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Planting, plant health care, pruning and planning – the four P’s of gardening. Judy will explain the four P’s of gardening to help us lay the groundwork.

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Presentation on theme: "Planting, plant health care, pruning and planning – the four P’s of gardening. Judy will explain the four P’s of gardening to help us lay the groundwork."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planting, plant health care, pruning and planning – the four P’s of gardening. Judy will explain the four P’s of gardening to help us lay the groundwork for next spring. SEPTEMBER 8, 2010 YOUR FALL GARDEN CALENDAR PRESENTED BY JUDY WHERLEY

2 Joanne Icenogle will demonstrate how to use natural materials to create a beautiful fall wreath. The wreath will go home with one of the attendees, so you don’t want to miss this one! OCTOBER 13, 2010 FALL WREATH CREATION PRESENTED BY JOANNE ICENOGLE

3 Brian Winters of the River Trails Nature Center is back to tell us about prairies and natural landscaping for wildlife. Brian is a favorite of the group. If you have heard him speak before, you know you will not want to miss this one! NOVEMBER 10, 2010 PRAIRIES & NATURAL LANDSCAPING FOR WILDLIFE PRESENTED BY BRIAN WINTERS

4 Need a little holiday spirit? Beth Ford of Sylvia’s Flowers in Arlington Heights will once again be demonstrating how to create beautiful holiday arrangements. You will be amazed at how much you will learn in this short session. All of Beth’s arrangements will be raffled, so bring your friends! DECEMBER 8, 2010 HOLIDAY ARRANGEMENTS PRESENTED BY BETH FORD

5 Mark Spreyer of the Stillman Nature Center will speak and answer questions about North American owls and other birds of prey. This program has been requested over and over again. You will discover what fascinating creatures these birds are! JANUARY 12, 2011 BIRDS OF PREY PRESENTED BY MARK SPREYER

6 A rain garden allows rainwater runoff from areas like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawn areas to be absorbed. This reduces rain runoff by allowing storm water to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters which causes erosion, water pollution, flooding, and diminished groundwater). Rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%. Sound interesting? Citizens for Conservation will join us to explain the what, how and why of creating a rain garden. A rain garden allows rainwater runoff from areas like roofs, driveways, walkways, parking lots, and compacted lawn areas to be absorbed. This reduces rain runoff by allowing storm water to soak into the ground (as opposed to flowing into storm drains and surface waters which causes erosion, water pollution, flooding, and diminished groundwater). Rain gardens can cut down on the amount of pollution reaching creeks and streams by up to 30%. Sound interesting? Citizens for Conservation will join us to explain the what, how and why of creating a rain garden. FEBRUARY 9, 2011 RAIN GARDENS PRESENTED BY CITIZENS FOR CONSERVATION

7 Love lilies but not had much luck growing them? Dr. Woodruff Imberman will join us to tell us how to plant, care for and propagate lilies. Dr Imberman will teach us the nine divisions of true lilies that grow well in our region. MARCH 9, 2011 LILIES PRESENTED BY DR. WOODRUFF IMBERMAN

8 We’re going on a field trip! Wally Schmidtke, Pesche’s Garden Center Manager, will host the group at Pesche’s Garden Center (170 South River Road, Des Plaines). Wally will discuss spring techniques for our gardens while highlighting new products at Pesche’s. APRIL 13, 2011 Spring's here - Let's get gardening PRESENTED BY WALLY SCHMIDTKE

9 Please reserve the date for an afternoon of food and fun! Members host a buffet, conduct a silent plant auction and raffle gifts (including hand-made gifts, gift cards and items from local merchants.) To receive an invitation to the luncheon, send a request to May 11, 2011 ANNUAL SPRING LUNCHEON HOSTED BY THE GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS

10 We’ll finish up our year with gardening questions, ideas, useful tips, advice and suggestions for next year. Our Garden Club is fortunate to have several Master Gardeners as members to share their expertise and answer any questions. JUNE 8, 2011 “OPEN FORUM” PRESENTED BY THE GARDEN CLUB MEMBERS

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