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Football Game 4 th Grade Study Skills. 1.What are some things that might distract you from paying attention? a.Talking to friend b.Playing with something.

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1 Football Game 4 th Grade Study Skills

2 1.What are some things that might distract you from paying attention? a.Talking to friend b.Playing with something in your desk c.Daydreaming d.All of the above

3 2.An example of a short- term goal would be… a.Reading 25 books this school year b.Getting an “A” on a spelling test c. Completing a book report

4 3.How are setting goals like climbing a ladder? a.You have to climb them b.They both require taking steps c.They are not alike

5 4.What are some ways to show that you are listening. a.Looking at the teacher b.Asking questions c.Nodding your head d.All of the above

6 5.Why is it important to arrive at school on time? a.You can talk with your friends b.You can get ready and prepared for your school day c.You can visit with other teachers

7 6.What is a responsibility that students have at school? a.Make sure the school is safe b.Clean the cafeteria c.Come prepared with books and supplies

8 7.Why is it important to complete your homework? a.Gives you extra practice b.Shows the teacher that you learned the skill(s) c.Gets you ready for the next school day d.All of the above

9 8.Why should your writing be neat and legible? a.So the teacher can read what you wrote b.So other students can copy off of you c.To show what great handwriting you have

10 9.Agenda books are important because… a.Helps you keep track of your homework assignments b.Allows parents to check to make sure all assignments are completed c.Provides a way for teachers to communicate with parents d.All of the above

11 10. An example of a verbal cue a teacher might say may be… a.“You are a good student!” b.“Listen carefully, this is important!” c.“I’ve already answered that question!”

12 11. It is important to turn your work in on time so that you get credit for your completed work. a.True b.False

13 12. An example of a long- term goal would be… a.Read 10 pages in a book tonight b.Complete a Science Fair project c.Complete homework

14 13. You need to develop an action plan for achieving a goal. a.True b.False

15 14. What step is missing in goal setting? Define goal, Develop an action plan, Put plan into action, Monitor/ Evaluate Progress and… a.Give up b.Celebrate success c.Try something new

16 15. Why is it not good to do your homework in front of the TV? a.Get distracted b.May take longer to complete c.Watch TV instead of doing homework d.All of the above

17 16. It is a good idea to get a good night sleep and to eat a complete breakfast before taking and important test? a.True b.False

18 17.Goals must be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and __________. a.Organized b.Successful c.Timely

19 18. Paychecks are to employees as _______ are to students. a.Friends b.Teachers c.Grades

20 19. Desks should be neat and organized because… a.Helps you to find items needed quickly b.You know where things are c.Free of distractions d.All of the above

21 20. L.O.G. stands for…  a.Learning, Opinions, Gather Information  b.Listening, Organizing, Goal-Setting  c.Look over, Obsess, Guess

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