Making Text Graphically Interesting Lesson 11. Skills Matrix SKILL #MATRIX SKILL 3.3.1Insert and modify WordArt 3.3.2Insert pull quotes 3.3.3Insert and.

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Presentation on theme: "Making Text Graphically Interesting Lesson 11. Skills Matrix SKILL #MATRIX SKILL 3.3.1Insert and modify WordArt 3.3.2Insert pull quotes 3.3.3Insert and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Text Graphically Interesting Lesson 11

2 Skills Matrix SKILL #MATRIX SKILL 3.3.1Insert and modify WordArt 3.3.2Insert pull quotes 3.3.3Insert and modify drop caps

3 Skills Matrix (continued) SKILL #MATRIX SKILL 3.4.1Insert text boxes 3.4.2Format text boxes 3.4.3Link text boxes

4 Creating a Drop Cap CREATE A DROP CAP Drop cap: large initial letter that drops down two or more lines  Located at beginning of paragraph  Adds interest to documents, such as newsletters

5 Creating a Drop Cap (continued) CREATE A DROP CAP Select letter to be dropped Insert tab, Text group, click Drop Cap button

6 Creating a Drop Cap (continued) CREATE A DROP CAP Drop Cap menu appears  Click Drop Cap Options

7 Creating a Drop Cap (continued) CREATE A DROP CAP Dropped  Paragraph text wraps around dropped letter and flows below it In-Margin  Places dropped initial cap alone in the margin

8 Creating a Drop Cap (continued) CREATE A DROP CAP Drop Cap dialog box appears  Choose drop type  Choose options  Click OK or press Enter key

9 Creating a Drop Cap (continued) CREATE A DROP CAP Selected letter appears dropped in document

10 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Pull quote: sentence or other text copied from a document and enlarged  Displayed separately on page for emphasis

11 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” (continued) CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Insert tab, Text group, click Text Box button

12 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” (continued) CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Gallery of built-in quotes and sidebars appears

13 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” (continued) CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Select desired quote Pull quote box inserted into document

14 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” (continued) CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Click placeholder and key quotation text Click outside pull quote box

15 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” (continued) CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Select pull quote box  Blue circle-shaped selection handles appear around quote Position mouse cursor on bottom border  Cursor changes to four-sided move arrow

16 Formatting Text as a “Pull Quote” (continued) CREATE A “PULL QUOTE” Click and drag quote to desired position in document Select text Edit/format text if necessary  Edit/format pull quote text same as regular text

17 Software Orientation WORDART TOOLS IN THE RIBBON

18 Creating Artistic Text with WordArt INSERT WORDART Feature that creates decorative effects with text WordArt gallery provides several options

19 Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued) INSERT WORDART Add WordArt to existing text  Select word(s) in document  Insert menu, Text group, click WordArt button

20 Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued) INSERT WORDART WordArt gallery appears

21 Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued) INSERT WORDART Hover cursor over WordArt  Effect previewed in document Click WordArt  Effect added to text in document

22 Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued) INSERT WORDART Click WordArt button without selecting text  Edit WordArt Text dialog box appears

23 Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued) INSERT WORDART  Enter new text  Format as desired  Click OK or press Enter key WordArt is added to document

24 EDIT WORDART WordArt tools  Used to edit WordArt effects, change style, arrange WordArt, and adjust size Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

25 EDIT WORDART Select WordArt WordArt tools displayed in ribbon Make desired edits Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

26 EDIT WORDART  Text group Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

27 EDIT WORDART  WordArt Styles group Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

28 EDIT WORDART  Shadow Effects group Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

29 EDIT WORDART  3-D Effects group Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

30 EDIT WORDART  Arrange group Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

31 EDIT WORDART  Size group Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

32 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Select WordArt Format tab, WordArt Styles group, click Change Shape button Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

33 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART WordArt Shapes menu appears Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

34 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Hover cursor over shape  Shape previewed in document Click shape  Shape added to WordArt in document Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

35 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Select WordArt Format tab, WordArt Styles group, click Shape Fill button Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

36 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART WordArt Shape Fill menu appears Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

37 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Hover cursor over fill color  Color previewed in document Click fill color  Color added to WordArt in document Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

38 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Select WordArt Format tab, WordArt Styles group, click Shape Outline button Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

39 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART WordArt Shape Outline menu appears Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

40 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Hover cursor over outline color  Color previewed in document Click outline color  Color added to WordArt in document Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

41 CHANGE THE SHAPE OF WORDART Change weight or style of line Change arrow style, if appropriate Add pattern to outline Creating Artistic Text with WordArt (continued)

42 Software Orientation TEXT BOX TOOLS IN THE RIBBON

43 INSERT A TEXT BOX Invisible, formatted box Text and/or graphic elements can be positioned in text box Creating Text Boxes

44 INSERT A TEXT BOX Insert tab, Text group, click Text Box button Creating Text Boxes (continued)

45 INSERT A TEXT BOX Creating Text Boxes (continued) Gallery of text boxes appears

46 INSERT A TEXT BOX Creating Text Boxes (continued) Select desired text box style Text box inserted into document

47 FORMAT A TEXT BOX Click on empty text box Format tab, Arrange group, click Position button Creating Text Boxes (continued)

48 FORMAT A TEXT BOX Text Box Position menu appears Select desired position Creating Text Boxes (continued)

49 FORMAT A TEXT BOX Format tab, Text Box Styles group, click More button Creating Text Boxes (continued)

50 FORMAT A TEXT BOX Gallery of text box styles appears  Hover cursor over style to preview in text box  Click style to add to text box Creating Text Boxes (continued)

51 FORMAT A TEXT BOX Select text box and key text in placeholder Select text  Format same as regular text Creating Text Boxes (continued)

52 LINK TEXT BOXES Allows text to flow from one text box to another text box Creating Text Boxes (continued)

53 LINK TEXT BOXES Select first text box Format tab, Text group, click Create Link button Creating Text Boxes (continued)

54 LINK TEXT BOXES Cursor changes to a filled pitcher Creating Text Boxes (continued)

55 LINK TEXT BOXES Position filled pitcher over second text box  Cursor changes to pouring pitcher Click second text box  Link created between two boxes Creating Text Boxes (continued)

56 YOU LEARNED HOW TO: Create a drop cap Create a “pull quote” Insert WordArt Edit WordArt Summary

57 YOU LEARNED HOW TO: Change the shape of WordArt Insert a text box Format a text box Link text boxes Summary (continued)

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