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Marc and Ally.  Privacy Act 1988  It protected peoples personal information and handling  Privacy Act Amendments 2000  Was amended to protect the.

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Presentation on theme: "Marc and Ally.  Privacy Act 1988  It protected peoples personal information and handling  Privacy Act Amendments 2000  Was amended to protect the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marc and Ally

2  Privacy Act 1988  It protected peoples personal information and handling  Privacy Act Amendments 2000  Was amended to protect the private sectors  Sony Phone Hacking 2011  Condition that gave rise to law reform  Privacy Amendments 2012  This was a legal response to conditions that gave rise to law reform  2014 Privacy Law Reform  This reform has lead to peoples private information be protected from businesses  2014 Privacy Awareness Week (4 th -10 th May)  This is to warn people of privacy issues

3  Breach of privacy can greatly impact a persons life, allow personal information to be accessed  Allows issues like identity theft to be more common, putting thousands at risk.

4  Legal Reponses to Privacy Laws have been:  Privacy Act 1988 Amendments made in 2000, 2012 and 2014 ▪ Changes made due to advancements in technology  Non-Legal Responses: - Privacy Awareness Week - Informs people on privacy issues

5 Victoria Park Racing and Recreation Grounds Co. Ltd v. Taylor [1937] - Held at the High Court of Australia - The plaintiff claimed he had a right to privacy from Taylor - The court ruled that there was no legal right to privacy

6  Privacy Laws to be beefed up following Sony attack – May 3 rd, 2011.  1.5 million user accounts information compromised on PlayStation network.  Federal Government looking to introduce tighter laws to protect information breaches.

7  There were advancements in technology that could not protect all personal information.  Information was being illegally accessed, continuously, more reports for privacy breaches

8  Courts - Grosse v Purvis [2001] – One of the first cases that was decided based on a breach of privacy - Australian Broadcasting Corporation v Lenah Game Meats Pty Ltd [2001] HCA 63 Parliament: - Amended the Privacy Act of 1988 to current - 2014 Privacy Law Reform

9  Australian Law Reform Commission – the ALRC is the main agency dealing with Law Reform in Australia  Australian Privacy Foundation – A lobby group, campaigning for privacy protections for Australians

10  After the 2012 amendments were made there were 10, 576 privacy enquires and 1, 496 privacy complaints in 2012-13  The Privacy amendment was effective in only certain areas of the issue of privacy.  Has received 30% more complaints in the financial year  Not being protected enough, people asking for more laws concerning surveillance, e.g. Drones (Surveillance Devices Act 2004)

11  There is continuous pressure for more laws that protect privacy both personal information and information that is handled by firms and government  Continually adjusting the law can be a timely, difficult matter, needing to pass through the parliament


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