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THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 ND What to Have: Grab a “Your Cultural Element” sheet from the back tray Notes Writing Utensil A positive attitude What to Do: Open.

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Presentation on theme: "THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 ND What to Have: Grab a “Your Cultural Element” sheet from the back tray Notes Writing Utensil A positive attitude What to Do: Open."— Presentation transcript:

1 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22 ND What to Have: Grab a “Your Cultural Element” sheet from the back tray Notes Writing Utensil A positive attitude What to Do: Open your notes to a new section and get ready to start “Chapter 4: Folk and Popular Culture” notes Read the “You Cultural Element” sheet – Instructions on this will be presented later in the class

2 CHAPTER 3 VOCABULARY QUIZ DATA ClassAverage# Took# PassedPass %100ABC 1 st Period8631/3227/3187%9873 5 th Period9034/3530/3488%17742 6 th Period8632/3327/3284%12942 7 th Period9030/3127/3090%13941


4 CULTURE IN THE TEXTBOOK Chapter 1Culture was defined as the body of (1) material traits, (2) customary beliefs, and (3) social forms that together constitute the distinct tradition of a group of people Chapter 4*Focuses on material traits—the visible elements that a group possesses and leaves behind for the future Chapters 5 & 6Groups beliefs and values—language and religion Chapters 7 & 8Groups social forms (ethnicity and political institutions) that maintain values and protect the artifacts


6 TWO TYPES OF CULTURE (1) Folk Culture Traditionally practiced primarily by small, homogeneous groups living in isolated rural areas (2) Popular Culture Found in large, heterogeneous societies that share certain habits despite differences in other personal characteristics

7 TWO ELEMENTS EMPHASIZED IN CHAPTER 4 (1) Daily Necessities Food, clothing, and shelter All people consume food, wear clothing, and find shelter Different cultural groups do so in distinctive ways

8 TWO ELEMENTS EMPHASIZED IN CHAPTER 4 (2) Leisure Activities Arts and recreation Each cultural group has its own definition of meaningful art and stimulating recreation

9 KEY DISTINCTION Habit A repetitive act that an individual performs, such as wearing jeans to class everyday Has NOT been adopted by most of the society’s population Custom A repetitive act of a group, performed to the extent that it becomes the characteristic of the group, such as many students typically wearing jeans to class Habit that has been widely adopted by a group of people Culture refers to a group’s entire collection of customs

10 CHARACTERISTICS OF FOLK AND POPULAR CULTURE The origin, diffusion, and distribution

11 ORIGIN Culture originates at a hearth, a center of innovation Folk CulturePopular Culture Often has an anonymous hearth, with anonymous sources, at unknown dates, through unidentified originators May have multiple hearths, originating independently in isolated locations Most often originates in developed countries, especially North America and Europe Typically traceable to a specific person or corporation in a particular place Arise from a combination of industrial technology and increased leisure time Ex. iPhones

12 DIFFUSION Diffusion is the spread of culture Folk CulturePopular Culture Transmitted from one location to another slowly and on a small scale Diffused primarily through relocation diffusion (migration) Diffuses rapidly and extensively from hearths or nodes of innovation with help of modern communications Typically follows hierarchical diffusion

13 DISTRIBUTION Distribution is the arrangement across Earth’s surface Folk CulturePopular Culture A combination of local physical and cultural factors influence the distributions Isolated cultural groups in close proximity may develop distinct folk customs * See the study by Karan and Mathers of cultural groups in the Himalayas Distributed widely across many countries, without regard for physical factors Influenced by the ability of people to access the material Principal obstacle is lack of income to purchase the material

14 YOUR CULTURAL ELEMENT ASSIGNMENT Please take a look at the “You Cultural Element” sheet that you picked up at the beginning of class Only ONE person in each class can present a specific element—in other words, two people in the same class CANNOT choose the same cultural element Sign up sheets are posted on the board—this is about “first in time,” which means the first person to sign up gets to present that particular cultural element Do NOT pressure somebody who has already signed for a cultural element that you were considering

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