Bestial POS: ADJ. DEF: like a beast or animal S: “So many crazed men, so many cries, so much bestial brutality.” (Wiesel, 23)

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Presentation on theme: "Bestial POS: ADJ. DEF: like a beast or animal S: “So many crazed men, so many cries, so much bestial brutality.” (Wiesel, 23)"— Presentation transcript:

1 bestial POS: ADJ. DEF: like a beast or animal S: “So many crazed men, so many cries, so much bestial brutality.” (Wiesel, 23)

2 leprous POS: ADJ DEF: showing signs of leprosy, which is an infectious disease that affects body tissue S: “He looked us over as if we were a pack of leprous dogs hanging onto our lives.” (Wiesel, 25)

3 reverie POS: N DEF: A state of being pleasantly lost in one’s thought; a daydream S: “Dazed by the sunshine and by my reverie, I felt someone tugging at my sleeve.” (Wiesel, 26)

4 wizened POS: ADJ DEF: dry, shrunken, wrinkled S: “The man looking for us was a bespectacled little fellow with a wrinkle, wizened face.” (Wiesel, 28)

5 blandishments POS: N DEF: something used to coax; flattering statements S: “They were all laughing and joking and shouting blandishments at one another for a good part of the way.”(Wiesel, 30)

6 cynical POS: ADJ DEF: distrusting the motives of others S: “They were nearly all Jews: Juliek, a bespectacled Pole with a cynical smile on his pale face…..” (Wiesel, 32)

7 queue POS: N DEF: waiting line S: “There were about twenty prisoners waiting in a queue in front of the door.” (Wiesel, 34)

8 reprieve POS: N DEF: a cancellation or postponement of a punishment S: “He was probably glad to see that I had come back of my own accord, as I had promised. He gave me another reprieve.” (Wiesel, 34)

9 manacle POS: V DEF: to handcuff S: “His manacled hands did not tremble.” (Wiesel, 40)

10 simultaneous POS: ADV DEF: performing an action at the same time S: “Ten thousand caps were simultaneously removed.” (Wiesel, 40)

11 livid POS: ADJ DEF: discolored from a bruise S: “He was lividly pale, almost calm, biting his lips.” (Wiesel, 42)

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