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Delivering the solution together: Leading by example

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering the solution together: Leading by example"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering the solution together: Leading by example
Effective health and safety leadership Nick Ratty Health and Safety Executive

2 Effective health and safety leadership HSE core strategic goal
To encourage strong leadership and the importance of a common sense approach to health and safety in the workplace at all levels. The Health and Safety of Great Britain \\ Be part of the solution

3 Effective health and safety leadership Key messages
Health and safety leadership is all about accountability It means taking ownership of risk and accepting responsibility for managing it A health and safety leader is the person who drives cultural change by winning the hearts and minds of directors, managers, workers and contractors A leader ensures that health and safety becomes ‘the way we do business around here’ Most importantly, good leadership maintains a focus on the real health and safety issues

4 Effective health and safety leadership What is it really about?
Leaders are visible and demonstrate a clear commitment to health & safety They have personal involvement – checking what is really happening – asking questions A clear understanding of the organisation’s risk profile (agreed at Board level) Setting the direction for the organisation

5 Effective health and safety leadership What is it really about?
Challenging the organisation to deliver improved health and safety performance Open and transparent communication and consultation A genuine commitment to worker involvement Ensuring that a critical business risk is managed effectively

6 Effective health and safety leadership The business benefits
A healthier and safer working environment and workforce Increased trust, respect and co-operation Greater employee engagement and involvement Improved efficiency, productivity and sustainable growth Enhanced organisational image and reputation Reduced costs Reduced risk of legal action against individuals and the organisation

7 Effective health and safety leadership Making in happen?
HSE will continue to recognise and support the work of BPCF, CHARGE and others in promoting effective health and safety leadership Our Inspectors will routinely focus on leadership as part of their assessment of H&S management We are happy to work closely with the industry to develop a clearer picture of what effective leadership in health and safety looks like in practice We will encourage the production of case studies, benchmarking tools and the sharing of good practice

8 Effective health and safety leadership
Thank you

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