Oral expression is also referred to as “expressive language”

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1 Oral expression is also referred to as “expressive language”

2 What is Oral Expression?
Oral expression is the ability to convey wants, needs, thoughts, and ideas meaningfully using appropriate syntactic, pragmatic, semantic, and phonological language structures. Oral expression is NOT reading aloud or reading fluently. Basically, oral expression is the ability to convey one’s knowledge. 2 2

3 Examples of Oral Expression in the Classroom
Students are asked to… share stories or retell stories to demonstrate reading comprehension predict or hypothesize express their opinions state main ideas or themes from stories and texts tell or retell stories with a clear narrative structure 3 3

4 Examples of Oral Expression in the Classroom, cont.
Students are asked to… communicate with peers during recess or in cooperative learning groups edit for grammar during oral language lessons ask questions in class 4 4

5 Examples of Oral Expression in the Classroom, cont.
Students are asked to… Summarize Describe Compare & Contrast Categorize & Classify Make Inferences Problem-Solve Verbally 5 5

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