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EdTPA: BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR THE TEACHING CAREER Beverly Falk Long Island CICU Meeting, Hofstra University September 20, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "EdTPA: BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR THE TEACHING CAREER Beverly Falk Long Island CICU Meeting, Hofstra University September 20, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 edTPA: BUILDING A STRONG FOUNDATION FOR THE TEACHING CAREER Beverly Falk Long Island CICU Meeting, Hofstra University September 20, 2013

2 HIGHLY SKILLED TEACHERS Every aspect of school reform depends for its success on

3 is the primary tool currently being used to improve teaching TEACHER EVALUATION

4 A SYSTEM OF TEACHING AND LEARNING THAT SUPPORTS CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT Our challenge: Conceptualize and use teacher evaluation as part of

5 KEY ELEMENTS OF A SYSTEM OF TEACHER EVALUATION 1. Common statewide standards 2. Performance-based assessments, based on these standards – for initial certification, tenure, advanced recognition like National Board certification 3. Local evaluation systems aligned to the standards 4. Support structures 5. Aligned professional learning opportunities

6 RESEARCH SHOWS THAT Student outcomes improve when teachers are engaged in content-specific activities linked to collegial analyses of student work and learning over a sustained period of time

7  Performance assessments offer an opportunity for teachers to learn about o standards o their students o and their teaching practice

8 THIS KIND OF PROFESSIONAL LEARNING can help teachers acquire the tools to teach the more complex skills and knowledge they need for the future

9 Teacher Learning through Assessment by Linda Darling-Hammond and Beverly Falk Center for American Progress, 2013 3/09/12/73978/teacher-learning-through-assessment/

10 EDTPA - WHAT WE NEED TO DO NOW Performance assessment for initial certification:

11 EXPLORE HOW EDTPA ALIGNS WITH OUR PROGRAMS  To what extent does it reflect program values?  Where do you predict that students will do well? Where might they struggle?  What core values and program emphases are not captured in the edTPA?  What kinds of assignments/assessments do you currently use (or might you need) to get at these? 11

12 CURRICULUM MAPPING  Start at big grain size: Where in program courses do candidates get experiences for planning, instruction, assessment?  Change grain size to each rubric  Ask:  “What scaffolding is provided in your class?  Cite specific activities, lectures, readings, assignments, and/or assessments.  “What else do students need to know/do to meet the rubric expectation successfully?”

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15 MAKE SURE YOUR PROGRAM HAS  Assignments that give practice in the edTPA tasks: planning, instruction, assessment  Opportunities for video  Introduction to the edTPA rubrics as candidates work on these edTPA-like assignments

16 GET LOTS OF PRACTICE WITH VIDEO  Make sure candidates have experiences using video in courses prior to completing the edTPA  Secure assistance from technology personnel  Consult resources on NYSCTE and edTPA websites

17 CONTINUED FACULTY/STAFF WORK Ongoing meetings for professional development  For example, local scoring/review of candidates’ work in relation to standards/rubrics  What are the strengths?  What needs to be changed in our teaching to better prepare candidates for the edTPA tasks?


19 NYSTCE AVAILABLE RESOURCES  Higher Education Certification Exam Overview:  Frameworks:  Webinars:  FAQ:  Sample Items:  Preparation Materials: 19

20 edTPA RESOURCES AND SUPPORTS  Candidate support: a. edTPA in New York website: b. Making Good Choices - c. Resources and Webinars: (secure site) (secure site)  Guidelines for Supporting Candidates: d. edTPA registration:  Additional support for faculty: 20

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