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Primary Care Emergency Management Demonstration Project Debra E. Berg, M.D. Medical Director Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program Bureau of Communicable.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Care Emergency Management Demonstration Project Debra E. Berg, M.D. Medical Director Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program Bureau of Communicable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Care Emergency Management Demonstration Project Debra E. Berg, M.D. Medical Director Bioterrorism Hospital Preparedness Program Bureau of Communicable Disease New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

2 Needs Assessment Fire, bomb threat, evacuation plans are in place However No plan for a bioevent Primary Care Centers ( PCCs) have undefined and variable roles

3 Preparation Plans for Primary Care Centers (PCC) Incident management system Hazard vulnerability analysis Emergency preparedness talks Tabletop exercises

4 Intervention Implementation Coach’s weekly onsite visits: Emergency management committee Incident management system Emergency communication plan to notify staff Staff roles

5 Lessons Learned Panel discussion with Office of Emergency Management, Emergency Medical Services, NYC Medical Association, Dept. of Health (DOH) Tabletop exercises (PCC and DOH, Dept. of Mental Health, Office of Emergency Management)

6 Primary Care Center Roles Information hub Mental health counseling, triage, referral Care for patients whose illnesses are non-event related

7 Primary Care Center Roles (cont.) Triage for event-related patients Staff/facility/equipment to area hospitals/PCCs Staff for Medical Reserve Corp

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