Civil Service Fast Stream Job Selection Process. Who are we?

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Presentation on theme: "Civil Service Fast Stream Job Selection Process. Who are we?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Civil Service Fast Stream Job Selection Process

2 Who are we?

3 Schemes

4 Why are we here?

5 What is the fast stream?

6 What are key facts? Length: 4 years Structure: 4 x 0.5 years + 2 x 1 year. Pay: £27k, £32k, £40+k Leave: 22, 25 and flexi.

7 How do you get on it? 1.Register online (and choose your programme) 2.Forms online 3.Reasoning tests online 4.Judgement test (e-tray) online 5.Assessment centre

8 Raising Awareness Answering your questions and explaining the process Online Tests Drop in sessions for help with written & numerical tests Making Connections Introducing you to people on the scheme Building Skills Helping you develop the skills you’ll need for any grad scheme Assessment Preparation Specialised training for the assessment centre How we can help…

9 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Engagement Events Awareness Insight 1 Mentoring Shadowing 3 Networking Making Connections Building Skills SoftSpecific 4 Preparation Assessment UnderstandingInterviews 5 Online Tests Numerical Written 2 What happens when?

10 What happens next? service-fast-stream service-fast-stream ….Or just Google Fast Stream

11 Strategies for Success in Fast Stream Job Selection Process

12 The candidate challenge … be a strategist Confidence and self belief Work out what to do and how to get there Take and seek opportunities to develop Research role Get support Research assessment

13 Know your strengths Strengths tend to be: Enjoyable Energising Engrossing Productive

14 Setting Direction Seeing the Big Picture Changing and Improving Making Effective Decisions Engaging People Leading and Communicating Collaborating and Partnering Building Capability for All Delivering Results Managing a Quality Service Delivering at Pace Achieving Commercial Outcomes Delivering Value for Money What we are seeking - competencies

15 On-line tests

16 Where performance is not affected by being unprepared, unpractised, by nerves, or having poor strategies To achieve ‘true’ ability Ultimate aim


18 Example – verbal reasoning Gender segregation is closely tied to the wide differences between male and female earnings. Studies have shown that only about half of the variation in pay can be attributed to lesser skills and training of women; the remainder reflects discriminatory practices – when women are in jobs that attract poor pay because they are defined as low grade. 1. Variation in male and female salaries is not caused by discrimination. – True/False/Can’t tell. 2. Most women are in poorly paid jobs. – True/False/Can’t tell. 3. Around 50 per cent of all variations in pay are due to women having been given less training and skills. – True/False/Can’t tell.


20 Tests: strategies for success 1. Self-confidence 2. Calmness 3. Concentration 4. De-clutter workspace 5. Know instructions 6. Practice 7. Manage time 8. Reflect

21 Calmness – a moment before doing the test Three deep…slow…breaths

22 Practice – becoming test sophisticated Practice at the right level More practice, the better Test publisher sites: SHL, Saville Consulting, Cubiks, Kennexa, Assessment Day Test coaching books

23 8. Reflect - on test performance Request feedback Review performance Reflect for next time

24 e-Tray


26 Structure of e-Tray Task 1: Review a series of information documents, presented in on-screen folders, that provide exercise background (20 minutes) Task 2: Read and respond to 24 e-mails. Each e-mail message will include a list of possible actions against message. Select most and least appropriate actions. Judgement based on information in e-mail and other relevant information (60 minutes) Task 3: Draft a detailed free text e-mail response to a request. All information require will be on computer screen (60 minutes)

27 Strategies - overview Review practice e-Tray on website – close to actual exercise (though only 8 messages) – answers provided Recognise time pressure Keep track of time – watch out for covering over clock with files Review all background information/folders – but try to prioritise attention Work at even pace - rushing may mean you miss something - but don’t pause too long! Re-check instructions if you need to When ‘submit’ can’t retract!

28 Assessment centre - Fast Stream Website Registration/eligibility Self-assessment/feedback Practice tests On-line tests On-line e-tray Assessment centre: group exercise, leadership, policy analysis, interview Selection

29 Good luck!

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