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Management of Acute Overdose By: Peter Rempel March 27 th, 2013.

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1 Management of Acute Overdose By: Peter Rempel March 27 th, 2013

2 Presentation Outline  Introduction and Statistics  General management strategy  Identification of Toxidromes  Management of overdose for specific medications  Role of pharmacist

3 Introduction - Overdose  Definition: The use of a substance in quantities greater than recommended.  Accidental vs. Intentional misuse

4 Epidemiology - Overdose  Approximately 2.3 million cases reported (US)  50% caused by pharmaceutics  41,592 deaths occurred in the US (2009)  76% were unintentional  91% caused by medications  Prevalence higher in males during the early years (0-12y)  Rates in females surpass males in older populations

5 Epidemiology (Continued) Most common pharmaceutics:  Analgesics (Opioids)  Sedative/hypnotic/antipsychotics  Antidepressants  Antihistamines  Cardiovascular drugs  Vitamins, cough and cold products  Rates of unintentional overdose has been steadily increasing

6 General Management Strategy 1) ABC management (vital signs) 2) Call Poison Control 3) Obtain best possible medical history 4) Order Labs 5) Prevent absorption of toxin 6) Enhance elimination (antidote)

7 General management strategy 1) ABC management Airway patency - head-tilt and chin-lift, removal of obstructions Breathing - assisted ventilation Circulation - colour change, sweating, decreased LOC - EKG, saline infusion, vasopressers

8 General Management Strategy 2) Call Poison Control  Available 24/7 to provide poison treatment information  Help guide treatment strategy  Prevent unnecessary use of health care resources 

9 General Management Strategy 3) Obtain accurate history  Determine the causative agent  Dose  Time since exposure  Route  Demographics (age, weight)  Symptoms*  Physical Examination

10 What if you don’t know what medication/poison was ingested?

11 Identification of Toxidromes

12 What is a Toxidrome?  Characteristic symptoms that are associated with a specific group of medications.  These group of symptoms are known as a “Toxidrome”

13 Identification of Toxidromes Cholinergic Toxidrome  “SLUDGE”  Salivation, Lacrimation, Urination, Defecation, GI upset, Emesis  Miosis, diaphoresis, bradycardia  Causative Agents: Physostigmine, Organophosphates, Carbamate

14 Identification of Toxidromes Anticholinergic Toxidrome  Hot as a Hare - fever  Red as a Beet - flushing  Mad as a Hatter – confusion, delirium  Dry as a bone – dry skin/mucus membranes  Mydriasis, tachycardia, urinary retention  Causative Agents: Antihistamines, TCA`s, Anti- parkinson medications

15 Identification of Toxidromes Sympathomimetic Toxidrome  Anxiety, Delusions, Sweating, Piloerrection, Seizures, Hyperreflexia, Mydriasis  Causative Agents: cocaine, salbutamol,, amphetamines, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, methamphetamine

16 Identification of Toxidromes Sedative/Hypnotic/Opiate Toxidrome  Slurred speech, confusion, stupor, coma, apnoea, respiratory depression  Hypotension, bradycardia, miosis  Causative agents: opioids, anticonvulsants, antipyschotics, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, ethanol

17 Back to the Management Strategy

18 General Management Strategy 4) Order lab tests  Confirm offending agent(s)  Predict prognosis  Direct therapy/monitoring Includes: Toxicology screen, anion gap, osmol gap, CBC, BUN, SCr, blood glucose, electrolytes, EKG monitoring

19 General Management Strategy 5) Prevent absorption  *Activated Charcoal- first line therapy in most emergency departments  Whole Bowel Irrigations- clears the GI tract using high volumes of PEG  Orogastric Lavage- No benefit over the use of activated charcoal  Syrup of Ipecac- NO LONGER RECOMMENDED /7077825.html

20 General Management Strategy Activated Charcoal  Ability to adsorb substances due to its high surface area  Offending agent(s) become trapped by the charcoal and are excreted in the feces Dosing: 1g/kg po OR by NG tube (usually given multiple times) AE: aspiration pneumonia, GI obstruction Contraindications: presence of ileus

21 General Management Strategy Activated Charcoal  Does not adsorb the following compounds:  Iron  Lithium  Lead  Cyanide  Alcohol

