Modularly Typesafe Interface Dispatch in JPred Christopher Frost and Todd Millstein University of California, Los Angeles

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1 Modularly Typesafe Interface Dispatch in JPred Christopher Frost and Todd Millstein University of California, Los Angeles {frost,todd}

2 2 Background: Multimethod Dispatch class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) { … } void escape(Vehicle@Driveable v) { … } void escape(Vehicle@Flyable v) { … } } Vehicle FlyableDriveable Vehicle v =...; spy.escape(v);

3 3 class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) void escape(Vehicle@Driveable v) void escape(Vehicle@Flyable v) } void escape(Vehicle@Driveable v) } void escape(Vehicle v) Background: Multimethod Dispatch Multimethod lookup: most specific method for runtime types of arguments Possible message dispatch errors: –Message-not-understood –Message-ambiguous Vehicle FlyableDriveable Submersible ?  

4 4 Background: Multimethod Dispatch class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) void escape(Vehicle@Driveable v) void escape(Vehicle@Flyable v) } Typechecking: ensure methods are exhaustive and unambiguous Typechecking can be done modularly –Only use knowledge of modularly available types Vehicle FlyableDriveable

5 5 Dispatch on Java Interfaces class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) void escape(Vehicle@Driveable v) void escape(Vehicle@Flyable v) } Let Vehicle, Driveable, and Flyable be interfaces Method lookup can become ambiguous! Modular typechecking must conservatively rule out –Must rule out multimethods with 2+ interface dispatches –Underlying problem: multiple inheritance Ultra Vehicle FlyableDriveable ?

6 6 Prior Approaches No typechecking [commonloops, clos, dylan, cmm] Require whole program analysis [cecil, tuple, doublecpp, nice] Forbid interfaces from being dispatched upon [multijava, jpred (originally)] Restrict multiple inheritance to only within a module [dubious, half & half] Linearize multiple dispatch or inheritance semantics [polyglot, castagna]

7 7 Our Contributions Practical interface dispatch –Preserves modular typechecking –Key: predicate dispatch’s expressiveness [Ernst et al 98] Instantiate in the context of JPred [Millstein 04] Formalize and prove type soundness Demonstrate utility in practice through case studies –JPred compiler –Eclipse

8 8 Background: JPred class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) { … } void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Driveable { … } void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Flyable{ … } } Method predicate guards subsume multimethod’s expressiveness Dispatch on class types, fields, linear arithmetic, binding, and &&, ||, and ! operations m 1 () overrides m 2 () if m 1 () ’s predicate implies m 2 () ’s void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Driveable && inSwamp{ … } boolean inSwamp; }

9 9 class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Driveable void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Flyable } void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Driveable && v@Flyable } Fixing Interface Dispatch Modularly –Add additional method(s) to cover all possible ambiguities && !v@Flyable –Change existing method(s) to cover all possible ambiguities Insight: Predicate dispatch allows modular resolution of all possible multiple inheritance ambiguities Example resolution approaches: Ultra Vehicle FlyableDriveable void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Driveable && v@Flyable }

10 10 class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Flyable void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Driveable && !v@Flyable } void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Submersible && !v@Flyable && !v@Driveable } Ordered Dispatch P1P1 P2P2 !P 1 P3P3 !P 2 !P 1 Submersible Vehicle FlyableDriveable Submersible

11 11 Ordered Dispatch class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Flyable { … } |when v@Driveable { … } |when v@Submersible { … } |{ … } } “First-match” lookup –Mirrors common instanceof coding styles Purely syntactic sugar Methods can use combinations of ordered and non-ordered dispatch Submersible Vehicle FlyableDriveable

12 12 Predicate Satisfiability class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Flyable { … } |when v@Driveable { … } |when v@Ultra { … } |{ … } } void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Ultra && !v@Flyable && !v@Driveable { … } Desugars to Ultra ’s predicate is not satisfiable Easy mistake with large interface hierarchies Ultra Vehicle FlyableDriveable

13 13 Predicate Satisfiability class Spy { void escape(Vehicle v) when v@Flyable { … } |when v@Driveable { … } |when v@Ultra { … } |{ … } } Add static typecheck: Unsatisfiable predicates Typechecker: unreachable! Also useful for non-ordered dispatch Ultra Vehicle FlyableDriveable

