Essential Question How did Manifest Destiny change the United States?

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question How did Manifest Destiny change the United States?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question How did Manifest Destiny change the United States?

2 Western Pioneers

3 Manifest Destiny Phrase coined by John Louis O’Sullivan in 1845 Idea that God wanted Americans to settle all land in the west


5 Squatters Right of settlers to live on land before it was surveyed and sold

6 Farming Inventions John Deere – steel-bladed plow to cut sod Cyrus McCormick – mechanical reaper

7 Oregon Trail Most popular route for western development Wagon trains hired mountain men as guides

8 Oregon Trail





13 Mormon Trail First group led by Brigham Young Stopped at the Great Salt Lake in Utah

14 Mormon Trail



17 California Trail


19 Donner Party 1846 – trapped in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada by heavy now 41 died of starvation

20 Butterfield Overland Mail

21 Santa Fe Trail



24 Independence for Texas

25 Open for Settlement Government of Mexico offered land to empresarios (land agents) to bring settlers into Texas

26 Stephen Austin The first to move into Texas Persuaded 1500 families to join him

27 Texas Unites Began discussing independence from Mexico Stephen Austin chosen as president

28 Santa Anna President of Mexico who declared himself dictator Arrested Austin when he came to negotiate

29 Sam Houston Took charge of organizing the Texan army

30 The Alamo 180 Texas rebels within Santa Anna’s army arrived in Feb. 1836

31 Quote, William B. Travis “I call on you, in the name of liberty, of patriotism, and everything dear to American character, to come to our aid with all dispatch... Though this call may be neglected, I am determined to sustain myself as long as possible, and die like a soldier... Victory or death!”

32 The Alamo Texans held off Santa Ana’s army for 13 days before falling Houston’s army organized to fight


34 Battle of San Jacinto Houston’s army surprised the Mexicans April 21, 1836 Captured Santa Anna and 700 soldiers


36 Republic of Texas Santa Anna signed a treaty that recognized Texas independence Sam Houston elected as first president (1836)

37 Writing Assignment Imagine you are traveling west during the 1840s. Choose one of the following and write a “postcard from the trail.” Fold a white sheet of paper in half. On the front, draw a scene from your journey (remember – use lots of color!). On the inside, write a note to relatives or friends back east. - Oregon Trail- Santa Fe Trail - Mormon Trail- Texas - California Trail

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