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Eyeblaster Understanding Discrepancies. Agenda Understanding Discrepancies What is a discrepancy? What causes discrepancies? Common Discrepancy Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Eyeblaster Understanding Discrepancies. Agenda Understanding Discrepancies What is a discrepancy? What causes discrepancies? Common Discrepancy Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eyeblaster Understanding Discrepancies

2 Agenda Understanding Discrepancies What is a discrepancy? What causes discrepancies? Common Discrepancy Types What is need to resolve discrepancies (and why)? Examples of past discrepanies.

3 What is a discrepancy? Simply put, a discrepancy is a disagreement between reporting figures. Between Eyeblaster and Publishers, Eyeblaster and Agencies or other 3 rd parties. Generally accepted and defined by the IAB as 10% difference.

4 What Causes Discrepancies? The short answer: Lot’s of things The Internet itself. Heavy pages or long download times. Ad Setup Bad Tracking tags Reused tracking tags Improper Cache Busting Scripted and Meta Refresh Ad Rotators Improper tag implementation document.write( ); Duplicate Tracking Server Errors Client Error Page or site flow. Duplicate tags.

5 Common Discrepancy Types Cache Busting Issues. Re-Used Tracking Information. Improper Tag Implementation. Ad or Campaign Setup.

6 Common Publisher Discrepancy Causes Cache busting problems Improper tag implementation DHTML copies Meta refreshes and JavaScript refreshes. JavaScript Ad Rotators

7 Common Agency Discrepancy Causes Re-used tracking tags. Duplicated tracking tags Custom interaction setup Cache busting problems

8 What is need to resolve discrepancies (and why)? Test page or live URL. Reports with daily breakdowns. Account/Campaign/Flight/Ad/Report information What part of the report is in dispute.

9 Advantages of a Live URL It’s not too late to do something about it. There’s no need to try and replicate a specific environment. The cause should be in there and can’t be accidentally undone. Less guess work and theorizing. When that can’t happen a test page is the next best thing.

10 Reports with Daily Breakdowns Need to see when the discrepancy occurred. Need to be able to verify the numbers. Gives us an idea where to look for a problem.

11 Account/Campaign/Flight/Ad/Report and Report Section It saves us time.

12 Things to Look for Cache Busting in Request Message inside sniffer software. Network URLs inside the DEBUG window are correct. URLs are only being used once in the campaign. 304 Response codes inside “sniffer” software.

13 Past Examples Server Side Cache Busting No Cache Busting. problem innerHTML/outerHTML copy IE6 bug

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