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My ABC Book of U.S. History Nick Hon 5-16-11 6th.

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Presentation on theme: "My ABC Book of U.S. History Nick Hon 5-16-11 6th."— Presentation transcript:

1 My ABC Book of U.S. History Nick Hon 5-16-11 6th

2 A Anitfederalis ts- People who opposed the constitution Annex- to add a territory to ones territory Arsenal- A storage place for weapons and ammunition

3 B Burgesses - Elected represent ative to an assembly Bleeding, Kansas- A mini civil war that happened in Kansas Boycott- Refusal to buy gods from a country

4 C Cabinet- A group of advisers to the president Capital- Money for investment Calhoun, John C.- leading War Hawk

5 D Debtor- Person or county that owes money Desert- To leavee without permission Diversity- Variety or difference

6 E Embargo- Prohibiting trade with another country Export- To sell goods abroad English Bill of Rights- An important model for Americans

7 F Famine- An extreme shortage of food Frigate- Warship Fugitive- Runaway or trying to runaway

8 G Guerrilla Warfare- Hit and run technique Genocide- Destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group Gadsen Purchase- A strip of land along the Southern edge of present day Arizona

9 H Human Rights- Belonging to all persons Hamilton, Alexander- Was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr Hayes, Lemanuel- Joined the Patriots and fought at Concord

10 I Import- To buy goods from foreign markets Inflation- A continue in the rise in price of goods Ironclad- Armored naval vessel

11 J Judicial Review- Supreme Court`s power Joint Occupation- Setting of an area Judicial Branch- Federal law branch

12 K Keelboat- Boat that Lewis and Clark traveled in to explore the West Keller, Helen- She was deaf, blind, and mute Ku Klux Klan- White mobs in Memphis

13 L Landslide- An overwhelming victory Literacy- The ability to read and write Lynching- Putting a person to death by illegal action of a mob

14 M Maize- An early form of corn grown by Native Americans Majority- More than half Mission- Religious settlement

15 N Neutral- Taking neither sides in a conflict Naturalization - To grant full citizenship Neutrality- A position of not taking sides in a conflict

16 O Offensive- Position of attacking or attacking itself Ordinance - A law Override- To overturn or defeat

17 P Partisan- Favoring one side of an issue Petition- A formal request Plurality- Largest single share

18 Q Quakers- A Protestant group Quartering of troops- 3 rd Amendment Quebec Act-

19 R Radical- Extreme Ranchero- Mexican ranch owner Recruit- To enlist soldiers into the army

20 S Secede- To leave without permission Spiritual- African American folk song Suffrage- The right to vote

21 T Tariff- Tax on imported goods Tejano- Mexican who claims land in Texas Tribute- Money paid for protection

22 U Unalienable Right- A right that cannot be taken away Unconstitutional- Not agreeing or consistent with the Constitution Utopia- A perfect society

23 V Vaquero- Hispanic ranch hand Veto-To reject a bill Vigilantes- People who take the law into their own hands

24 W War Hawks- Republicans during Madison`s presidency Writ of Assistance- Legal document that enables officers to search homes War of 1812- War between Britain and the original 13 colonies

25 X XYZ Affair- Three French agents

26 Y Yankee- Union Soldier

27 Z Zenger, John Peter- Faced charges of libel for printing a critical report about the loyal governor of New York

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