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EPA Bio Response Efforts NRT Co-Chairs Mtg March 2005 Veronique Hauschild, EPA Office of Emergency Management, OSWER.

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Presentation on theme: "EPA Bio Response Efforts NRT Co-Chairs Mtg March 2005 Veronique Hauschild, EPA Office of Emergency Management, OSWER."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPA Bio Response Efforts NRT Co-Chairs Mtg March 2005 Veronique Hauschild, EPA Office of Emergency Management, OSWER

2 EPA Roles - Key Mandates National Contingency Plan National Response Plan HSPD 10 – “ develop specific standards, protocols, and capabilities to address the risks of contamination following a biological weapons attack and developing strategies, guidelines, and plans for decontamination of persons, equipment and facilities.”

3 “Decon’ is key, but several related activities are necessary for HSPD-10 hazard assessment sampling & analysis to determine extent of contamination treatment or removal of contaminant (‘decon’) disposal of debris & waste product confirmatory sampling to ensure the facility area, or media is safe to reenter/reuse

4 Resources needed to ensure that EPA can adequately respond to WMD event –Policy –Equipment –Training –(accessible) INFORMATION: Process, coordination guidance Procedural guidance & playbooks Fact sheets & summary reference guides Scientific technical references to support decision making/policy

5 Multiple audiences/customers –Field responders (i.e., EPA On Scene Coordinators, other agency/local responders) –Technical Policy /decision-makers (i.e. National Decon team, EPA ERT, headquarter staffers, other agency staffers) –Political policy/decision-makers/auditors (i.e., White house, DHS, GAO)

6 Existing references can address some of the ‘information needs’ : –(NRT) Anthrax TAD –MSDSs and agent fact sheets (EPA, CDC/NIOSH, DoD) –EPA Biological Sampling Guide –Anthrax and Ricin AARs –Journal articles… –DOD doctrine From these efforts some specific data gaps are suggested….

7 also MANY other “HS” projects and R&D studies almost impossible to truly know what is most current or correct information some duplication has/is occurring To establish what the ‘state of the knowledge’ is requires a focused effort to organize information However:

8 EPA Proposal for a ‘National Portfolio’ Establish as central source (‘virtual library’) for all existing and future information Organize information around topics and audience types Each document/database should stand-alone, but also tie into or reference other available documents Obtain multi agency buy-in to contribute pertinent data/documents Use as mechanism to identify information/data gaps

9 Proposed sections for “Portfolio”  Glossary  Requirements, Plans, Processes  Organization Roles, Assets, Coordination Groups  National SME/Tech Experts  Agent-Specific Information and Risk Assessment  Response Personnel Health and Safety  Public Health/Medical Measures  Site Hazard Assessment and Controls  Sampling and Detection  Analyses  Decontamination Technologies  Waste Management and Disposal  Risk Communication

10 Example GENERAL INFO for Portfolio GLOSSARY Organizations, Agency Assets, Coordination Groups Requirements, Plans and Processes Nationally Recognized SMEs - Overview of post-incident activities/processes - Statutes and Requirements (Ex: NRP -exec Sum; full) - Summary of Agency Functions/responsibilities - ICS for response operations and decision - Interagency (technical) Groups to support ICS (TWG, ECC) Database (?)

11 DATABASE Agent studies General considerations anthrax plague etc BIOLOGICAL PATHOGENS Site characterization Site clearance Dispersion modeling SSHPlans Medical Surveillance Site safety and health/worker protection Bio detection and sampling Analytical procedures and laboratories methods Technical refs (eg ‘TAD’) MSDS/fact sheet(s) laboratories Site Hazard assessment and controls Equipment DATABASE Decon technologies DATABASE Legal requirements (eg crisis exemption) Regs/requirements Waste management (transport, disposal) Facilities - DATABASE Hazard id DATABASE PPE Site/facility containment External monitoring (e.g. TAGA) Efficacy/verification (test strips) Clean up goals, standards Air, water, soil SME’s

12 Other short term FY 05-6 goals: Complete ongoing projects, incorporate into Portfolio : –Agent Quick Reference Guides (QRGs) * –Anthrax TAD update –Clean-Up Decision-Making for WMD Events –Ricin Response Reference Document –Biological Sampling Guide –EPA equipment tracking database –(Environmental) Laboratory capabilities compendium * –Waste management calculation tool and facility database –Water sampling and resource tools –Rapid risk assessment tool and tox database ► EPA lead ► NRT effort ► DHHS lead ► multi-agency BUILD NATIONAL DECON TEAM !

13 National Decontamination Team

14 Mission Statement The National Decontamination Team is the federal, technical resource for decontamination science to provide support for actions that contribute to the protection of human health, the environment, and national security. NDT will coordinate, communicate, and deliver scientific and engineering expertise, both domestically and internationally, to support hazardous materials response organizations.

15 Who Are We? Structural Engineers and Industrial Hygienists to assess safety of impacted structures Biochemist and analytical chemists to advise on contaminant behavior and by- products Materials and HVAC Engineers to develop decon strategies for buildings Deconologist for specialized waste treatment, transportation, and disposal options, including establishing decon procedures for unusual cases

16 How will the NDT “fit” in the response? 24- hour capability to respond Will assist the EPA On-Scene Coordinator Will operate under the National Incident Management System within ICS Will be available to participate in drills and exercises NATIONAL DECON TEAM 513-487-2420

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