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The Strategy Unit Plan. Begin by noting the name of the strategy students will learn.

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Presentation on theme: "The Strategy Unit Plan. Begin by noting the name of the strategy students will learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Strategy Unit Plan

2 Begin by noting the name of the strategy students will learn

3 Note what the strategy is designed to enable student to do This might be an academic or social problem that students commonly encounter

4 Identify specific settings or contexts in which students will independently use the strategy to be more successful

5 Identify possible background knowledge or experiences students may have related to the problem or strategy

6 Note key points to make when motivating students to learn the strategy

7 Identify critical prerequisite skills to review and ensure mastery

8 Note how the prequisite skills will be reviewed

9 Determine the how students will practice the strategy under conditions that have been controlled for difficulty

10 Note how students will practice the strategy under conditions that simulate those encountered in real-life situations

11 Note specific observable behaviors related to performing the strategy that will be assessed and how they will be assessed

12 Identify specific tasks from the real- world that students will undertake to practice generalizing the strategy

13 Note … Who will provide the prompt What the prompt will be When the prompt will be provided Specific prompts that will be made to cue students to use the strategy in the generalization settings

14 Note what will be considered evidence of generalization


16 Skill or strategy lesson plan

17 Note the instructional objective

18 Identify the GOAL or purpose of learning the strategy The ability to perform the strategy fluently contributes to the student’s ability to …

19 Level of learning targeted by this lesson

20 Kind of knowledge about the skill or strategy the student should demonstrate

21 Manner in which students should demonstrate skilled use of the strategy

22 How performance of the skill or strategy will be assessed

23 Note who will assess performance

24 Note how performance will be documented

25 Decision rule

26 Note prerequisite skills to review Scope and sequence

27 Task-analyze the skill or strategy and list the steps to performing it

28 Once this skill or strategy has been learned, what will students learn next?


30 Gr.K-4 Fiction Analysis Planner © 2004 Edwin Ellis READING STRATEGIES INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE(S) Unknown word problem solving Comprehension monitoring & repair Form predictions & check for accuracy Fluency development Identify C/E relationships Understand plot, & sequence Form inferences about topic Ask questions & search for answers Summarize gist & details Identify similarities & differences Step 3 Step 1 STORY STUDENTS WILL READ matches ComprehensionDecoding Students’ Reading INSTRUCTIONAL LEVELS matches THEME and/or MESSAGE SKILLS TO REVEIW Are students familiar with this think-sheet? NO YES Reading difficulty of story matches the students’ instructional level THINK-SHEET Identify a story about which students will already be very familiar for initial guided-practice completing the think-sheet After you and the students have co-constructed the think- sheet on the familiar story, provide guided practice (WE DO IT) using the think-sheet on the new story FAMILIAR STORY CONTENT INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE(S) What is the most & least important parts of the think-sheet? Why? What part of the think-sheet are you best at doing? In what ways is this think-sheet useful? Not useful? What’s the hardest part of the think-sheet? What makes it hard? What are some different places or situations where this think-sheet might be used? How is this think-sheet similar or different from other ones you’ve used? Reading Reflective Review Questions Step 9 Step 2 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 TYPE OF READING ACTIVITY Teacher-directed (We do it) Blanks for key words Guided note taking Collaborative (Y’all do it) Numbered Heads Jigsaw Pair-share Rotating Graphics Pair-square Design own think-sheet Independent (You do it) Study Guide Blank think-sheet Design own think-sheet

31 Teacher-directed (We do it) Collaborative (Y’all do it) Independent (You do it) Blanks for key words Guided note taking Numbered Heads Jigsaw Pair-share Rotating Graphics Pair-square Design own think-sheet Blanks-for-ke Rea Alte Au Reading Buddy s oud ywords Blank think-sheet Design own think-sheet TYPE OF READING ACTIVITY Form predictions & check for accuracy Form inferences about topic Ask questions & search for answers Identify cause- effect relationships Summarize gist & details Identify similarities & differences Understand grammar plot, & sequence Comprehension monitoring & repair Fluency development Unknown word problem solving STORY / NOVEL Pages STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY Does the reading level of the text passage match students’ reading ability? NO YES ACCOMMODATIONS Who & How notes Reading Buddy Audio Recording Teacher Notes Alternative Passage Read aloud IronyPersonification Story Genres Character TransitionsForeshadowing Reading Strategies INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE(s) Understanding literature INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE(s) Content-learning INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE What is the most important idea students should understand about people, the situation people were in, or about the time in which the fiction takes place? Notes about how the literature feature is manifested in the story Gr.5-12 Fiction Analysis Mini-planner

32 Does the reading level of the text passage match students’ reading ability? YES NO Makes Sense Guided Content Reading Lesson Plan © 2003 Edwin Ellis Students or Group Is this the first time students will have worked with this think-sheet? YES NO Read the content-area passage with students & provide “We do it” instruction as the think-sheet is co-constructed with the class Reading Comprehension INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE Summarize gist & details Identify similarities & differences Identify cause/effect relationships Pose questions & search for answers Form predictions & check for accuracy Form inferences about topic STUDENTS’ READING ABILITY: Approximate Reading Instructional Level TEXT PASSAGE Source Pages Think-sheet ACCOMMODATIONS How will the think-sheet be used during the reading activity? Guided note taking Blanks for key words Collaborative (Y’all do it) Activity Numbered Heads Jigsaw Collaborative Construction Pair-share Rotating Graphics Pair-square Independent (You do it) Activity Content-learning INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE What is the most important idea students should understand as a result of reading this passage? Reading Reflective Review Questions Content Reflective Review Questions In what ways is this think-sheet useful? Not useful? What are some different places or situations where this think-sheet might be used? What is the most important part of the think-sheet? Least important? Why? What part of the think-sheet are you best at doing? What’s the hardest part of the think-sheet? What makes it hard? How is this think-sheet similar or different from other ones you’ve used? What was the most interesting thing you read about? What made it interesting? How is what you read about similar or different from what you already knew? What background knowledge or experiences does what you read about remind you? Knowledge Activation Brainstorm Guide Anticipation Guide KTW KWL Features Analysis Induction Matrix PASS pre-reading LINK 1st TRIP text perusal Sticky-note web OTHER Date(s) of lesson

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