14 14 Implementation JPred: extension to the Polyglot Java compiler [Nystrom et al 03] Original JPred disallowed interface dispatch JPred compiler changes –Allowed interface dispatch –Added ordered dispatch to the parser –Added predicate satisfiability check –Code generation unchanged

15 15 Featherweight JPred Extension of Featherweight Java [Igarashi et al 01] –Added interfaces and method predicates Formalized syntax and dynamic and static semantics Proved a type soundness theorem through progress and preservation Validates sufficiency of modular typechecking First provably sound formalization of predicate dispatch

16 16 Case Studies JPred Compiler –Originally written in JPred using class dispatch Eclipse’s Java Development Tooling UI Plugin –Originally written in Java

17 17 Case Studies: JPred Compiler Originally written as a Polyglot extension in JPred using class dispatch Polyglot structure –Interface hierarchy representing AST nodes –Class hierarchy implementing the interfaces Compiler passes using visitor design pattern – instanceof tests to provide specialized AST behavior Polyglot intends for clients to interact only with interfaces All AST class dispatches now interface dispatches 28 updated messages: 14 single, 14 two+ methods Unsatisfiable predicate check caught bug in typechecker 3% compile time increase

18 18 Case Studies: Eclipse JDT UI Goal: Evaluate JPred’s utility for complex programs not designed for predicate dispatch Updated: – ITreeContentProvider implementors’ getChildren() hasChildren() –Eclipse’s Java Development Tooling UI Plugin classes ( org.eclipse.jdt.ui )

19 19 Case Studies: Eclipse JDT UI public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) {... if (parentElement instanceof IJavaModel) return concatenate( super.getChildren(parentElement), getNonJavaProjects((IJavaModel)parentElement)); if (parentElement instanceof IProject) return ((IProject)parentElement).members(); return super.getChildren(parentElement);... } Eclipse method snippet:

20 20 Case Studies: Eclipse JDT UI Reduced type casts (all on interfaces) from 30 to 3 Errors found by the compiler: –1 error: repeated instanceof tests, second test unreachable –1 possible error: series of instanceof tests missing else clause, not exhaustive JPred limitations: –Dispatches occur only at “top level” But Eclipse often does applicability tests within try / catch –Method calls are not allowed within predicates –JPred style targeted at logically independent cases But Eclipse has instances of fall-through logic

21 21 Conclusions Demonstrated a practical resolution to the tension between multiple dispatch and multiple inheritance –While retaining fully modular static typechecking Key idea: predicate dispatch’s expressiveness allows programmers to modularly resolve multiple inheritance ambiguities Validated our approach: –Formalized and proved type soundness –Demonstrated utility through two case studies

22 22 Featherweight JPred: Details Method invocation rule: u=new D(…) and mbody(m,C,D)=(x, t 0 ) implies (new C(v)).m(u) → [x |-> u, this |-> new C(v)] t 0 The interesting part of the progress proof: –Showing method lookup always succeeds on well-typed programs -- prove sufficiency of the exhaustiveness and unambiguity typechecking Progress: If ├ t:T, then either – t is a value – t contains a subexpression of the form (S)(new C(v)) where TT├ C</:S –there exists some term s such that t → s Type Preservation: If Γ├ t:T and t → s, then there exists some type S such that Γ├ s:S and TT├ S<:T

23 23 Case Studies: Eclipse JDT UI public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) { try { if (parentElement instanceof IJavaModel) return concatenate( super.getChildren(parentElement), getNonJavaProjects((IJavaModel)parentElement)); if (parentElement instanceof IProject) return ((IProject)parentElement).members(); return super.getChildren(parentElement); } catch (CoreException e) { return NO_CHILDREN; } Eclipse method:

24 24 Case Studies: Eclipse JDT UI public Object[] getChildren(Object parentElement) { try { return getChildrenHelper(parentElement); } catch (CoreException e) { return NO_CHILDREN; } protected Object[] getChildrenHelper(Object parentElement) throws CoreException when parentElement@IJavaModel { return concatenate(super.getChildren(parentElement), getNonJavaProjects(parentElement)); } | when parentElement@IProject { return parentElement.members(); } | { return super.getChildren(parentElement); } Interface dispatch version of sample eclipse method:

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