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Theme 4: America and the World 1754–2010.  France (with native help) vs. Great Britain  British Generals George Washington and William Pitt  Fighting.

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Presentation on theme: "Theme 4: America and the World 1754–2010.  France (with native help) vs. Great Britain  British Generals George Washington and William Pitt  Fighting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Theme 4: America and the World 1754–2010


3  France (with native help) vs. Great Britain  British Generals George Washington and William Pitt  Fighting over the Ohio River Valley  Natives gave French the clear advantage  Knowledge of land  Britain would finally gain victory after a 9 year war


5  Minutemen – civilian soldiers  Paul Revere’s ride – “The British are coming”  Small Battle at Lexington  A slaughter of British at Concord

6  George Washington – General of Continental Army  Battle of Bunker Hill – “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes”  Deadliest battle of the war  Olive Branch Petition – hope for peace

7  New York – Brittan puts together Army of 32,000  Battle of Trenton – Washington crosses the Delaware river – sneak attack  Philadelphia – easily taken by British


9  How many total ships did the British send?  Why is the Declaration of Independence so important?  Describe British prison ships.  How did the Patriots win the battle of Saratoga?

10  British try to cut off New England from the rest of the colonies  Take too much stuff with them  Patriots defeat British  Guerilla Warfare, killing officers  British stay away from interior and stick to the coast

11  Ice cold winter camp 1777  Food runs low  British in warm homes  French come to help Patriots  Much needed, Navy



14  Ran out of gold and silver  Americans print paper money  “Continentals”  inflation

15  British overtakes most of the southern colonies  General Charles Cornwallis  Help from slaves


17  Patriots slowly wear down British numbers  Big help from the French  Battle of Yorktown – British surrounded  1781  Treaty of Paris – Cornwallis surrenders  1783




21  Elected in 1800  Average guy – simplified presidency  Louisiana Purchase – from France  $18 per square mile  Lewis and Clark  Explore the west, find a northwest passage  Sacagawea





26  Causes: War between Britain and France, Tecumseh’s Native American Confederacy  President Jefferson ordered an embargo on British goods  Ban on exporting to a specific country  Blockade – seal up ports, by the British in America

27  War in Canada  War at sea to break the blockade  British burn Washington D.C.  White House  Treaty of Ghent  Created Canadian border  Dual ownership of Oregon



30  Settlement of the border with Canada:  1818-border with Canada as 49 th parallel  1842-settled dispute between Maine and New Brunswick and boundary involving Great Lakes  Webster-Ashburton Treaty  1846-Oregon Treaty-settled dispute over Oregon Territory at 49 th parallel

31  Americans moved to FL and started a rebellion  Gen. Jackson fought Seminoles and invades FL  Treaty of 1819  US Gains FL  Pays $5 million for damages to Spain  Define Western limits of Louisiana Purchase  Spain gives up claims to Pacific Northwest  US recognizes Spanish authority over TX

32  Mexico gained independence from Spain-1821  Opened up Texas for American settlement  Empresarios – recruited people to come  Stephen F. Austin  Austin desired Texas self-governance  Met with Mexican Pres. Santa Anna  Austin imprisoned  Texas revolts

33  Alamo – San Antonio, TX  4,000 Mexicans vs. 187 Texas rebels  Jim Bowie, Davie Crockett – All rebels killed  Goliad – 300 rebels killed  San Jacinto – 630 Mexicans killed in minutes  Sam Houston – “Remember the Alamo”  Texas Independence – 1836  Texas became a state in 1845



36  Mexico furious about Texas  US Pres. James Polk  Negotiations to buy CA, NM, AZ failed  Zachary Taylor ordered to march on the Rio Grande

37  Shots fired at Rio Grande kill 9 Americans  War begins  Stephen Kearney took NM without firing a shot  Quick victory in CA – Bear Flag Republic  Thousands of troops invade Mexico  Took Mexico City on Sept. 14, 1847


39  Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo  CA, NV, UT, AZ, CO, WY  $15 million  Gadsden Purchase - $10 million  Southern AZ, Yuma



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