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Application of XSBase270 and FPGA Presenter : Ming-Hsien Tsai.

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Presentation on theme: "Application of XSBase270 and FPGA Presenter : Ming-Hsien Tsai."— Presentation transcript:

1 Application of XSBase270 and FPGA Presenter : Ming-Hsien Tsai

2 Outline Introduction XSbase270 QT Linux Device Drivers Development Environment Principle FPGA Communicating with Hardware Example

3 Outline Introduction XSbase270 QT Linux Device Drivers Development Environment Principle FPGA Communicating with Hardware Example

4 XSbase270 XSbase270 is a embedded portable application development platform base on PXA270 processor

5 QT Qt is a cross-platform application development framework, widely used for the development of GUI(Graphical User Interface) programs.cross-platformGUI Qt uses standard C++ to build programs.C++ We used Qt3 to build GUI applications.

6 QT The GUI programs can rapid build by QT Designer tool. Fig. 1. The example of GUI

7 Linux Device Drivers Fig. 2. Device driver communicating

8 Outline Introduction XSbase270 QT Linux Device Drivers Development Environment Principle FPGA Communicating with Hardware Example

9 Development Environment OS : Ubuntu 8.10 Target Kernel : Linux 2.6.9 Arm-linux-gcc version : 3.3.2 FPGA : Quartus II 8.0 QT : Embedded 3.3.8b

10 Outline Introduction XSbase270 QT Linux Device Drivers Development environment Principle Communicating with Hardware FPGA Example

11 Communicating with Hardware Programming the FPGA device driver functions:  Open()  Read()  Write()  Close()

12 Communicating with Hardware FPGA register physical address define in fpga_reg_set.h #define CS5_BASE_ADDR 0x14000000 #define SW_PHY_ADDR CS5_BASE_ADDR+0x20000 (read) #define LED_PHY_ADDR CS5_BASE_ADDR+0x0 (write)

13 FPGA  Read Cycle Fig. 3. Timing Diagram

14 FPGA wren rden SA[17..14] SA_CS5 SA_OE Fig. 4. Decoder 0x20000=100000000000000000 SW_PHY_ADDR : 8 0x0=000000000000000000 LED_PHY_ADDR : 0

15 FPGA Fig. 5. Recorder

16 Outline Introduction XSbase270 QT Linux Device Drivers Development Environment Principle FPGA Communicating with Hardware Example

17 The example is a the action recorder that can record the buttons by clicking for you. Then it can click the replay button to release the steps.

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