 What is the Fundamentalist Movement?

31 The Theory of Evolution

32 What is the belief that all life on the planet over time went from simple to complex?

33 The result of the Scopes Trial.

34 What is Bryan looked like and idiot and Scopes was found guilty and then innocent by the Tennessee SC ?

35 The act that made teaching evolution illegal in tennesse

36 What is… The Butler Act

37 The Prosecutor and Defense Attorney.

38 Who are… Prosecuting Attorney- William Jennings Bryan Defense Attorney- Clarence Darrow?

39 The real importance of the Scopes Trial.

40 What is it exposed a sharp divide between Urban and Rural America, be prepared to explain this further for the test?

41 The three things involving alcohol that prohibition outlawed.

42 What are manufacture, sale and transportation?

43 The reasons why prohibition originally enforced.

44 What is people thought that it hoped to reduce unemployment, domestic violence, and poverty?

45 Underground bars were alcohol was illegally sold.

46 What is a speakeasy?

47 People who were called this illegally transported alcohol.

48 What are Bootleggers?

49 Things Bootleggers did avoid being caught

50 What is… supercharged their engines, and modify shocks

51 I was the most infamous mob boss of the Prohibition Era.

52 Who is Al Capone?

53 Rum Runners from the East coast, The Purple Gang in Detroit, Midwest Moonshiners

54 What are Al Capones major suppliers?

55 This showcased the violence of prohibition and would bring belated attention to Al Capone.

56 What is The St. Valentines Day Massacre?

57 American Response to a fear of communism

58 What is the Red Scare?


60 The Crime that Scarface was initially indicted for.

61 What is tax evasion?

62 This gave women the right to vote.

63 What is the 19 th Amendment, 1919?

64 Prohibition established, Prohibition repealed.

65 What are the 18 th and 21 st amendments?

66 Three characteristics of Flappers.

67 What are the bob, Drank and smoked in public, short skirts, loose fitting tops, heavy makeup, etc.?

68 This organization was created to combat racial discrimination.

69 What is the NAACP, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People?

70 Three important figures from the Harlem Rennaisance or Jazz Age.

71 Who is Langston Hughes, Duke Ellington, Claude McKay? Answer may vary








79 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000 $400 $800 $1200 $1600 $2000

80 Two reasons that the 1920’s will become the golden age of sports.

81 What are people had disposable income, the radio, and the automobile?

82 Two sports figures from the 1920’s and the sport that they were involved in.

83 Who are Jack Dempsey- boxing heavy weight champ Harold “Red” Grange- University of Illinois Running back carried the ball 21 times for 402 yards. Knute Rockne- One of the most famous football coaches of all time. Notre Dame The sultan of Swat- Babe Ruth Tennis- “Big Bill” Tilden and Helen Wills Gertrude Ederle- the first women to swim across the English Channel?

84 We were called this because we threw the 1919 world series and brought sports gambling into the average Americans life.

85 Who are the Black Sox?

86 I was notorious for my Homeruns and am arguably one of the best players of all time.

87 Who is Babe Ruth?

88 Who was the biggest name boxer of the 1920’s?

89 Who is Jack Dempsey?

90 Ways that Radio will be such an influential form of mass media at the time.

91 What are advertisements, shows, news, sports, etc?

92 It was said I brought Jazz to the North.

93 Who is Louis Armstrong?

94 I was famous for my physical comedy and my most famous character was the “Little Tramp”.

95 Who is Charlie Chaplain?

96 In 1929 I appeared in my Debut Role, Steamboat Willie.

97 Who is Mickey Mouse?

98 A movie with sound.

99 What is a talkie?

100 Provided entertainment in your own home.

101 What is Radio?

102 The term for the anti-immigration feelings held by many “native” born Americans during the 1920’s.

103 What is Nativism?

104 It established restrictions on immigration as a result of the shrinking job market in the US.

105 What is the Emergency Quota Act?

106 Reasons for Nativist Feelings in the US.

107 What is overpopulation of urban areas combined with Migration, immigration, and Job Loss?

108 Percentage of existing population in the US that a country was allowed to send to the US a year according to the Emergency Quota Act.

109 What is 3%?

110 This was the initial response to immigration issues post WWI

111 Emergency Quota Act

112 The man who revolutionized the automobile industry and how he did it.

113 Who is Henry Ford, efficiency (moving assembly line)?

114 The rate at which automobiles were rolling of the assembly line.

115 What is every ten seconds?

116 Model T’s came off the assembly line in all of these colors.

117 What is Black?

118 The idea of buying now and paying later.

119 What is the impact of Credit?

120 The ways that the Automobile impacted American society.

121 What are Expansion of the roads, early forms of tourism, explosion in industries that support the automobile industry, break down of the family, dating patterns, status symbol, accidents, terms, suburbs, use of resources, pollution, etc…?

122 This stemmed from the emergence of communism and resulted in the creation of the FBI and an increase suspicion of immigrants

123 What is The Red Scare

124 This fueled immigration restrictions, KKK, Sacco & vanzetti’s conviction and eugenics.

125 What is Natavism or Natavist Feelings

126 This dealt with violating the Butler Act and exposed the differing values of the rural and urban life at this time

127 What is the Scopes Trial?


129 A specific area of our economy that was struggling during this time of prosperity.

130 What is Agriculture/ Farming- prices fell after the war and the government would not bail them out

131 October 29, 1929.

132 What is Black Tuesday.

133 One of the Scandals that rocked Harding’s Presidency over Naval Oil Reserves.

134 What is the Teapot Dome Scandal?

135 A big reason sports will expand and become easier to follow.

136 What is Radio?

137 My time as a Taxi driver in WWI was said to influence my writings.

138 Who is Ernest Hemmingway?

139 A pilot who was said to inspire the nation.

140 Who is Charles Lindberg

141 This is a recent blockbuster detailing the creation of Facebook

142 What is The Social Network?

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