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1 Physics Requirements on Reconstruction and Simulation Software Jorge G. Morfín - Fermilab.

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1 1 Physics Requirements on Reconstruction and Simulation Software Jorge G. Morfín - Fermilab

2 2 Quasi-elastic Reaction - 800K in nominal 4 year run  Precision measurement of  E ) and d  /dQ, constrain -beam systematics.  Precision determination of F A particularly at high-Q where vector FF results differ  Study of nuclear effects and their A-dependence e.g. proton intra-nuclear rescattering  Proton tracks from quasi-elastic events are typically short. Want sensitivity to p p ~ 300 - 500 MeV  “Thickness” of track proportional to dE/dx in figure below  (proton), muon tracks are clearly resolved. No 3rd track (or associated n) allowed  precise determination of vertex and measurement of Q 2 from tracking  NEUGEN:  absorption, p scatter/transparency important modeling input nuclear targets active detector ECAL HCAL 300 MeV/c500 MeV/c

3 3 Resonance Production ( , N*..) 1600K in nominal 4 year run Introduce particle ID and  0 detection and reconstruction  Precision measurement of  and d  /dQ  for individual channels  Detailed comparison with dynamic models, comparison of electro- & photo production, the resonance-DIS transition region -- duality  Study of nuclear effects and A-dependence e.g. 1   2  3  final states  two photons clearly resolved (tracked). can find vertex.  some photons shower in ID, some in side ECAL (Pb absorber) region  photon energy resolution is ~6%/sqrt(E) (average)  NEUGEN:  absorption and CE, p scatter/transparency and low shadowing

4 4 Coherent Pion Production 85K CC in nominal 4 year run  Precision measurement of  for NC and CC channels  Measurement of A-dependence  Comparison with theoretical models  Need clean vertex, no boil-off protons, and no associated neutron stars 300 MeV/c500 MeV/c  ±  0   ± NN P Z/W

5 5 Nuclear Effects 1500K/target in nominal 4 year run  Measure  and p multiplicities as a function of E and A : convolution of quark flavor-dependent nuclear effects and final-state intra-nuclear interactions  Measure NC/CC as a function of E H off different nuclei  Measure shadowing, anti-shadowing and EMC-effect as well as flavor- dependent nuclear effects and extract nuclear parton distributions  Have to reconstruct and distinguish multiple tracks within, possibly,a limited longitudinal area  NEUGEN: Introduce full range of nuclear effects (x-dependent) CH PbFeFe C FePb Active Central Detector

6 6 Total Cross-section and Structure Functions 9000K (4100K DIS) in nominal 4 year run  Precision measurement of low-energy total cross-section  Understand resonance-DIS transition region - duality studies with neutrinos  Detailed study of high-x Bj region: extract pdf’s and leading exponentials  Need good measurement of x and Q 2  What fraction of E_ H leaks into MINOS? Can we get MINOS results on E_ H as well as muon information?

7 7 Strange and Charm Particle Production 230K fully reconstructed events in nominal 4 year run  Exclusive channel   E ) precision measurements - importance for nucleon decay background studies.  Hyperon Production yielding new measurements of CKM using  Exclusive charm production channels at charm threshold to constrain m c  Additionally need good timing information to select K decay candidates  For charm measurement need ability to measure opposite-sign muons in MINOS

8 8 Generalized Parton Distributions Order 10K in nominal 4 year run  Provide unique combinations of GPDs, not accessible in electron scattering (e.g. C-odd, or valence-only GPDs), to map out a precise 3-dimensional image of the nucleon  Provide better constraints on nucleon (nuclear) GPDs, leading to a more definitive determination of the orbital angular momentum carried by quarks and gluons in the nucleon (nucleus)  provide constraints on axial form factors, including transition nucleon --> N* form factors n W+W+  W> 2 GeV, t small, E   large - Exclusive reaction

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