22 General Management Strategy 6) Enhance Elimination  Hemodialysis/Hemoperfusion  Administer Antidote

23 General Management Strategy Administer Antidote: *See my website for a more exhaustive list Offending AgentAntidote TylenolN-acetylcysteine AnticholinergicsPhysostigmine BenzodiazepinesFlumazenil CCBGlucagon, Calcium Beta BlockersGlucagon OpioidsNaloxone

24 Opioid Overdose Managment

25 Opioid Overdose Management  Signs and Symptoms?  Hint: Remember the toxidrome!

26 Opioid Overdose Management  Signs and Symptoms?  Hint: Remember the toxidrome!  Decreased LOC, RR, GI motility  Hypotension, bradycardia, miosis

27 Naloxone  Reverses effects from opioid overdose  Pure opioid receptor antagonist  Duration of action 30-120 minutes  0.4-2mg (IV,IM,SC); repeat q2-3 minutes until reversal of symptoms  Use continuous IV infusion for exposure to long-acting opioids or SR formulations

28 Acetaminophen Overdose

29 Hamm J. Acute acetaminophen overdose in adolescents and adults.Critical Care Nurse; Jun 2000; 20(3) 69-74


31 N-acetylcysteine  Indicated for the reversal of Acetaminophen toxicity  Hepatoprotective agent  Restores hepatic glutathione and acts as a glutathione substitute  Prevents the production of the toxic by-product of acetaminophen

32 N-acetylcysteine Dosing  21 hour IV dosing regimen (3 doses)  LD: 150 mg/kg (Max 15g) over 1 hour  2 nd dose: 50 mg/kg (max 5g) over 4 hours  3 rd dose: 100 mg/kg (max 10g) over 16 hours  Oral dosing regimen also available (72 hours)  Therapy is guided by the Matthew-Rumack Nomogram

33 Matthew-Rumack Nomogram The Merck Manual for Health Professionals. Acetaminophen Poisoning.

34 Anaesthetic Overdose/Refractory Cases

35 Lipids 20%- Intralipid®  Used in anaesthetic overdose and refractory cases (unlabelled use)  Mechanism unknown  Effective for lipophilic medication overdose  Suggested Dose:  1.5 mL/kg bolus infused over 1 minute (may repeat up to 2 times)  Followed by 0.25 mL/kg/minute continuous infusion

36 Role of the Pharmacist  Role in both the community and hospital setting  Educating patients on the dangers of drug misuse  Identifying potential at risk patients  Identifying inappropriate medication regimens  Medication Reconciliation

37 Highlights  Majority of overdoses are accidental  Rates of accidental overdose is steadily increasing  Identifying Toxidromes plays a vital role in the management of overdose  Activated charcoal and whole bowel irrigation are effective at lowering absorption  Pharmacists can play a role in both the prevention and treatment of an overdose

38 References 1) Clinical Practice Guidelines. Management of Drug Overdose & Poisoning. Ministry of Health, Singapore. May 2000. 2) Green SL, Dargan PI, Jones AL. Acute poisoning: understanding 90% of cases in a nutshell. Postgrad Med J. 2005;81:204-216. 3) Tenenbein M et al. Efficacy of ipecac-induced emesis, orogastric lavage, and activated charcoal for acute drug overdose. Annals of Emergency Medicine; 16(8): 838-841 4) Lab Tests Online. Emergency and Overdose Drug Tests. y/tab/test: Accessed March 22, 2013 y/tab/test 5) Thim T, Niels HV, et al. Initial assessment and treatment with the Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, Exposure (ABCDE) approach. International Journal of General Medicine; 2012:5 117-121

39 References 6)Centers for disease control and prevention. Home and Recreational Safety. Unintentional Poisoning Data and Statistics. Retrieved from ning/data.html ; accessed March 3, 2013 ning/data.html 7)Hodgman MJ et al. A review of Acetaminophen Toxicity. Crit Care Clin. 28 (2012) 499-516 8)G Cave et al. Intravenous Lipid Emulsion as Antidote Beyond Local Anesthetic Toxicity: A Systematic Review. Academic Emergency Medicine: 2009; 16:815-824 9)Boyer EW. Management of Opioid Analgesic Overdose.. N Engl J Med: 367;2 146-155

40 Thank you for listening ANY QUESTIONS?

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