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Powered by Young Adults and the Church Survey Results.

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1 Powered by Young Adults and the Church Survey Results

2 Powered by Disclaimer This survey does not conform to strict standards of polling or research. Respondents were not chosen randomly; rather, they were friends or acquaintances of the survey creator. This sampling is not meant to be representative of the entire demographic of young adults in the U.S. It simply offers a window into the experiences of a handful of young adults, age 22-40. This survey was intended to target young adults who are currently active in a church community; who had, at some point in their lives, been involved in a church community; or who might potentially be interested in becoming involved in a church community. In other words, the survey creator sent the survey primarily to people familiar with the Christian tradition. This focus explains why 96% of respondents self-identified as Christians, among a generation which increasingly identifies as non-religious. To contact the survey creator, email Alex Easley at

3 Powered by Survey Respondents Number of Respondents: 141 Age: 18-22: 4% 23-25: 47% 26-30: 24% 31-35: 22% 36-40: 2% 41+: >1% Marital Status: 35% Single 30% In a Relationship 35% Married Children: 20% Yes 80% No Location: 27% Austin 70% Texas Employment Status: 74% Working Professional 10% Graduate Student 8% Stay-at-home Parent 5% College Student 4% Unemployed/Job Searching Identify as a Christian: 96% Yes 4% No Denominational Affiliation: 42% Episcopalian 12% Catholic 12% Non-denominational/Bible/Free Evangelical 10% Presbyterian 9% Methodist 7% None 4% Baptist 4% Other

4 Powered by Q: Do you consider yourself a member of a particular local church community? Answered: 141 Skipped: 0

5 Powered by Q: How often do you go to Sunday church worship services? Answered: 141 Skipped: 0

6 Powered by Q10: How often do you go to Church for something other than a Sunday service? (e.g. a Wednesday night program) Answered: 141 Skipped: 0

7 Powered by What do you look for in a church community? What is important to you? Please rank the following options, with 1 being the factor most important to you: Respondents’ answers, in order of preference: 1. A strong sense of community 2. An enjoyable Sunday worship service 3. Friends, or opportunities to make friends 4. Theological and Biblical formation and instruction 5. Opportunities to serve the local community 6. A close relationship with my pastor 7. Diversity of the congregation 8. The church’s political slant 9. A strong children’s ministry 10. LGBT-friendliness 11. Opportunities for weddings, funerals, and baptisms for my own family

8 Powered by What do you look for most in a Sunday worship service? Please rank the following in order of importance, with 1 indicating the most important factor. Respondents’ answers, in order of preference: 1. Preaching/Sermon 2. Music 3. Liturgical Style 4. People present who are my own age 5. Diversity of the congregation 6. Kid-friendliness 7. Sunday School options 8. A community meal following the service N.B. 61% of respondents said that Preaching/Sermon was the most important factor in a Sunday service.

9 Powered by Which church activity would you be most interested in participating in? Please rank the following in order of preference, with 1 being most preferred. Respondents’ answers, in order of preference: 1. Bible study 2. Service project 3. Dinner group 4. Book study 5. Discussion of theology at a local pub 6. Outdoor activity (frisbee golf, rock climbing, kayaking, etc.) 7. Yoga and/or Meditation 8. Morning Prayer before the work day begins 9. Helping with the church youth group 10. Marriage enrichment class 11. Children’s playgroup

10 Powered by What kind of outreach opportunities would you be most interested in participating in? Respondents’ answers, in order of preference: 1. Habitat for Humanity build 2. Soup kitchen for the homeless 3. Overseas mission trips 4. After-school programs for kids 5. Working with recent immigrants 6. Environmental clean-up 7. Yoga and/or Meditation 8. Prison ministry 9. Working with the mentally disabled 10. Hospice care 11. Political activism

11 Powered by Q15: If you were to attend a Sunday church service, which time would be ideal?

12 Powered by Q16: What kind of music do you prefer in a church service? Answered: 140 Skipped: 2

13 Powered by Q17: Would you be interested in attending a bilingual service?

14 Powered by Free Response Question: If you visited a new church on a Sunday morning, what is one thing that could happen that would make you say, "I am NOT coming back to this church again"?

