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初中基础 (2234期 ) A6版 Japanese table manners

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1 初中基础 (2234期 20150227) A6版 Japanese table manners

2 Before reading Discussion
Talk about the following questions with your classmates. What is Japan famous for? Do you know anything about Japanese table manners?

3 Which ones show good manners in Japan?

4 While reading Grammar It is + adj. + (for sb.) + to do sth. 此句型it为形式主语,真正的主语是to do sth. 意为“(某人)做某事是……的” e.g. It is convenient for me to take an underground to work every morning. 1. It’s helpful to know some basic table manners before going to the country. 2. The traditional phrase before a meal is “Itadaki-masu.” 3. However, chopsticks are the most often used eating tools. 4. Don’t lick your chopsticks. 5. Do not stick chopsticks into your rice. This is only done at funerals. Word List traditional phrase 习语 chopsticks n. 筷子 lick v. 舔 stick v. 插 funeral n. 葬礼

5 Visitors to Japan are often excited about its tasty foods
Visitors to Japan are often excited about its tasty foods. However, many people don’t know what to do at restaurants in Japan. It’s helpful to know some basic table manners before going to the country. The most important rule of dining in Japan is saying traditional phrases before and after a meal. The traditional phrase before a meal is “Itadaki-masu.” It means “Let’s eat.” At the end of a meal, you should say “Gochisou-sama deshita.” It means “Thank you for the meal.” Japanese people use knives, forks and spoons to eat some dishes. However, chopsticks are the most often used eating tools. Here are some of the most important rules to remember when eating with chopsticks. ★ Do not wave your chopsticks around in the air or play with them. ★ Do not move plates or bowls around with your chopsticks. ★ Do not point your chopsticks at somebody. ★ Don’t lick your chopsticks. ★ Do not stick chopsticks into your rice. This is only done at funerals.

6 Correct the following false statements.
Comprehension Correct the following false statements. There is no need to know any table manners when you are in a foreign country. You should say traditional phrases only before the meal in Japan. Japanese people use knives and forks most often as their eating tools. If there is rice left on your chopsticks, you should lick them quickly. It’s helpful to know some table manners … … before and after a meal … … chopsticks… you mustn’t lick your chopsticks

7 After reading Vocabulary
Choose the best words to complete the paragraph. There is one extra word. Japanese people are ____1____ with their table manners. One of the most important rules is to say ____2____ phrases both before and after a meal. It is considered impolite to ____3____ your chopsticks in the air or ____4____ them upright in the rice. As you can see, you need to know some ____5____ table manners during your stay in Japan. basic traditional wave lick strict stick strict traditional wave stick basic

8 Survey Are there any table manners in your family? What are they? Write them down in the chart.

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