ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009. Tracing the Intergalactic Medium: QSO Absorption Spectra and Galaxy Redshifts Allison Strom 1, Jill Bechtold.

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Presentation on theme: "ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009. Tracing the Intergalactic Medium: QSO Absorption Spectra and Galaxy Redshifts Allison Strom 1, Jill Bechtold."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009

2 Tracing the Intergalactic Medium: QSO Absorption Spectra and Galaxy Redshifts Allison Strom 1, Jill Bechtold 1, Buell Jannuzi 2 1 University of Arizona, 2 National Optical Astronomy Observatory

3 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Introduction Gaseous and luminous matter interact and affect formation of large scale structure throughout history of universe Broad, “brute force” approach: take census of everything there Detection and observation –Stars directly observed –Gas indirectly observed, requires external light source

4 70 Mpc Z = 6 Z = 2 Z = 0 Evolution of galaxies, stars, galaxy clusters dark matter environment V. Springel

5 Univ. Colorado, Boulder

6 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Womble, Sargent, and Lyons 1996 Bahcall, Jannuzi, Schneider, Hartig, Bohlin, & Junkkarinen 1991 Q1422+2309 z = 3.63 Keck I and HIRES 3C 273 z = 0.158 HST and FOS

7 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Q0107-025 Morris and Jannuzi, 2006

8 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Deimos and Galaxy Redshifts Obj. 30341 Slit 065 z = 0.20432

9 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Deimos and Galaxy Redshifts Obj. 29409 Slit 044 z = 0.71960

10 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Deimos and Galaxy Redshifts Obj. 33050 Slit 054 z = 0.89900

11 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Deimos and Galaxy Redshifts Obj. 24584 Slit 021 z = 0.65294

12 N. Crighton

13 ASGC Statewide Symposium April 18, 2009 Looking Forward and Looking Back Identify serendipitous observations Catalog Ly  absorption lines –Redshift –Column density Correlate absorption features and absorbers –Two-point correlation function –“Nearest neighbor” approximation Special thanks to Michael Cooper and Neil Crighton

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