15 Powered by Free Response Question: If you visited a new church on a Sunday morning, what is one thing that could happen that would make you say, "I am NOT coming back to this church again?” Trend in Responses: Politics

16 Powered by Free Response Question: If you visited a new church on a Sunday morning, what is one thing that could happen that would make you say, "I am NOT coming back to this church again?” Trend in Responses: Bad Sermons

17 Powered by Free Response Question: If you visited a new church on a Sunday morning, what is one thing that could happen that would make you say, "I am NOT coming back to this church again?” Trend in Responses: Judgment and Exclusivity

18 Powered by Free Response Question: If you visited a new church on a Sunday morning, what is one thing that could happen that would make you say, "I am NOT coming back to this church again?” Trend in Responses: Not feeling welcomed

19 Powered by Free Response Question: What has been your experience in searching for a church home? How have congregations responded to you when you visit? If you have found a church home, what drew you in? If you have not found a church home, what are you still looking for that you have not found yet? What has disappointed you?

20 Powered by Free Response Question: What has been your experience in searching for a church home? If you have not found a church home, what are you still looking for that you have not found yet? Trend in Responses: Beyond Sundays - Welcoming YA’s into the life of the church

21 Powered by Free Response Question: What has been your experience in searching for a church home? If you have not found a church home, what are you still looking for that you have not found yet? Trend in Responses: Absence of Peers

22 Powered by Free Response Question: What has been your experience in searching for a church home? If you have not found a church home, what are you still looking for that you have not found yet? Trend in Responses: Feeling “Over-welcomed”

23 Powered by Free Response Question: Please share anything else, as you feel comfortable. For example, what is most important to you in a church community? What are you hungering for in your life? What is being done really well by churches you know? What is being done very poorly?

24 Powered by Free Response Question: What are you hungering for? Trend in Responses: Hungering for Community

25 Powered by Free Response Question: What are you hungering for? Trend in Responses: Hungering for Community (Continued)

26 Powered by Free Response Question: What are you hungering for? Trend in Responses: Spiritual Formation

27 Powered by Free Response Question: When do you feel closest to God?

28 Powered by Free Response Question: When do you feel closest to God? Trend in Responses: Outdoors/Nature 35 respondents said that they feel closest to God when they are outdoors or in nature.

29 Powered by Free Response Question: When do you feel closest to God? Trend in Responses: Church

30 Powered by Comparison: Young Adults With Children and Without Children

31 Powered by Have ChildrenDo Not Have Children Do you consider yourself a member of a particular church community? Yes: 77% No: 3% Sort of: 18% Yes: 27% No: 35% Sort of: 38% How often do you go to Sunday church worship services? Every Sunday: 33% Once/Twice a month: 37% Once every few months: 22% For big holidays: 7% Never/almost never: 0% Every Sunday: 24% Once/Twice a month: 32% Once every few months: 28% For big holidays: 13% Never/almost never: 3% How often do you go to church for something other than a Sunday service? Almost every week: 15% Occasionally: 56% Never: 30% Almost every week: 15% Occasionally: 38% Never: 47% If you were to attend a Sunday service, which time would be ideal? Early morning (9:00 am): 48% Late morning (11:00 am): 22% Afternoon (3:00 pm): 4% Evening (6:30 pm): 26% Early morning (9:00 am): 22% Late morning (11:00 am): 54% Afternoon (3:00 pm): 3% Evening (6:30 pm): 22% What kind of music do you prefer in a church service? Very traditional: 15% A blend of traditional and contemporary: 63% Contemporary: 0% Folk: 15% No preference: 7% Very traditional: 19% A blend of traditional and contemporary: 51% Contemporary: 11% Folk: 15% No preference: 3%

32 Powered by Conclusions Relevant to Parish Ministry A majority of respondents with children preferred an early morning (e.g. 9:00 am) Sunday church service. A majority of respondents without children preferred a late morning (e.g. 11:00 am) Sunday church service.

33 Powered by Conclusions Relevant to Parish Ministry A majority of respondents preferred a blend of traditional and contemporary music in a church service.

34 Powered by Conclusions Relevant to Parish Ministry A majority of respondents said that Preaching/Sermon was the most important factor in a Sunday worship service.

35 Powered by Conclusions Relevant to Parish Ministry Many respondents explained that they were turned off by: bad preaching, a church being too politically charged, judgment and exclusivity, not feeling welcomed by the congregation, feeling too aggressively welcomed, not being invited into full participation in church leadership, and an absence of people their same age.

36 Powered by Conclusions Relevant to Parish Ministry Many respondents explained that they were looking for the following in a church community: people their same age, a strong sense of community, and opportunities for meaningful spiritual formation.

37 Powered by Conclusions Relevant to Parish Ministry Many respondents reported that they felt closest to God in nature and in church.

38 Powered by End

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