TeraScale Supernova Initiative: A Networker’s Challenge 11 Institution, 21 Investigator, 34 Person, Interdisciplinary Effort.

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Presentation on theme: "TeraScale Supernova Initiative: A Networker’s Challenge 11 Institution, 21 Investigator, 34 Person, Interdisciplinary Effort."— Presentation transcript:

1 http://www.phy.ornl.gov/tsi/ TeraScale Supernova Initiative: A Networker’s Challenge 11 Institution, 21 Investigator, 34 Person, Interdisciplinary Effort   ascertain the core collapse supernova mechanism(s)   understand supernova phenomenology   e.g.: (1) element synthesis, (2) neutrino, gravitational wave, and gamma ray signatures   provide theoretical foundation in support of OS experimental facilities (RHIC, SNO, RIA, NUSEL)   develop enabling technologies of relevance to many applications   e.g. 3D, multifrequency, precision radiation transport   serve as testbed for development and integration of technologies in simulation “pipeline”   e.g. data management, networking, data analysis, and visualization Explosions of Massive Stars Relevance:  Element Production  Cosmic Laboratories  Driving Application With ISIC and other collaborators: 77 people from 24 institutions involved.


3 Need Boltzmann Solution   Need Angular Distribution   Need Spectrum   Need Neutrino Distribution   Fluid Instabilities   Rotation   Magnetic Fields 6D RMHD Problem! Need these to few percent accuracy!

4 Spherical Symmetry Axisymmetry No Symmetry Example: Boltzmann transport equation for spherical symmetry. Dominant Computation: Nonlinear, integro-partial differential equations for the radiation distribution functions.

5 3D Hydrodynamics Run   5 Variables (Density, Entropy, Three Fluid Velocities)   1024 X 1024 X 1024 Cartesian Grid   1000 Time Steps 43 Terabyte Dataset “The flea on the tail on the dog…” Multidimensional Neutrino Data Data Management 13 Petabyte Dataset ~3 Petabyte Dataset...in weeks to months on a PF platform.

6 Networking Raw Bandwidth Needs What about the radiation field data? Need end-to-end dedicated paths/bandwidth, on demand.   Interactive visualization.   Real-time collaboration. Need protocols that provide this capability. None exist that will give 10 Gbps throughputs and stable control.   Work with Nagi Rao (ORNL). @ 3 PB! Bulk Data Transfer Needs Needs for Collaborative Visualization

7 Addressing Bulk Data Transfer Needs: Logistical Networking   Light Weight   Low Level   Deployable … Solution   New Paradigm   Integrate storage and networking.   Multi-source, multi-stream. Atchley, Beck, and Moore (2003) Data transfer rates 200-300 Mbps using TCP/IP! Limit set by ORNL firewall. Greater rates expected   outside firewall,   other protocols (e.g., Sabul). Direct impact on TSI’s ability to do work!

8   Without putting in place the needed computational science infrastructure, our science will simply be inaccessible in the future.   Significant progress has been made in the areas of   linear solvers,   performance analysis and optimization,   data management and analysis,   networking,   and visualization.   In particular, Logistical Networking has provided an easily deployable solution to our current bulk data transfer needs and has had a significant impact on TSI’s current ability to do science.   TSI’s future data management and networking needs are daunting. TSI will generate hundreds of TeraBytes of simulation data per simulation within the next two years. What then?   Meeting these needs will require every new idea. Investment now in networking technologies will allow us to meet these needs.

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